The situation of the elderly is already very bad.

If Wang Pengfei didn’t think it was an accident, the elderly of the Dong Family might have an accident on the train.

At least he had no means to save the old man’s life, but when he saw the young man Dong Tingting invited, he couldn’t help sneering. Any case can pull a hot pot. “

As a talent returning from overseas, Wang Pengfei did not believe that any expert from the public would be deceiving. There is no basis at all. It is all kinds of pseudoscience. For this kind of pseudoscience, Wang Pengfei is determined to pass them Both broke and broke, and fiercely stepped under the feet.

“This friend, I think you full of energy, you should master the family medicine, now the situation of the elderly is very bad, you have to give up 120 spirits, 10 million, nothing wrong.” Wang Pengfei hypocritical Said.

“You this person looks like a talent, but the idea in my heart is too stupid. For people like you, I can only give you a few words, how far away.”


Wang Pengfei didn’t return.

Lin Fei came over and lifted his leg and kicked Wang Pengfei’s belly. This kick kicked Wang Pengfei a dozen meters away, like a ball, kept rolling outside and bumped into the end of the aisle. This stopped.

At this moment, Wang Pengfei was staring at Venus, his mind was blank, and the thought of “Where I am, what happened just now.” It didn’t return to him until a long time ago, and the whole body was instantly furious.

“Asshole, you are slander, Chiguo’s slander. I want to call the police. I want to catch you.” Wang Pengfei got up and rubbed his stomach.

He didn’t even think that this young man would be so powerful. What kind of abacus he was thinking, it was completely incredible that he was told by the other party.

“During my treatment, I don’t want anyone chirp chirp twitter twitter in my ears, I believe you can do it.” Lin Fei said lightly.

Dong Tianye, who was on the fire, was nowhere to get angry. He ran straight and threw a slap on Wang Pengfei’s face. “Shut up, who told you, my grandfather. If anything goes wrong, my first Operate on you. “

When this slap came down, almost knocked Wang Pengfei’s whole body on the ground, half of his face swelled directly, opened his mouth, but he dared not say a word. He knows that Dong Tianye’s words are serious, and the gaze has changed You have to be resentful, it’s all that bastard.

“Now you can help me see grandfather.” Dong Tingting’s whole heart was on the old man. Only a few minutes later, the old man’s condition was more serious than before.

“In front of me, as long as I say no, no one can take anyone’s life.” Lin Fei reached out and patted the old man’s chest a few times, seemingly casual movements, but it was so light Under the film, the twitching motion of the old man stopped instantly.

Dong Tingting secretly sucked in a cold breath of air.

“It seems to be working.”

Wang Pengfei, who is not far away, has also been paying attention, and he does not believe that this guy can do anything.

But after this guy took a few consecutive shots, the old man who seemed to be sluggish seemed to glow a little more, which made Wang Pengfei unbelievable.

If it wasn’t for Dong Tianye to be in front of him, he would have to cry out, which has no scientific basis.

After Lin Fei took a few consecutive shots, the situation of the old man who was helping, in fact, at that moment, he conveyed the power of within the body, and wanted to be the energy left by Immortal Expert, that was very powerful, even if It is a trace that can bring people back to life. It can be said that this old man is blessed. After having this trace of energy to transform his body, he will live at least a hundred years.

Of course, it is natural to do a full set of acting.

Lin Fei took several consecutive photos on the old man’s body. It took less than 5 minutes to stop before and after.

The old man’s complexion gradually recovered from pale to rosy, and even his breathing was stable. Finally, his eyes were slowly opened.

“Tingting, what’s wrong with me.”

Seeing grandfather start to wake up and talk, Dong Tingting’s whole body relaxed, “It’s all right, it’s all right, you just slept too tired just now.”

Dong Tingting was also shocked.

This is really a Divine Doctor.

“I’ll help you solve the problem. Don’t come to me if there is nothing.” Lin Fei turned and moved towards the aisle and walked over.

Su Xiaowan also followed closely. Although she knew Lin Fei was very difficult to deal with, she did not expect that the medical skills would be equally powerful. It took a few efforts to recover the sick old man, and in her eyes All are shining.

“Divine Doctor!”

“This brat is just a Divine Doctor, so amazing!”

A lot of people around me are applauding each and everyone.

Everyone saw the situation just now. It took only a few minutes for the old man to recover. This is not something everyone can see.

Dong Tianye mouth opened wide directly, looking at the young man’s back, and it was a bit difficult to digest this scene. “Here, is this guy really a folk expert? Really Divine Doctor. If it is Divine Doctor, this age seems too light. Come on, shouldn’t it be gray-haired, fairy-like Dao of Wind? “

For a moment, Dong Tianye felt that he really offended someone. He seemed to understand why the elder sister asked him so severely just now.

As for Wang Pengfei, let alone, he has never seen the old man with a recurrence of heart disease, and he could recover after taking a few photos like this, and looking at his face flushed, it was not like he was sick.

“The world still has these kinds of medical skills. If I got this place, wouldn’t it be that I would become a hero in the medical world.” Suddenly, Wang Pengfei’s eyes glowed, and a little greed flashed under his eyes. “Staring at him, I must To stare at him, you must not let him run away. “

Wang Pengfei felt that this was an opportunity. Once he missed such an opportunity, he did not know when he would meet again.

The old man hesitated briefly and then recovered quickly.

The words of everyone around, the old man still heard clearly, what is his situation? I knew in my heart that this trip to the Eastern Sea did not have any confidence, but now he only feels comfortable for a while. This is a comfort that has never been seen in two or three decades. He seems to be ten or twenty years younger. Similarly, this feeling is very odd, but it makes him Complete yearning, he even feels that his heart disease seems to be well, and he has completely recovered.

“Tingting, tell me the truth, what happened just now.”

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