It is also a kind of cultivation way in Nuance environment to check oneself carefully with Spiritual Consciousness at all times.

After the First World War, Yu Yuan, who was exhausted, had a brief conversation with Liu Ying, and became immersed in himself.

With the newly condensed strands of Spiritual Consciousness, he observes the key acupuncture points and the vital places of the viscera.

He keenly sensed that this battle with Qu Jing, after depleting Spiritual Consciousness and spirit strength, made him feel comfortable.

The Spiritual Consciousness that lingers in the Sky, Earth, and Human 3 souls leads out and circulates in his Golden Hall acupuncture orifice, Qi and Blood Small World, tendons and joints, a cycle returns, Spiritual Consciousness has become more and more. Refined.

To review oneself is cultivation.

Spiritual Consciousness is like a trickle, cruising over and over again within the body, like an eye, looking at oneself quietly within the body, many of the subtleties that were ignored and invisible in the past become clear and profound.

What caused him the most attention was the Qi and Blood Small World.

Because that seat, like a blood jade-like crystal clear “Altar of Life”, swallowed a finger of the wing of golden eyes, slowly melting.

There was constant golden blood light, which flew out from that finger and merged into the interior of the altar.

The fingers are getting smaller.

This is a refining process.

This altar was cast from Chaos Kun’s “giant beast essence amber”, and the blood energy stored inside gradually filled with the shrinking fingers, slowly giving him the illusion of a majestic sea.

“Recently, first in the underground of Azure Phoenix City, I was gifted by Chen Liangquan and swallowed the blood of the monster qi. Fighting with Qu Jing, the golden eyes captured by the wing-wheel fingers belonged to the Level 9 monster, and of course it was extremely extraordinary.”

Yu Yuan secretly delighted.

The higher the level of the big demon, the stronger the flesh and blood energy contained in the Demonic beast. A bone and a finger of a Level 9 big demon can even be equivalent to the total energy and blood of a level 6 big demon.

The fingers of the wing shaft of golden eyes are part of the level 9 demon’s body. It is the harvest of his fight with Qu Jing and his spoils of war.

This thing is being refining by “Altar of Life”, condensed into the purest, the flesh and blood essence that implies life creation, used to nourish itself and beat his body.

His joy did not last long, and his mind was shocked.

I saw that the severed finger of the wing of the golden eyes, when the “Altar of Life” was smelted, there was a very slender airflow, from the inside of the finger, from the illusory and invisible state to the substance.

The slender airflow rapidly grew in the big demon’s severed fingers, turning into the thickness of hair.

The air flow is solidified, forming a bunch of crystal chains.

It faintly revealed that to control the severed finger of the Level 9 Great Demon, backlash “Altar of Life”, so that Yu Yuan’s Qi and Blood Small World burst out.

pu! pu pu!

The hair-like slender crystal chain burst open suddenly.

A little bit of light, like a glow of fire, carrying a terrifying power, tried to break through the “Altar of Life” and pierce through Yu Yuan’s Small World, causing him to die on the spot.

Yu Yuan’s mind was shaken violently, and all the Spiritual Consciousness, thoughts, attention, instantly gathered on the altar.

Between him and “Altar of Life”, there was an immediate connection of flesh and blood, a sense of wonder that fits seamlessly.


The spirit strength, Spiritual Consciousness, the essence of flesh and blood hidden in 4 limbs and 100 skeletons, poured into the altar in an instant.

That altar, in the Small World of Qi and Blood, is shining, with dazzling blood red rays of light blooming, the whole Qi and Blood of Heaven and Earth, like a huge change in a side World, the blood is like a sea, and it is about to evolve into life. Strange World that recreates the grand occasion.

At this moment, the altar is connected to Yu Yuan’s acupoints all over his body, including his Golden Hall acupoints and Niwan acupoints.

“Altar of Life”, in a short period of time, seemed to turn into his heart, the center of his body,

All the power he can use is involved.

“Altar of Life” swirled slowly, the mysterious force originating from the giant beast of the starry sky, instantly enveloped all the light!

Those lights, born from a bunch of cracked crystal chains, contained strange powers that did not belong to the big demon’s fingers.

There was a little light, and suddenly, like a big hand that was invisible by each and everyone, it was pinched out one by one.

That bunch of crystal chains finally disappeared completely, and there was no more wind and waves.

“The imprint of Daoist Ling Xu!”

Yu Yuan figured it out in a flash, and understood what had happened.


several hundred li outside.

Qu Jing sitting still in the corner of “Void Crystal Boat”, his eyes closed quietly opened.

Qu Jing’s eyes were slightly surprised, and she muttered to herself with a voice that no one could hear: “Master stayed in his fingers and sorted out the imprint of the instinctive will that suppressed the great demon. After being alarmed, he broke out and couldn’t kill him. This Yu Yuan really gave me a lot of surprises.”

He asked Han Xu to launch the “Void Crystal Boat” and ignored the cut off finger. In fact, it was ill-intentioned.

He was disconnected from the soul with the truncated fingers, but he knew that his Master Daoist Ling Xu’s mark was absolutely impossible to easily disappear.

Qu Jing was thinking, abandoning a finger of a Level 9 big demon. When Yu Yuan received the refining, the master left the mark and realized that it was not him, and he would definitely take the finger of Self-destruction.

With a finger of the Level 9 big demon, the demon can burst open, and Yu Yuan will definitely die when he is caught off guard!

Qu Jing couldn’t even think of it. There was no sect inheritance, and he didn’t know how Yu Yuan, who had cultivated a strange trick, could actually withstand another attack by that big demon finger.

“It’s getting more and more interesting.”

