Iron Power And Sorcerer Chapter 104


Chapter 104 is a Star Officer

The bombardment of the city wall has not been repeated since the day the self-heavy artillery was deployed stopped. Needless to say during the day, even at night, the eight artillery groups outside the city would move towards the city wall and fire a few shots from time to time.

This kind of non-stop strikes is not only destroying the city wall, but also intending to drag down the spirit of the defenders and make the Tanilians unable to rest.

The city wall on the verge of collapse, every shelling may be a signal of the general attack of the Veneta army. The uninterrupted shelling makes the spirit of both civilians and soldiers in the tower city highly tense.

But this tactic also had a side effect: almost all of Veneta's sorcerer officers had also been nerfed by night shelling.

Because the brain is more active than the average person, the sorcerer is more sensitive to the environment. Poor sleep quality is not a personal problem with Winters, all sorcerers have terrible sleep quality.

The sound of cannons that sounded every other day at night made the sorcerers in the barracks miserable. It's easy to see which officers are sorcerers in the current Veneta barracks, so look for those officers with black circles and bloodshot eyes.

Only the military police Captain Moritz was not affected by the shelling at all, Moritz van Nea Young Master Su fixed spirits and herbs every night, and slept like a dead man, even if someone shot him around him will not wake up.

Antonio shook his head when he mentioned Moritz. What he said to Winters was: "If Van Nassau had stopped drinking, he would have achieved the rank of lieutenant colonel. It's not difficult to get to the general baton... It's a pity for such a character, it's a pity..."

However, Moritz van Nassau is not Antonio's subordinate, he is a man with complete behavior A capable adult, Antonio had no reason and would not interfere with Moritz's chosen lifestyle.

The constant artillery bombardment pains the Veneta sorcerer, and the defenders and civilians in the tower city suffer even more.

At the beginning of the battle, the offensive and defensive sides retained a certain amount of virtue and grace. But those things have now dissipated, and the war is moving towards the worst, bloodiest and most cruel directions.

The night after the Montagnier Guards went out of town to counterattack and were eventually wiped out.

William Kidd sent a messenger with a handwritten letter, hoping that a one-day truce would be held like the previous one, and that each side would send people to collect the bodies and bury the dead.

But this time Antonio refused the defender's request, he replied indifferently to the messenger: "If William Kidd really cares about the dignity of the dead, he can open the city and surrender, then you will never have to. I'm worried about this."

The emissary of the defending army left in disbelief, while the siege continued.

During the day, the Veneta bombarded the city wall, filled in the moat, extended the tunnel fortifications all the way to the front of the moat, and launched a tentative attack on the weakened position.

In the evening, William Kidd led the defenders spare no effort to repair the broken city wall: mortar was poured into the cracks in the wall, and stones, shrubs, soil - what was there - filled Small gaps in city walls.

They learned from the Veneta people to move barrels filled with dirt one by one and place them on the front of the city to replace the battlements that had been blasted to pieces.

The Veneta Army was not idle at night. Eight artillery groups would suddenly launch shelling on the city wall at night, mainly using light artillery to kill and injure those Tanirians who were desperately trying to repair the city wall.

Vauban also sent a small group of soldiers into the trench through the Triangle Fort, and used hook nets to recover the precious shells scattered around the trench and the base of the wall - the continuous shelling was rapidly depleting the ammunition reserves of the Veneta army, Even shells that were under the nose of the enemy had to be recovered.

After nine consecutive nights of being awakened by the rumbling sound of heavy artillery while half asleep, Winters simply took the initiative to apply for the night guard duty of the artillery.

He doesn't have a formal commission right now, and is a "brick-and-brick" officer in the Legion -- just the right kind of chores to move wherever he needs to go.

So on the second day after the large-scale artillery bombardment began, Winters became the valued Star Officer of the "West-Four" artillery group.

The Legion Command has sent two Ten Men Squads to each battery as night guards. This is the front line, and it is impossible to keep too many people.

But there is a full battallion stationed behind the old siege barrier 300 meters away, which can be quickly supported if there is police. The main force in the camp can also arrive quickly.

The task of the night guard is actually very simple: find the enemy, sound the alarm, wait for the troops behind to come up, and complete the task.

Especially in the current battle situation, the task of Night Watch is extremely easy: the Triangle Fort is conquered, and the Tanirians cannot quietly use the city gate to attack. If they insisted on going out of the city to fight back, it was the fate of the Montagnier Guards.

