The death of the doorman of Extreme Abyss Sect, as if indeed Tan Junshan had guessed, was just a signal for the evil spirits to fight back.

Another moonstone prismatic crystal, after a short while, a new picture emerged.

More than a dozen members of the golden bone tribe flew out from under a sand dune and robbed Thunder Sect and another trialist. You saw those golden bone tribesmen, who were dazzling golden splendor, without fear of being bound by thunder and lightning. After getting close, like a golden blade, kill those Thunder Sect characters.

Looking at the posture, it should be revenge.

There are other battles. From the appearance of the moonstone prisms, you can see 7 gray shadows that surround a group of Tianyuan Continent 3 disciplines.

The magic shadow gradually shrank like a rope, and the 8-bit Dark Burst Realm and Nuance trialist fell to the ground stiffly.

Looking at the hollow and dull eyes, it should be that the soul was swallowed by the demon. Not worth mentioning the flesh and blood body, after losing the soul, it turned into useless bones.

鈥漎i! 鈥?/p>

In a prism, Du Huang of Ancient Desolate Sect, grinning laughed heartily, and a row of 5 people, who are also the same sect of Ancient Desolate Sect, with powerful punches, one after another was hit with blood and blood.

Du Huang stood among the 5 corpses, fist flowing all over his body, like bruising to kill a god.

“Du Huang! Isn’t he the discipline of Ancient Desolate Sect?”

Liu Ying not knowing what to do, clutching her forehead, was startled by the scene of the moonstone crystal interior.

Yu Yuan changed his color slightly, “In the depths of Desolate Great Lake, Du Huang and Shen Feiqing, together with Tan Yuan. And Shen Feiqing and Tan Yuan, in the depths of the Great Lake, are because of the introduction of Zhongli Dapan.”

Moon Sect, who calls himself Tan Junshan, is nodded, “Du Huang, it should be Zhongli Dapan’s lineage. A few days ago, Zhongli Dapan returned to Ancient Desolate Sect and had a battle with the current Sect Master. Zhongli Dapan, on the contrary, was slightly better. He wanted to take Sect Lord’s Position, but Elder, the current doorman of Ancient Desolate Sect, hardly recognized him.”

“In a fit of anger, Zhongli Dapan spoke out, and from then on Ancient Desolate Sect divided into two. As for him, leading some old people from Ancient Desolate Sect, he began to stand on his own. Du Huang, together with Tan Yuan and Shen Feiqing, It means that Du Huang and his Master chose Zhongli Dapan.”

Yu Yuan was stunned, “Do you really want to change the sky?”

“Heavenly demon is coming, the starry sky aliens are scattered on all sides, begin to stir. Also, the people who left Haodong a few years ago are also planning to return to this world.” Tan Junshan looked solemn, “This is unprecedented The challenge, a bad situation where the five supreme powers are in control of the vastness, may be subverted.”

“Martial Uncle Tan, is that terrifying?” Liu Ying exclaimed.

“Heaven Profound Continent and Great Empire, after the return of the Divine Idol that can affect the luck of the luck, they made a mess.” Tan Junshan explained, “Something happened to Desolate Great Lake, the space channel suppressed by Falling Moon Forbidden Land Open, forbidden evil spirits, and many heavenly demons are haunting them.”

“Nine Nether Frozen Abyss, Land of Fear, Dark Cloud Sea, etc., the five supreme sects can鈥檛 control the strange land, and they are also in a mess. And outside the sky, there are also 5 fights. The vast world encounters. There have been many crises, but they are not so dangerous.”

At this point, Tan Junshan squinted his eyes with a weird expression.

“Speaking again, in the last era, when there were four wars, the three upper sects took advantage of the situation and laid the groundwork in one fell swoop. You know, the previous three upper sects are far less powerful than today.” Tan Junshan The deputy was worried again and looked forward with faint expectation, “If a prepared sect can seize the opportunity in the chaos, it may change the world in the years to come.”

In that era, upper sect disappeared, 3 streams became lower sect, and lower sect became upper sect.

The changes of the times will breed many crises, as well as opportunities.


A piece of moonstone prismatic burst a little light.

The ghost light seemed to be under 1000 ten thousand meters underground, and the ghost light was wrapped in a huge magical shadow, shattering the soul silk and psychic energy covered by the ghost light, before being sensed by the “fallen star eye”.