He closed his eyes again and suddenly felt that there was an opponent like Yu Yuan. This trip to the Red Fire Desert suddenly became interesting.

He Qu Jing, never afraid of challenges, not afraid of any opponents.


2 days later.

With the help of pill, a few high-grade spirit jade, Yu Yuan’s dry Golden Hall acupuncture hole, and the almost exhausted Spiritual Consciousness, re-condensed and overflowed.

He was surprised to notice that the Spiritual Consciousness entwining the soul was clearly more than a few percent.

In addition, the newly condensed Spiritual Consciousness is wispy, as if it is still covered with the invisible luster of naked eye.

“The advancement of the Nuance realm and the refinement and change of the Spiritual Consciousness are of vital importance. In this realm, continuous introspection with Spiritual Consciousness and exploration of the body’s secrets are refining Spiritual Consciousness and cultivation.”

Yu Yuan found the trick and roughly understood how to cultivate under the Nuance realm.

The Small World of Qi and Blood restores tranquility again, and is more tranquil than ever.

After refining the severed fingers of a Level 9 big demon, the “Altar of Life” was extremely quiet, and the light inside flew away endlessly, seeming to be forming a strange mutation.

Yu Yuan said that Xie Bin and the second Fiend Demon said that only those who are blessed by heaven, can be born with the “Altar of Life”, and lack knowledge.

He didn’t know what subtle changes would happen after “Altar of Life” swallowed a finger of the Level 9 Great Demon.

He intends to observe slowly.

It was another scorching day, the sun was baking the desert, making everyone upset.

Fortunately, the Big Sect disciple walks in the Red Fire Desert. If mortals who do not understand cultivation come here, they may be killed by heat in a few days.

Yu Yuan eyes opened, from the state of sitting upright, got up slowly. He looked around at 4 places and found that Liu Ying was communicating with people on the edge of “Falling Star Eyes”.

He was a little surprised and didn’t know when to come

One person came to Falling Star Eye, and he didn’t notice anything.

He went to Liu Ying.

“You woke up.”

Seeing him coming, Liu Ying pursed her lips and smiled. When she glanced at Yu Yuan with her beautiful and intoxicating eyes, she felt a little affection, which made Yu Yuan feel guilty.

“Little Brother Yu is good.”

Next to Liu Ying, stood a man with long silver hair and a robe embroidered with crescent moons.

The man smiled warmly, was born tall and handsome, looking at his 40s, “My name is Tan Junshan, from Moon Sect of Star Moon Sect, I just returned from outside the sky.”

He introduced himself, and then said: “Ming Chaos Kun saw the falling star and straddling the endless Star River not long ago. I thought that the cruel giant beast in the starry sky was going to kill Liu Ying. I asked. Liu Ying, she didn’t realize it, then Chaos Kun’s blow should have come to you.”

“Because at the time, there were only two of you on the Falling Star Eyes.”

Tan Junshan whispered a truth hidden by Yu Yuan.

He took out “Fiend Demon Cauldron” to resist the attack of the giant beast in the starry sky. He didn’t say much, and Liu Ying didn’t think much about it, only if he was to reach Daoist Ying Ye’s attack.

Liu Ying did not know that Daoist Ying Ye’s attack was only a second wave.

“Moon Sect?” Yu Yuan was slightly startled.

Star Moon Sect is responsible for sect affairs for a long time. It is the Star Sect lineage where Liu Ying Master is in charge of sect.

Moon Sect, compared to Star Sect, is a lot more mysterious. Even Liu Ying doesn’t know who the Moon Sect Master is.

Tan Junshan is a self-proclaimed Moon Sect person who has returned from the sky. At least the cultivation base of the Yang God realm made Yu Yuan secretly moved and did not deliberately conceal it. “It was indeed directed at me.”

“I guess so.” Tan Junshan looked at him with appreciative eyes, and said with a smile: “The giant beast of the starry sky, the blow across the Star River, also exposed his position. For this blow, He also paid a lot of money. I really can’t think of this giant beast, which used to be rampant in the vast world and once in the depths of Star River. Why would you stare at you?”

“Where do I know.” Yu Yuan shook the head.

The arrival of Tan Junshan and the exchange with Liu Ying, he had no feeling at all during the meditation cultivation, which proved that this person is extraordinary.

To such a person from Moon Sect who doesn’t know the background, he won’t reveal anything.

Tan Junshan was about to say something, he and Liu Ying were with 2 people, and his eyebrows moved slightly.

call out! call out!

In the next moment, Tan Junshan and Liu Ying appeared together in the place where Yu Yuan had just left, looking at a mirror-like moonstone, staring at the picture inside.

Yu Yuan was stunned for a moment, and also flashed the silhouette, and came to the two people’s place.

Inside a mirror-like moonstone, there is a flood dragon with a waist of more than ten meters thick and a bucket thick, covered with shiny and cold silver scales. It swallows a cultivator of Extreme Abyss Sect one by one, one by one.

Five cultivators of Extreme Abyss Sect, the highest realm, which is the late stage of Nuance.

When the dragon swallowed people, the five sects who came to the Red Fire Desert to eliminate evil were stupid, and they would not move.

“I was confused by the breath of the dragon.”

Tan Junshan sighed and said to Liu Ying: “This is a bad sign. The death of the five Extreme Abyss Sect sect disciples means that the evil monsters of the Red Fire Desert are planning to fight back. Before, they all hid. Hidden, hidden, it shouldn’t be behind.”

“How dare they?” Liu Ying asked in surprise.

Tan Junshan raised his head, looked up at the sky, and said: “It’s someone who told them that the three upper sects, Demon Palace and Monster Palace, dominating the vastness of the city, will no longer exist.”


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