And Tacheng is a small city. Unlike a giant city like Constantinople, which has a large number of side gates, side gates, and secret gates, it only has the city gate on the edge of the Triangle Fort.

The Tanirians would have to be stupid enough to repeat the mistakes of the Montagnier Guard.

Therefore, the night guard, which has no chance to make a contribution, was unanimously considered by the lieutenants of Veneta to be the most difficult job. If you do well, you will not be considered meritorious, and if you make a mistake, you will have to go to a military court.

Hearing that Winters offered to replace him, Lieutenant Charles, the former Star Officer of the West-Fourth Artillery Group, could not wait to pick up Winters and call him father, and happily completed the handover.

Although it is hard work, since it is here, it must be done well.

Winters did three things when he arrived.

The first thing is to distribute whistle to all the soldiers under him. Whistles are generally speaking only issued to officers, so giving soldiers a whistle can easily cause confusion on the battlefield.

But Winters thinks the bell is too slow, and it's not as fast as the whistle when something happens.

The second thing, widened the corners of the cannon's left and right sideways to accommodate two Ten Men Squads. Winters placed his two Ten Men Squads on the left and right instead of spreading them all over the corridor.

This is the experience he has gained after several night raids. A single sentry is easy to be touched, and multiple light and dark sentries must be arranged.

The third thing, applied for six hard crossbows. In Winters' view, giving the Night Watch a matchlock gun is pure stupidity, bureaucratic boilerplate. The Sentinel simply cannot let the matchlock burn overnight. Even if the Sentinel is not afraid of death, there are not so many matchlocks for them to squander.

If you are in a hurry to matchlock when you are attacked, you might as well just use a crossbow and whistle when something happens.

Vinetta's army is very efficient. Winters went to the armory in the morning to get the crossbow and whistle, and in the afternoon, the corridor was rebuilt. At night, Winters, armed with guns and saber, returned to the night shift after a long absence from the military academy.

At midnight, Winters on the post thought that he hated working at night the most, but now he had to apply for the night shift, and couldn't help sighed.

A sudden voice interrupted Winters' thoughts.

"Why are you sighing? Hundred-Men Commander?" long halberd hand Bubba didn't know what he was chewing in his mouth, he hugged long halberd and said vaguely: "My mother said Sighing takes good luck away, so after sighing, you have to flash it back with your hand."

With that, Bubba awkwardly reached out and slapped Winters' nose twice.

"Impudent! What are you doing?!" Tenth husband Elder Taylor was startled and immediately scolded Bubba.

Bubba timidly pulled his hands back.

Taylor, whose temples were a little frosty, pointed at his head and explained to Winters: "Sir, Bubba has a problem with his brain... please don't bother with him."

Winters waved his hand, indicating that it was all right. He smiled and said to Bubba, "I'm not the Hundred-Men Commander, Bubba. Do you know how many people are here on the night watch tonight?"

"There are two Ten Men Squads." Bubba Bar folded his fingers and counted for a long time: "Ten...sixteen people?"

"Enough for one Hundred Men Squad?"

"Not enough."

"Then am I the Hundred-Men Commander?"

"Then, not..." Bubba hesitated, "...then you are...the Twenty Commander?"

Bubba's answer made Winters laugh.

"Bastard!" Sergeant Taylor kicked Babu's butt hard with his leg up in anger. After kicking, he raised his hand to hit again, so frightened Bubba hugged his head and shrank up.

But old Taylor's raised arm didn't go down because Winters reached out and grabbed his wrist.

Sergeant Taylor was surprised to find that the warrant officer, who didn't look very strong, was unexpectedly strong. His arm was caught by him as if it was clamped by iron clamps, unable to move even a little bit .

"I asked him, he did nothing wrong, there is no need for corporal punishment." After speaking, Winters let go of his hand, and Tyler's right arm was free again.

"Isn't he 'disrespectful'? According to military regulations, he has to eat three lashes." Tyler glared at Bubba, lowered his head and said to Warrant Officer Montagne, "But it's fine if you don't care. "

"He's right, I'm indeed the 'Twenty Commander' now." Winters couldn't help laughing again.

"Uh... can't say that..." Sergeant Taylor was at a loss for words.

Winters patted Taylor's arm and smiled: "Montagne, Warrant Officer, Sir [Sir], whatever you think is convenient, I don't care."

