After he was rescued, Lin Fei never bothered again.

On the contrary, Su Xiaowan was embarrassed for a while. After all, this incident was caused by her. Fortunately, what happened next not at all, someone came to seek medical treatment, otherwise Lin Fei would really be depressed.

After three hours.

Lin Fei and Su Xiaowan came up and down from the train and stood at the exit of Hangcheng.

Compared with the Eastern Sea, the air on the side of Hangzhou City is a bit more muddy, and it is normal to think about it, after all, Hangzhou City has just been rated as a first-tier city.

“Brother Lin, now we’re in Hangzhou, it’s on my site. I’ll be your guide. Don’t refuse 10 million, or I will get angry.”

Upon arriving at the exit station, Su Xiaowan took everything.

“You wait here first. I’ll drive the car over.”

“You actually parked your car here at the train station.” Lin Fei was quite surprised that Su Xiaowan lived in the Eastern Sea for 10 days and a half months, and it turned out that Little Rich Lady didn’t care about money.

“Isn’t it convenient to go out and come back?” Su Xiaowan said with a smile and went to drive.

Lin Fei also did not reject Su Xiaowan’s kind intentions. Anyway, this time he came to Hangzhou to visit the same place again, except that the current Hangzhou city has changed a lot like Eastern Sea.

“Divine Doctor, are you waiting for the car? Not as good as in my car, where are you going, I will send you.”

At this time a white Toyota Elfa drove over.

The window shook down to reveal a smiling face, not Dong Tingting on the train, who else?

Lin Fei smiled and shook his head. “Thank you. No, my friend is driving.”

Dong Tingting really wanted to ask the other person to get in the car.

If it wasn’t for the opponent’s own shot, who can know now, this ordinary looking guy is actually a Divine Doctor.

Grandfather’s recovery made Dong Tingting somewhat unbelievable, and the medical skills were too superb.

For such a Divine Doctor, Dong Tingting naturally knows how to deal with each other.

“This is my business card. If Divine Doctor has any trouble in Hangzhou, just call me.” Dong Tingting saw that the other party did not get in the car and took out a business card. It was originally intended to be taken out on the train, but I forgot about grandfather, but fortunately I now run into it.

“Thank you.” Lin Fei put away his business card.

Dong Tingting did not have too much entanglement, and ordered the driver to drive.

“It’s really young people now. I didn’t expect the doctor who rescued me to be so young.”

The old man sitting in the back also laughed at this moment, and there was a flash of excitement and shock in those murky eyes.

From recovering to sitting in the car, the old man has never felt so good, and is more aware of the medical skills of this young man, much better than the doctors in those big hospitals do not know.

“After returning, I will arrange someone to check the origin of this person. In any case, I must ask him to help grandfather to take a look again. If possible, it is best to completely cure grandfather’s disease.”

Dong Tingting now completely believes in this person. Fortunately, this person not at all gets off at other places. As long as he is in this place in Hangzhou, Dong Tingting still has some confidence.

The old man ordered nod. “You have a sense of doing things. People like this are best not to offend. At this time, they can cultivate such a powerful medical skill. Then there must be a Teacher who is very difficult to deal with behind him.”

Sitting on the other side, Dong Tianye shrank his neck, and now he dare not offend the young man.

“Amano, you should study like your sister, you can’t look at the surface as a person, or you will always lose.

Dong Tianye repeatedly nod, “grandfather, I know, I will not do that in the future.”

After Dongting Tingting left, Su Xiaowan drove over. It was a white five-series BMW, plus the appearance of Su Xiaowan, a standard pair of Bai Fumei.

“Brother Lin got in the car.”

Sitting in the car, Lin Fei can smell a faint scent, which is a woman’s exclusive breath.

“Brother Lin, if you are here for the first time, how can you stay a few more days? I have already arranged the hotel for you in Sijiqing.”

“Then I will trouble you this guide these days, after all, it is delicious, good to drink and live, such things are rare.” Lin Fei lightly said with a smile.

Su Xiaowan also worried that Lin Fei would not accept it, and now she is completely relieved to listen to this.

Driving the car, took Lin Fei to the Evergreen Hotel.

Along the way, Su Xiaowan introduced Hangzhou constantly, making Lin Fei more or less find some previous feelings.

Lin Fei stayed at the Evergreen Hotel.

Su Xiaowan went home.

In the evening, Su Xiaowan drove out and took Lin Fei to taste various special snacks.

For three days, Su Xiaowan accompanied Lin Fei and walked the entire city of Hangzhou almost once.

Lin Fei is also happy to enjoy Su Xiaowan’s service. With such a local connection, the experience will be better.

Lin Fei went to some places I’ve been to and feels like years.

On the fourth day, Lin Fei and Su Xiaowan went to Hangzhou’s West Lake.

Fortunately, it is not a holiday, and the flow of people is not great.

Su Xiaowan took Lin Fei on a boat and tasted food. In the afternoon, she took Lin Fei to a characteristic courtyard on the West Lake.

“Brother Lin, I’ll take you here today to taste the special food here. It is said that most people can’t eat it yet, but I waited for a long time to make an appointment.”

The courtyard is hidden at the foot of a mountain.

Outside the door was a red lantern, an antique look.

After entering the courtyard, there are everything in the rockery, even from time to time, and the sound of ancient zither sounds, instantly giving people a sense of relaxation and joy.

“The technique of this ancient zither is good, and it is very charming.”

Lin Fei and Su Xiaowan were arranged in an elegant box.

A touch of sandalwood is lingering, the smell of Complete is good, and at that moment, it seems that all the annoyances and tiredness disappeared Thoroughly with this light sandalwood.

Lin Fei is quite interested in this place.

The way you see all the way in can prove that the Master who opened the courtyard house is not ordinary.

Here, Lin Fei seems to be smelling Concept.

Maybe others can’t see it, but Lin Fei can see it clearly, and such a layout is rare. He can also understand why Su Xiaowan would say that this place is so difficult to make an appointment.

Here is indeed a set of Quite, can also be regarded as a health place.

“I heard that Grandzi Rank is playing the ancient zither here, not everyday all. Listening to Complete’s comfort, it is said that it is still talking about ancient songs.”

Su Xiaowanliang’s eyes were sparkling, “It’s a pity that I didn’t have a chance to see each other. Otherwise, I can ask for a signature.”

“Actually, it’s not difficult to meet!” Lin Fei smiled. “It’s simple.”

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