“The person who just showed up is the plague god of Dark Moon City?”

Another wave of women from Cloud Water Sect stared at the “Fiend Demon Cauldron” floating in the void. In the depths of their mind, the sight of Yu Yuan’s previous glimpse was imprinted.

They looked very excited and surprised, lest the world would not be chaotic.

“Have you noticed that he rushed out of Qu Jing’s Illusory Spirit Umbrella. Did you find that the umbrella of the Illusory Spirit Umbrella broke a hole?”

“No? How can he penetrate the Illusory Spirit Umbrella?”

“Qu Jing is the Spirit Void Sect, the next Sect Master competitor, with a mysterious secret technique and all kinds of rare treasures. How can he fail Yu Yuan?”


Not only Cloud Water Sect, but also many other sect forces, some leaders of the Great Family of the Empire, in the desert below, staring at “Fiend Demon Cauldron”, they are also discussing spiritedly.

Prior to this, although Yu Yuan had a good reputation, it was not linked to realm profound and battle strength.

Yu Yuan’s name is mostly related to rare treasure, which is related to where he goes, where horrible changes will erupt, not how high his own cultivation base battle strength is.

Without the support of sect, he is only related to Monster Palace because of Yu Zhu. In many people’s minds, he walked the lucky dog ​​excrement.

A person of very ordinary origin and low realm, only because of good luck, he obtained artifacts like Fiend Demon Cauldron, can he stand out in the Heaven Profound Continent gathered in the powerhouse.

But now, seeing him open the “Illusory Spirit Umbrella” with his own eyes, and watching Qu Jing leave with a bleak expression, finally made everyone realize that this famous Dark Moon City boy actually has a reputation comparable to that battle strength!

Spirit Void Sect is expected to become an upper sect, and Qu Jing is a candidate for the next Sect Master!

Holding “Illusory Spirit Umbrella”, Yin God cultivation base, and Supreme Treasure, he failed to steadily beat Yu Yuan!

This is the strongest proof!


In the world inside the tripod, Yu Yuan watched “Altar of Life” fly out from the Mysterious Gate acupuncture point, swallowed that finger, and returned to himself within the body.

He was exhausted and sweaty all over, he had never been so tired.

This battle was the fiercest one since he was born again.

The evenly matched powerful opponent gave him an impact that moved his heart.

Feeling the subtle changes in his body, he suddenly realized that this kind of battle has incalculable benefits to his realm breakthrough and physical strength!

The cultivator, honed in the way of combat, surpasses everything!

Thinking like this, he took out a “Soul Accumulation Pill” from the mustard bracelet, and then pinched out a “Return Spiritual Pill” that quickly condensed spirit strength. After swallowing it in one mouthful, he used visceral qi and blood to treat medicine efficacy as quickly as possible. excitation.

When he arrived, he felt the dissipation of medicine efficacy. In the Dantian Small World and the Sea of ​​Consciousness, there were spirit strength and Spiritual Consciousness condensing, and he calmed down a little.

At the next moment, his figure quaked slightly.

He was keenly aware that this spirit strength and Spiritual Consciousness almost exhausted body, eagerly absorbing the efficacy of pill medicine!

The speed at which the medicine pill was digested was far beyond his expectation. It was more than 7 8 times faster than normal.

“It should be feasible to use war to support war. After every battle, after every spirit strength and Spiritual Consciousness are exhausted, a new life, the newly condensed spirit strength and Spiritual Consciousness, seem to be more refined and pure!” Yu Yuan Xinsheng Feeling and faintly realized why those rumored Battle Madman realm breakthrough sooner.

“Yu Yuan!”

“Yu Yuan!”

Outside Ding, the calls of Zhao Yafu, Kong Banbi and Zhan Tianxiang became louder and louder.

Pulling the corner of his mouth, he floated out of the tripod, and at a glance he saw the falling stars, Liu Ying, and then Zhao Yafu and Kong Banbi.

Liu Ying’s staring gaze had a sentiment that he hadn’t revealed before.

His heart was upset.

“You brat, really surprised me!”

Zhan Tianxiang flew over, slapped him on the shoulder, and slapped him in a daze, directly into Fiend Demon Cauldron again.


Zhan Tianxiang started by himself, surrounded by golden halo, quickly withdrew, and then shouted, “Yu Yuan, aren’t you?”

