“To help you, it’s not impossible,” Lin Fei said, “but your younger brother is too indifferent. Although my friend accidentally bumped into your grandfather, it was also very normal on the train. He didn’t You must bully a woman that way, you’re right! ”

Dong Tingting nod, “That’s right, my younger brother is a bit more temperament, I have told him many times.”

“As long as you ask your younger brother to come and apologize to my friends, then I will try to help you stabilize your grandfather and even recover, it is not difficult, as long as your younger brother must come over to admit it, a big man bullies A weak woman, what ability? “

Lin Fei’s requirements are not high, just can’t get used to that person’s method.

Su Xiaowan, sitting next to Lin Fei, felt a warmth in her heart.

“Brother Lin, there is no need to do this. I didn’t do it well. I can’t blame that person.”

Lin Fei shook his head and said, “This is not okay, in any case, you are Qing Lan’s girlfriend, how can you take it lightly in the event of this? If you don’t let that person know wrong, this time he will still To do this kind of thing, I met me this time, but if it is someone else, I don’t think there will be such a good ending, this person’s character must be changed. “

Dong Tingting really hopes that this person can help. However, just kicking his younger brother clearly justified the matter. Now I have to let Amano come to apologize and make a disgrace. This makes Dong Tingting a little bit dissatisfied, but Dong Tingting Received a good education, let her not at all show on the spot.

But all this can be concealed from Lin Fei, “I know you’re not feeling well, and I think I’m too bullying people, but letting your younger brother not come, that’s your own thing, I only tell you your grandfather In most cases, it still has several points of time, and once I shot, I can restore your grandfather, even if you are laughing or joking, but once the time has passed, I can only say sorry. As for believe it or not, that’s your problem. “

Dong Tingting said in such a serious word, she knows her grandfather’s situation can’t be delayed, but she just said it from a young man’s mouth, it seems a little Tai Yi.

“Friend, don’t you think it’s overkill?”

“Excessive, just ask your younger brother. Do n’t rely on your family and background to be able to bully people at will. At least you have to have some respect. Of course, you ca n’t let me do it. Come to me. There is no loss, you can ask the doctor to help, I believe overseas talents like him can solve this kind of thing. “

Dong Tingting was so annoyed by this remark that if Dr. Wang was useful, he would not come here to ask for help.

“Sister, grandfather seems to be out of breath.” Dong Tianye ran over in a hurry, “What should I do now?”

The most worrying thing happened.

Dong Tingting was anxious, and she finally understood why the young man had said so just now. She could say so accurately over such a long distance. This was not a medical skill or something, and a decision suddenly came to her mind.

“Amano, come over and apologize to this girl, be sincere.” Dong Tingting suddenly said to Dong Tianye.

Dong Tianye listened, “Sister, what are you talking about? You asked me to apologize to her. How is this possible? I didn’t do anything wrong.”

Dong Tianye had eaten a bit of a loss just now, and now it is absolutely impossible to apologize to this woman, and his nature does not allow him to bow his head and apologize to anyone.

“Apologize to me right away, if you don’t apologize, then I don’t have your younger brother.” Dong Tingting’s tone aggravated a bit, “If you want to watch grandfather die on the train, then you don’t need to apologize. As for what will happen in the future Explain, that’s your own business. “

There was a moment of annoyance in Dong Tianye’s eyes. He was smart and immediately came to his consciousness. This must be what the young man said in front of his elder sister. Otherwise, he would not let himself apologize.

“Smelly brat, what are you talking about nonsense again?” Dong Tianye said coldly and didn’t dare to take the shot, after all, the strength of the kick just now made him still hurt his chest.

Lin Fei glanced at Dong Tianye, “I didn’t say anything, that is to say, this person likes bullying women is not good, and you apologize. Of course, you don’t need to apologize, it has nothing to do with me anyway, but if you say grandfather, you can Can’t wait that long. “

Although Lin Fei has not passed, the situation of the old man is under control.

“Dare you threaten me?” Dong Tianye had seen such a person there, and his hands were lifted into the air, but he did not dare to fight? “You believe it or not, I clean up you.”

Lin Fei didn’t even look at it. “Everyone can tell the big story. You can also try it and see if your people can do it? Or is the lesson you just gave is not enough?”

Upon hearing this, Dong Tianye immediately persuaded.

Dong Tingting came over, “It’s true that you did something wrong, and it is right to apologize to this woman.”

Dong Tingting’s eyes were very cold, and he saw a chill in Dong Tianye’s heart. If he didn’t apologize today, his elder sister would certainly not let him go.

Dong Tianye ’s own elder sister is awesome. It ’s also top-notch in men. Seeing hairiness is n’t it an apology? Then I apologize.

Dong Tianye finally blocked the eyes of elder sister.

“This Young lady, I was impulsive just now, I did something wrong, and now I apologize to you, sorry, and please forgive me.” Dong Tianye said to Su Xiaowan.

“Apologize should be sincere, apology not sincere, what kind of apology.”

Dong Tianye’s back was like a mang in an instant, and he took a deep breath, “Sorry, I will never do this again.”

This time Dong Tianye didn’t dare to speak at will, but Su Xiaowan said that he was embarrassed for a while.

“You don’t need to apologize. I have made a mistake about it. Even if everyone is even.” Su Xiaowan said, as a person from Hangzhou, she naturally heard the name of the Dong Family, and now increasingly suspects the two. It’s the Dong Family.

The old Dong Family is an offending being in their family.

Su Xiaowan didn’t dare to say more.

“You are lucky this time. If you meet someone who is good at talking, if you meet someone who is not good at speaking, you may go home and buy a vice coffin.” Lin Fei stood up with a smile, “Remember, and go out later Outside, keep your eyes brighter, maybe you do n’t know when it ’s offended. “

Dong Tianye could only bear it. “Let you pretend and wait for your good fruit to eat.”

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