Inside the gloom, there was a fuzzy old man sitting withered, with a collar woven from leaves around the old man’s neck.

“Spirit Void Sect, Daoist Ying Ye!”

Tan Junshan just glanced at it and recognized the old man sitting withered and vague in the gloom.

“Daoist Ying Ye!”

Liu Ying lightly shouted and immediately realized that the soul-like leaf that attacked Yu Yuan was the old man hiding in the ground and wrapped in gloom.

“He was found by an Earth Demon. Daoist Ying Ye is the late Soul Wonder Realm. He is proficient in the technique of assassination assassination. The ability to hide trails is first-class.” Tan Junshan was surprised. “With his ability If the assassination technique is not performed, it is unlikely that the trace will be exposed.”

“He hit me.” Yu Yuan said.

At this moment, the one who was attacking the ghostly light was Earth Demon, who offered Chen Liangquan鈥檚 animal skin. That Earth Demon should have searched for Daoist Ying Ye after Daoist Ying Ye started, and then found Daoist Ying Ye along the vines. Thus launching an attack.

Earth Demon’s attack broke through the outer cover of the gloomy light, and because of the huge movement, it was sensed by the falling stars.

Without Earth Demon attacking the gloom, without taking down the detonation of the shielding array, even the Divine Item like a fallen star, I am afraid that Daoist Ying Ye would not be detected.

“Daoist Ying Ye hit you? You didn’t die?” Tan Junshan stared into his eyes, as if he didn’t believe it, “Ming Chaos Kun, there was an attack on you in the air, and Daoist Ying Ye. Yu Yuan, your life, isn’t it a bit too hard, so you won’t die?”

Shrugged, Yu Yuan said: “Perhaps it’s really hard.”

“Hey, Daoist Ying Ye is the default daoist of Spirit Void Sect after all. Now being stared at by such a fierce Earth Demon, I saw it again and couldn’t sit idly by.” Tan Junshan looked embarrassed.

“Martial Uncle, you are not allowed to help him!” Liu Ying said softly.

“If you don’t help, I can’t stay in the Red Fire Desert for a long time, I can only act as if I haven’t seen it before.” Tan Junshan said.

“Martial Uncle, you have never been here!” Liu Ying said resolutely and decisively.

“This? Okay.”

Tan Junshan hesitated for a moment. At this moment, he chose to stand on his side, and the moonlight suddenly appeared within the body.

Suddenly, he shrank into a small crescent, and then disappeared suddenly.

“Kacha! Kacha!”

Shortly after Tan Junshan left, a crack appeared in a star-like prism erected on the falling star.


Suddenly, Liu Ying spat out a small mouthful of blood.

She looked towards the cracked prism in amazement, and after hesitating, she smeared the blood on the corner of her mouth on the cracked prism.

“This star eye should perceive something abnormal and try to lock it in to reveal it.” Liu Ying explained hurriedly, “but the sensed existence is incredibly powerful, causing the star eye to be unable to bear it and it shattered by itself. I will try to see if I can use my blood essence to see each other.”

“You might die, don’t be impulsive!” Yu Yuan exclaimed.

He didn’t know what the limits of “Falling Star Eyes” could see. However, he understood that a prismatic crystal could detect the situation and could not reflect it. On the contrary, the thing that caused it to shatter on its own must be a terrifying thing that far exceeded Liu Ying’s realm at the moment.

He didn’t want Liu Ying to take risks.

It is a pity that Liu Ying not at all obeyed his persuasion, but with a blood-stained hand, smeared in the loneliness that gradually cracked, and drew a strange star map for each and everyone.

After the 6 star charts with different shapes finally solidified, Liu Ying yelled: “open for me!”


The six star maps, absorbing the star energy hidden in the falling star pupils, are connected in series to form a large star map, and a shadow suddenly appears in the big star map.

One person, as if in the extreme depths of the Red Fire Desert.

Numerous Earth Demons, unknown foreign objects and evils, such as golden bone race-like hybrids, gathered beside him.

That person, as if he had just arrived in the desert, had carved out a Small World under the ground, as if asking those Earth Demon, those mixed races.

That person, Yu Yuan actually knew it.

Zu An, his former best friend!

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