"I I'm all confused... Should I still call you sir?" Bubba, who caused this little disturbance, didn't have the slightest sense, touched the back of his head and said with a smirk.

Ten Commander Tyler gave Bubba a fiercely look of anger, and Bubba lowered his head again when he saw Tyler's eyes.

"The food is here! The food is here!" Excited shouts approached from a distance, and there were crackling footsteps in the corridor.

Private Dan ran out of the corridor with a small iron pot in both hands and three cloth bags hanging around his neck.

The night watchmen guarding the cannons have to keep watch from just dark until dawn, a time span of nearly twelve hours. I have to rest during the day and can't eat lunch, so I eat an extra meal at night.

The seven soldiers in the stomach rumbling with hunger in Ten Men Squad hurriedly took the wok from Dan.

Open the lid, which is hot soup.

Bubba, whose stomach was gu gu, didn't wait for Dan to remove the cloth bag from his neck, and reached into the bag impatiently.

"Wait! Don't touch it! Don't get it wrong!" Dan held the bag tightly and pushed Bubba away. After he opened the bags and identified them carefully for a while, he handed two of them to Bubba: "These are our breads."

Bubba grabbed the bags and pulled out a brown bread the size of a face. , hurriedly broke off a piece and put it in his mouth and chewed it.

This "pie-like" bread, weighing almost a pound, was a staple of Veneta's soldiers. Unlike the dishes and soups, which are made by the soldiers themselves, the bread is uniformly baked by bakers in the Legion Logistics Office and distributed by the head.

The main material of ration bread is equal proportions of wheat, barley and rye, and the auxiliary materials are salt and water.

Winters tried the ration bread and it was a little sour. But in fact, because wheat flour accounts for one third, it is already a very good meal, and only the homesteaders and above can afford it.

Many poor boys tasted this bread [Maslin] for the first time as soldiers.

The other soldiers also shared a piece of bread each, scooped some soup into their own cups, and ate the soup one bite at a time.

Dan handed the last bag to Winters: "Sir, it's yours."

"Oh, thanks." Winters took the bag, as casually as the soldiers around him. I found a rock and sat down.

As soon as he sat down, the soldiers of Tyler's Ten Men Squad stopped talking.

Not only did the officers in the Veneta army eat differently from the soldiers, in fact the officers simply did not eat with the soldiers. There are no officers and soldiers here, only officers and soldiers are different.

So seeing Warrant Officer Montagne sitting next to him, Tyler Ten Men Squad's soldiers were all dumbfounded, they looked at each other in blank dismay and didn't know what to do.

"Eat? Why don't you eat?" Winters felt very strange seeing that everyone was not moving.

The soldiers all looked towards Ten Commander Taylor, and old Taylor said to Winters embarrassedly: "Uh, you... shouldn't you go to the officers' club for dinner?"

" Officer's Clubhouse?" Winters didn't know whether to cry or laugh said: "There's a cannon on the side, and the city wall in front, where's the officers' clubhouse?"

"Then you shouldn't either. Sit with the soldiers for dinner." Tyler didn't know what to say: "This... this... this is not good."

"What's not good?"

"Anyway.'s not good anyway."

The meaningless answer gave Winters a headache, and he asked bluntly, "Come on, tell me, where did the officers in charge of the night guard dine?"

"Charles Hundred-Men Commander is back at camp for dinner," Sergeant Taylor replied obediently and honestly.

"What? Back to the barracks? It's almost two kilometers each time..." Winters frowned asked: "It's time for the Star Officer to go back for dinner, what should I do here?"

"Anyway. Lieutenant Charles is going back to the camp for dinner." Taylor replied as it should be by rights, "Let's leave it to us here."

Winters understood what was going on, and murmured a few words in his heart. Charles might have dared to go AWOL, but Winters wasn't going to learn anything.

He stretched out his hand to take out his food, and said in a relaxed tone: "Lieutenant Charles is diligent, I'm lazy. It's too far to go back, I'm too lazy to go back, so I ate here. You eat and drink normally, if you feel If you're uncomfortable, just pretend I don't exist."

Since the Star Officer said so, Sergeant Taylor didn't say anything more.

He saluted, sat back in his seat, and began to break the hard bread into his mouth.

The other soldiers continued to chew when they saw the ten commander start, they were already too hungry.

