The shooting of Li San in the south of Yunnan instantly made Lie Tian, ​​the Eastern Sea First Sect division expert, annoying and angry, but he couldn’t do much.

I can only glance at Li San’s Grandmaster with icy gaze.

Lie Tian hasn’t been able to figure out what their relationship is not at all between Lie Family and Li San. Why would this guy do anything to him?

This is completely unusual.

Lie Tian always felt that there was a problem, but he couldn’t think of it.

As for the others, it was the same at this time. I was very surprised by this scene, and it was hard to imagine what was going on.

“Everyone rarely comes to Longteng Villa once. In fact, there is not so much need to rush. You have to wait until the end of the apprentice feast. Are you right?” Lin Fei said with a smile.

This speech sounded awkward to Complete when everyone heard it. It seems that this situation is a bit wrong.

For a while, no one dared to speak again.

Because I really can’t figure out what kind of situation this is.

“Li Vice President, I heard that the strength of your first hand is also very strong, not inferior to the Grandmaster, so do not know me Spear Technique, you can take a few shots.”

When everyone didn’t speak, Li San spoke.

Can’t help but say that Li Tianqiang fired 6 shots in a row.

Here 6 shots moved towards 6 parts of Li Tianqiang’s body.

Then Li Tianqiang was still thinking about what happened, and instantly the hairs stood upright, without shame, fell directly to the ground, rolled out, and cursed Li San in his heart, do not know how many times.

With Li Tianqiang’s roll on the ground, every time he rolled out, a bullet hit the ground, splashing the dust, making him covered in dirt.

After finally getting up, I saw the descending division guessing that the mountain came over.

“Guessing the mountain, what are you doing? We at Wumen have nothing to do with you.” Li Tianqiang shot to resist, but he was unwilling to do anything with the guessing mountain.

First, Li San blocked it with a gun, and then met Guaishan’s shot. Li Tianqiang immediately fell into the downwind. He didn’t fight a dozen moves. After a few peng peng sounds, Li Tianqiang took three or four punches and backed up seven. Eight steps then settled down, a pale pale face.

Li Tianqiang didn’t adapt to the scene just now, but his back was all sweaty.

Because just now, he actually walked around the edge of Life and Death.

But Li Tianqiang, who eats sunflower seeds, how can it be his turn at once, this opera is not sung like this, your goal should be Lin Fei.

What enmity do we at martial art have with you? If you have any hate, you have to treat it this way.

Li San shot at Lie Tian and then Li Tianqiang Vice President. The first time he fell into the eyes of everyone, he became the target of a lunatic. If he was not a lunatic, how could he shoot it, and this Spear Technique Complete is so good. , Just because Grandmaster Expert can barely avoid it, the dark Martial Artist will definitely die when touched.

Especially within such a short distance, it gives a great deterrent.

Chen Dingshan of Yaowanggu originally planned to be the mantis stalks the cicada, unaware of the oriole behind, but the situation is really too dare to speak now, especially because the distance is too close, he even suspected that he would suffer Li San’s shot.

In South Yunnan, Li San’s Spear Technique is recognized.

Within several dozen meters, that means the beat, the real divine spear hand.

The only calmest person present was Lin Fei.

He didn’t plan to shoot today.

Having these Grandmaster Experts is enough to deal with these situations.

Lin Fei just wanted these people to get a good idea, he wasn’t very active.

“You can’t even deal with those Grandmasters who have taken over me. What qualifications are there against him?”

“Li Tianqiang Vice President, you are very disappointed, formidable martial arts, your strength is a bit unreliable.” Said the head descendant guess mountain coldly.

A gaze fell directly on Chen Dingshan of Yaowanggu.

“I know you Chen Dingshan Elder, your medicine King Valley Core medicine countless, came to old man needs some Medical Pill, if you are polite to come to the door, then the old man will not do it, otherwise, don’t blame old man is welcome. “

Chen Dingshan had realized that the situation was not right, beyond his control, and guessed by the beheading teacher, his face sank.

“What do you mean? Do you really think our medicine Wanggu is bullying?”

Guessing the mountain said with a smile, “Since the old man is going to challenge the Eastern Sea’s first expert, otherwise, of course you will have to fight all of you garbage junk ants, otherwise, old man will always have a thorn in his heart and can’t get over it.”

Guessing the mountain in a few steps bullied me.

“You guess the mountain is bully intolerably.” Chen Dingshan was furious, and a set of Palm Techniques was cast from his hands.

It’s just that this set of Palm Techniques has just been exhibited. In the immutable gun god Li San, raising his hand is a shot, which stopped Chen Dingshan’s offensive.

Being caught by Li San, Chen Dingshan’s strength was greatly reduced, because he had to be alert to Li San at all times.

He now hates Li San as a boner, and he secretly fires a cold gun, but he can’t do anything.

Fortunately, Chen Dingshan was not alone, and there was a person Elder beside him.

The Elder also gloomed. “Li San, you are the Grandmaster of South Yunnan. It’s too kind of you to take a shot at our Yaowang Valley now.”

The Elder stepped on the Movement Technique, Great Peng spread his wings, and a snake-shaped hand attacked Li San in the past, but when Li San was attacked, a miniature Formula came over instantly.

I didn’t know when it was set up, and it was quiet.

Blocked Elder’s figure.

“Prince Mo, how dare you do it to me.” This Elder sucked in a breath of cold air, attacked the invisible Formation, and stared at Prince Mo not far away.

He knows that Prince Mo is good at formation, but he was under the formation by Prince, which he did not expect.

Prince Mosai said with a smile, “It’s nothing, just because your medicine king valley is not pleasing to the eye, and the shelf is usually so large that it is rare to have a chance to fight with you. Why are you still unwilling?”

At this time, another Grandmaster Chen Tianya said with a big smile, “I have been yearning for the Grandmaster of Yaowang Valley too. How can I not have such a good opportunity.”

Within a few steps, Chen Tianya also attacked.

Mess, everything is messed up!

Iron War looked at this scene and fell down deeply in a cold breath of air.

Even stupid people seem to understand what is going on.

These people should all help Lin Fei.

Only this can explain why Lin Fei is still so indifferent to now, because he is not afraid of anything at all, everything is under the control of the other party.

This means …

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