Gua Shan and Lie Tian fought fiercely.

The shadow of the two groups of Teleport looked shocked at everyone.

Grandmaster encounters are rare, and Top Grade Grandmaster encounters are rare.

Regardless of whether Gu Shan or Lie Tian is a first-class Grandmaster Expert, it is even more difficult to meet them as to ascend heaven.

Everyone knows that the strength of the mountain is very strong, especially the head-down technique, but the strength of the close combat is also the complete form of Complete, because in his offensive, from time to time is mixed with mental attack.

Let the scorching sky, which had some advantages, feel great trouble.

“Flame of fire!”

Lie Tian murmured, changed his offensive, and played a set of powerful Palm Technique.

The area around the square became instantly hot.

This is the Palm Technique realized by the scorching sky. The strength is Complete. The palm shot is like a melting furnace. Everyone feels a terrifying heat wave rolling on them.

This is still in the distance. If it is close, it is estimated that the heat wave cannot be withstood.

Lie Tian’s situation now seems to be quite bad, forcing him to use the fiery palm of the fire, but guessing that the mountain does not hide, it chooses to carry it hard, and eats it firmly.

Lie Tian was shocked. Suddenly, Guessing Mountain punched Strikes on his chest, grabbed the trend, and fisted his claws, tearing a few pieces of flesh.

Lie Tian’s face changed so much that he never expected that Shan would choose to be injured and fight him hard.

When is the bowing division so very ruthless!

could it be he do not know he was hurt, would it be difficult to beat Lin Fei again at that time?

When the sky hurts and retreats!

Peng peng peng!

The gun is ringing!

Four bullets chased after meteor after chasing the moon!

One of the bullets struck Lie Tian’s back instantly, even though Lie Tian responded quickly, controlled the muscles on his body, clamped the bullet, but also made him bleed not just.

Looking back, Li San shot not far away!

“Li San, you have the courage to dare sneak attack me.” It turned out that Li San in South Yunnan shot four shots, and the technique was very good.

“I heard that you are the No. XNUMX Expert in the Southeast Sea. I just want to know that this Expert can stop me a few shots. It now seems that you do n’t know how about it!”

Peng peng peng!

Li Sanda laughed, and moved towards Lie Tian, ​​who fired one shot at a time.

3-Star Chasing the Moon, ** Invincible, Meteor Chasing the Moon!

Instantly caused Lie Tian’s scalp to tingle.

“Asshole guy, how dare he shoot?”

In the face of Li San’s Spear Technique, Lie Tian didn’t dare to carry it hard. He still planted 4 shots between his constant dodges. Each shot was basically not far from the key part, and he was always forced to a big tree. I barely stopped, but the whole body also showed a cold sweat. He didn’t expect that a guessing mountain and a Li San in South Yunnan would force him to such a degree with two guns in his hand. .

This is a sudden scene, do not know how many people were shocked.

Everyone knows that Li San in South Yunnan has suffered a loss in Long Teng Shan Zhuang, and it is also normal for him to appear in Long Teng Shan Zhuang this time, but he never expected that Li San would do it at this time.

Those dark Martial Artists, all scalp tingling, they finally know that the guns are great.

If this is to be followed, it will undoubtedly die.

It’s just that no one has figured it out, why Li San in the south of Yunnan shot against Lie Tian.

Just at this moment, Lie Tian was exhausted. He had five gun holes on his body, as if hitting his face. He was also the first expert of Eastern Sea in any case. Today, he overturned the boat in the gutter.

Lietian didn’t make any further shots, because the opponent’s double guns were still staring at him, which made Lietian fearful, and the gunshot wound also greatly affected strength.

All planned abacus are destroyed!

There is nothing more in a bad mood than this.

“Lietian Grandmaster, my Spear Technique is pretty good, but you are far worse than in Lin Fei.” Li San of South Yunnan shook his head and said, “Just as you are strong, I am so sorry to come to Impudent, really do not know Who gave you the courage to really think that you are the first Expert Very difficult to deal with Eastern Sea? I think it’s one thing for you to treat yourself too much, even my Spear Technique can’t stop it. “

“Li San, what are you talking about? I can also speak father.” Lie Xuan couldn’t help but said coldly, the voice hadn’t fallen yet, peng peng was two, two bullets were on Lie Xuan’s cheek After sliding, a bloodstain was left in an instant.

“Don’t kill me, don’t kill me.” With a sound of Thumb, Lie Xuan knelt on the ground, the whole body was scared to the six gods, and his face was pale, as if it was fished out of the water.

It is really terrifying these two shots!

Lie Xuan as Grandmaster Expert, although it is just an ordinary Grandmaster, I have experienced such a powerful Spear Technique, there is no ability to resist, or even the killing intent when the opponent fired, but that’s it.

Lie Xuan finally understood why Li San’s reputation in South Yunnan was so loud and not unreasonable. The god of guns was the god of guns.

The scene fell into a brief silence.

It was originally guessed that Shanshan’s shots against Lie Tian were very incredible, but he did not expect Li San to fire again and attacked Lie Tian.

This is something that people can’t believe.

Lie Family has a big heel.

The reason everyone is silent is here.

Obviously today’s events are beyond the plan.

Give them 100 courage and can’t believe it. The matter against Lin Fei hasn’t started yet, and the Eastern Sea First Sect division is finished.

Everyone can’t figure out what kind of situation this is, and I always feel that things today are filled with the wrong atmosphere.

“The First Sect division of Lie Family, your strength is not in line with Grandmaster’s power!” Lin Fei shook his head, disappointed, “If I were you, I wouldn’t be able to withstand a single blow like this. “

Lie Tian was hurt in the first place, but the feeling of pressure in her heart was spit out by Lin Fei.

“Lin Fei, you have guts, my Lie Family this time admit defeat, we go back.” Lie Tian does not plan to stay here anymore, and now his injured strength is greatly reduced. If there is any accident, can I leave Longteng Villa? Are unknown.

A gun god, Li San, let Lie Tian Grandmaster be under pressure.

Peng peng peng peng 砰!

Li San in south Yunnan shot again.

“Everyone has managed to come together, Lie Tian Grandmaster, you don’t have to hurry, in any case the reception party has not yet started.”

These shots were fast and fierce, and even burst into great force. As Grandmaster Expert, they were the most clear.

What madness is this Linan Lisan in the end!

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