Winters has two paper packets in her bag. He unwrapped the paper package, and one had beef in it—a lot of cows died of "tiredness" while moving the cannon.

If it weren't for the need for livestock to move the cannons away in the future, the officers would be able to "tired" all the remaining cattle to death at the rate of two a day.

The other paper bag contained bread, not the coarse bread the soldiers ate, but white bread.

Remove the outer bran of the wheat, and then go through a fine grinding and sieving more than three times to get the refined white flour.

Wheat itself is the best and most expensive grain, and the refining process loses a lot of quality, so not only does white bread taste better, it has a very strong symbolic meaning in itself.

The movements in the hands and mouth of Bubba, who was gobbling down, suddenly stopped. He stared at the beef and white bread in the hands of Warrant Officer Montagne, his Adam's apple turned up and down, and he swallowed hard. .

Other soldiers saw beef and white bread in the hands of Warrant Officer Montagne. They just looked deeply, then quickly looked away, silently bowing their heads and chewing the grits in their mouths harder.

"Look what! Eat your own!" Ten Commander Taylor scolded with a sullen face.

Bubba hearing this hurriedly lowered his head, swallowed again, broke a large piece of the flatbread in his hand and stuffed it into his mouth.

Seeing the scene before him, Winters had a little bit of understanding why Lieutenant Charles was going back to the main camp for dinner.

Thirty-one years ago, the combined forces of the provinces attacked the "Butcher" Arlean count, and the provinces became the republics.

Twenty-six years ago, the Allied Forces of the Republics repelled Richard the "madman", and the Cenas Alliance was established.

The sages proudly declared, "We are compelled to be independent because of the unspoken truth that no part should be superior to another in terms of rights as 'men'. If someone thinks he is more noble than some people, then he agrees that he is inferior to others."

At least that's what Winters learned in history class, and Winters is also willing to believe that the martyrs were for this nobleness. The goal of ending the emperor's reign.

But Bubba, who was still smirking just now, has his head buried deep in his shoulders. The originally pleasant meal time has also become silent and restrained.

Watching all this, Winters suddenly found the food in his hands a little hard to swallow.

As Bubba ate, he secretly looked up at the fine bread and meat in the hands of Warrant Officer Montagne. Take a look at the fine bread and take a bite of the coarse bread, as if eating the coarse bread in your hand as fine bread.

Winters reached out and took Bubba's grits. Bubba was startled and froze in place.

"Is it so delicious? Seeing how delicious you are, I want to try it too." Winters broke half of Bubba's coarse bread, and most of his own. They also gave Bubba: "Don't say I stole your bread! I'm changing it with you, not grabbing it."

It wasn't until Winters put the bread into Bubba's hand that he came back to his senses. But he was still stunned, giggling all the time. But he didn't move his mouth, just looked at the bread in his hand, and looked towards Taylor, the ten commander.

Sergeant Taylor sullenly nodded.

Bubba hurriedly stuffed the white bread into his mouth like a Supreme Treasure, chewing with joy on his face.

He was so gluttonous that he stuffed too much bread into his mouth in one breath, and was choked up and coughed, but he was still smirking when he coughed.

I've had the rough bread for a few days in my mouth, and it sucks all the moisture out of my mouth at once. Winters smiled bitterly and said, "Any extra cups? Get me some soup."

"Use mine." A clean handkerchief wiped, filled with a cup of hot soup and handed it to Winters.

"You don't have the soup for free. I'll replace it with the side dishes." Winters vigorously crushed the cooked beef shank in another paper bag and added it to the soup.

The other soldiers in the Ten Men Squad also froze in place, looking at the pot, but no one touched the spoon.

Old Taylor sighed and nodded.

The other soldiers couldn't wait to get the soup and grab the beef from the pot.

Tonight, High Level Bingdan and Winters, who are in charge of cooking, said, "I've long thought the rumors were false. I've delivered meals so many times, and no officer has ever told me except you.' Thank you'. You seem to be easy to get along with."

Winters thought Dan was just here to film flattery, but the more he thought about it, the more wrong it was: "en? Wait, what rumors are you talking about... ..."

"Nothing, nothing." Dan San smiled and walked away.

Bubba took a big mouthful of the broth and said happily, "I have good bread to eat, and broth to drink, I haven't eaten this for a long time. How nice, Mr. Montagne. , why did you scare me before?"

Aware of another breakthrough, Winters immediately asked Bubba: "What did you scare you? Tell me carefully."