“He fought with Qu Jing. Spirit strength and Spiritual Consciousness were overdrawn. That’s why this is the case.” Kong Banbi saw clearly, seeing that “Fiend Demon Cauldron” finally landed, Yu Yuan slowly walked out of the mouth of the trip again. Then he said: “Qu Jing, after all, is the Yin God realm, a great realm higher than him.”

As soon as he said this, there were exclamations and shocking eyes all around.

It suddenly occurred to everyone that Qu Jing is not only a more noble background, supported by Daoist Ling Xu, but also a complete great realm higher than Yu Yuan.

In this way, he didn’t even kill Yu Yuan, and he still seemed to suffer?

Hou Tianzhao of Scarlet Demon Sect, Lin Yue of Blood God Church, took a deep breath, and felt that Yu Yuan brought them pressure.

After leaving the “Fiend Demon Cauldron”, standing on a slightly cold sandy ground, Yu Yuan saw that he was the center of the ring, scattered with dozens of youngsters scattered from different sides.

Those youngsters are almost all in the Dark Burst Realm and Nuance realm. Very few youngsters have entered the Yin God realm.

They are separated by several dozen meters, or 100 meters away, and their eyes in the night are very bright. What secret technique should be used to look at themselves carefully.

Obviously, they have a strong interest in themselves, otherwise they won’t run Spiritual Consciousness into their eyes and look at themselves from a distance.

Fortunately, those people should be afraid of something, and did not directly release the Spiritual Consciousness, and use the Spiritual Consciousness on themselves to conduct more detailed observations.

“Yu Yuan, why did you have this battle with Qu Jing?”

Kong Banbi frowned and seemed to really care about him, “I know Qu Jing’s behavior and methods. He will not conflict with people for no reason, but once a conflict arises, it is irreconcilable. You and him, and Spirit Void Sect, there should be no hatred, right?”

“Yes.” Yu Yuan said softly.

Seeing that he said so, Kong Banbi expression changed, and he did not continue to ask wittily.

Here, there are too many messy people, and he knows that Yu Yuan is inconvenient to talk more.

“I’ll go to Falling Star Eye, adjust it first, and wait until the condition is better, then talk about other things.”

Yu Yuan smiled and greeted Zhao Yafu, Zhan Tianxiang, and Lin Yue and Hou Tianzhao who were a little further away, and then flew into it after the falling star eyes approached.

Those who didn’t have much friendship with him, those who came to Sect, met Fiend Demon Cauldron, saw him in person, and left with satisfaction.

When they left, those people were still talking about his battle with Qu Jing.

After this battle, Yu Yuan’s reputation in Heaven Profound Continent and even the youngsters of Tianyuan Continent and Nirvana Continent will become more and more prominent.

This time the title was made by him!

Through a battle with Qu Jing, he proved to everyone that he has the battle strength to compete with Core Disciple!

“About Daoist Ying Ye, you just have to know it in your heart, but don’t say it.”

In the center of Fallen Star’s eyes, Liu Ying, after he was seated on a crescent stone platform, stared at him deeply with shining eyes, like shining stars, her pink lips, and she smiled slightly, “You, what a jerk. Stubborn! You dare to provoke people like Qu Jing, and you dare to tear your face with him.”

“Why don’t you dare?” Yu Yuan responded.

“His future may be the Lingxu Sect Master. Spirit Void Sect is expected to become an upper sect. It is even better than our Star Moon Sect.” Liu Ying glanced at him, suddenly lowered her head, and said sorryly: ” This Star Stone pendant is actually useless to me, you don’t need to be like that.”

“Neither Qu Jing nor Qi Jinghai should be above your will. Who you Liu Ying likes is your own business. Qu Jing will control you with me, of course not!” Yu Yuan coldly shouted, “Also, Qu Jing is not the Sect Master of Spirit Void Sect yet.”

“As for the future, if he died halfway, there would be no future.”

“Like Qu Jing, he is favored by everyone, but because of the seeds of accidental death, there are too many precedents.”

Kong Banbi, Liu Ying has already explained it clearly and secretly. Once you have a grudge with someone like Qu Jing, it will be irreconcilable.

In that case, Yu Yuan secretly made up his mind to kill Qu Jing as much as possible.

If you don’t give it to him, it is possible to become a Lingxu Sect Master!

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