"Nothing, nothing." The other soldiers quickly stopped between Winters and Bubba, and old Taylor grabbed a piece of bread and stuffed it into Bubba's mouth.

It's obviously not a good word, but Winters wants to hear it even more. He reaches out and grabs Sergeant Taylor: "You don't gag him, you let him speak."

"...Yes Ah? Why don't you let me speak?" Everyone went to cover Bubba's mouth, but he dodged and dodged just to speak: "Sir Montagne... They say you are very cruel, like beheading your head, and call you what you want. 'Headhunter'...also called you 'Bloodman' and said you knew wizard's black magic..."

The other soldiers were anxious and tried their best to stop Bubba's mouth.

Bubba struggled to say "...and, and something else..."

"Come on! Stop it!" Winters yelled angrily.

The soldiers of Tyler's Ten Men Squad were too frightened to move.

"Let him finish." Winters looked towards Bubba: "Anything else, tell me."

Bubba smirked and said, "They said you fought a war Come on, you don't want to die. The last Hundred Men Squad you took with you ended up with only four living people... They were all lying to me. They all thought I was stupid. In fact, I can tell who is the good guy and who is the bad guy.

How could you be so nice?"

Winters felt a tightness in his chest, and it took him more than ten seconds to calm down. He was too lazy to explain, and did not want to explain to these people in front of him.

"Sir, that's not what we meant..." Old Taylor hurried out to round up the scene.

Winters looked at Sergeant Taylor, then at the other soldiers, and said calmly, "The rumors are true. My Hundred Men Squad only survived four, and I cut off the heads of my enemies. , I do know wizard's black magic."

The atmosphere dropped to freezing point.

"How could that be? I don't believe it." Bubba said naively: "You are a good man."

"Maybe, maybe not. War only requires soldiers who obey orders. , good people and bad people have nothing to do with each other." Winters was a little lonely, but quickly returned to his usual demeanor: "Continue to eat, the soup is almost cold."

After this "dinner", Winters arranged a night patrol for the Ten Men Squad and left the post for another Ten Men Squad location.

But before Winters thought it was in the past, it would be best to check the siren placed in front of the gun emplacements.

A few dozen meters away from the east side, the fire flashes from time to time, that is, the "Xi-1" artillery group is firing at night.

Up ahead, the city wall of Tacheng was faintly discernible.

Wandering under the night sky and staring at the stars, Winters went light. The cool breeze took away the heat of the day, and for the first time since he landed on Scarlet Sulphur Island, he felt a little at ease.

The first single thought that popped into his mind was "I don't know what Anna is doing now? Are you looking at this starry sky like me? What are Kesha and Ella doing? ”

The siren was placed not far in front of the gun emplacement, and Winters arrived soon after.

It's called a siren, but it's really just a simple trap made up of thin wires and bells. Simple, but effective, as long as you accidentally touch it, it will make a sound.

However, Winters searched for a long time and couldn't find the location of the tripwire. He almost thought he was going to the wrong place, but after comparing the markers, he confirmed that he was not going wrong.

Winters' breathing involuntarily began to accelerate.

He fell to the ground, took out a copper rod, concentrated one's mind and used the copper rod as the casting material to activate the light spell. Instead of casting spells at full strength, he maintains a minimal but uninterrupted mana output.

A cold green light emanated from the copper rod, and through the dim light, Winters carefully searched for clues.

At last, he found the tripwire—the tripwire that had been broken.

Followed by the second and third broken tripwires.

Winters methodically collects his brass rod and draws his pistol.

It took thirteen hours since I wrote more than one o'clock yesterday. But I really want to sleep, and now I have the same feeling of severe hypoxia and fatigue when I crossed the plateau before, resulting in tinnitus, sluggish brain operation, and fast time (probably, I think it is only one minute past). , in fact, it has been a minute and a half) So just break the chapter at 6642 words.

And I reckon that this chapter will have a record number of typos, because people can't even see typos when they're tired, but I've tried my best to check...

Thanks to the book friends who have voted for the recommendation before, thanks to the book friends, please call me Pleasant Goat, black computer accessories, writersblock, black computer accessories, Ami, Dawn in a Dream, Tianshui has a beautiful woman, Yuan Hongjian, the same week as the world, the sky lens recommendation ticket. Thank you for the monthly pass of Shuyoutian Lens, thank you all.

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