“What’s going on?”

“Could it be my eyes gone.”

“Isn’t it the first descendant of Southeast Asia to guess Lin Fei?”

“What the hell is this!”

The Martial Artist present was quietly talking about it, and the scene in front of it was a bit unimaginable.

The script is wrong!

Then Lin Fei actually moved his mouth to make Southeast Asia’s No. XNUMX descending division Guess Shan change the object of the appointment.

After thinking about it, it seems that Guess Shan’s words make a complete sense.

It’s no exaggeration to say that the first expert of the Eastern Sea is scorching sky. In everyone’s mind, Lin Fei has always been a newly-emerged Grandmaster. In the name of the first expert of the Eastern Sea, everyone doesn’t have much in mind. Convinced.

So at this time, it seems that there is nothing impossible for Guessing the Downfall Master to stare at Lietian. After all, people are here today. Moreover, the last sentence of the Guessing Downcast Guessing Mountain is correct. Long Teng Shan Zhuang, no matter how far you can run.

After defeating Lie Tian and then defeating Lin Fei, the meaning is even more different.

Everyone has to admire Lin Fei’s means of speaking, although he is not very old, but this means is different.

Regardless of Lie Tian’s final victory or defeat, the descendant guessed that the prestige of the mountain would reach a Peak.

Su Mei, who has been standing behind Lin Fei, blinked in her eyes. That was the look of worship. With the intuition of a woman, she believed that this should be her master’s means of action.

And none of these Martial Artists who came here today is a good thing.

Su Mei wanted them to mess up first.

Lin Fei sat down again, Su Mei brewed a pot of fragrant tea, “Master, you drink.”

Lin Fei took a sip of a sip and smiled in his heart, “Aren’t you going to watch my good show? Then watch slowly, if I don’t play tricks on you today, then I’m not Lin Fei.”

At the presence of the Grandmaster Martial Artist, in fact, few really deserve Lin Fei’s initiative.

What’s more, today is a ceremony of apprenticeship, how bad it is to kill.

Fortunately, it seems that the big fish that came at this time is quite a lot. Basically, those who have vengeance with him have come, but it saves a lot of trouble.

Lin Fei didn’t mind fiercely’s fishing this time. At least let them know the power of Longteng Mountain Villa. From now on, it will become a Forbidden Land of the Eastern Sea.

When anyone mentions Long Teng Shan Zhuang, the first thought of single thought is fear and fear, and no one dares to offend Long Teng Shan Zhuang!

Lin Fei needs a prestige. The previous prestige is not enough!

“Father, are we in a good position?” Lie Xuan’s whole body didn’t follow well anymore, but he came to see Lin Fei’s ugliness, not to see his father and the beheader guess Shanshan fight.

This is completely different than imagined.

If it is possible, Lie Tian does not intend to do anything, but at present, it seems that it will not work.

Some regrets came to Longteng Villa in my heart, but the play was not considered, but I went in first!

All this blame Lin Fei talk nonsense!

The beheader guessed that Shanshan had locked the Spiritual Force on Lie Tian’s body, and he was not allowed to take any extra actions.

Lie Tian depressed all the in a bad mood in her heart, and then she faced Guaishan first.

dong dong dong dong dong!

The first step of Lie Tian, ​​like drums on the ground, instantly pulled a few meters away.

One trick, ‘Lie Huashan’, directly attacked the past.

Along with Lie Tian’s shot, the crowd quickly let go of an area.

I could see dumbstruck in my eyes, apparently I didn’t look back.

Really do it!

“Father, this situation seems to be a little different.” God was invincible, they also retreated, and their hearts were very in a bad mood, and finally pushed Lin Fei out, making him the first in the Eastern Sea. Expert, although overstatement is full, but in any case the name is hanging out.

There is no first in the text and no second in Wu Wu, but this sentence has been circulating.

As long as the first two words are crowned, there will be a lot of hatred value invisibly.

For a moment, God invincible almost came out and scolded Guessing Mountain as a pig’s brain. Isn’t it good to deal with Lin Fei? I’m going to find Lie Tian, ​​you have nothing to do. In case you are defeated, who will take the initiative to deal with Lin Fei.

God is invincible, but it is very clear that these people present will not do it easily. After all, everyone ’s status is there. Once they lose, the influence will be great. Otherwise, why are some Martial Artists generally not? I am afraid that because of losing, the impact will be too great!

Peng peng peng peng 砰!

The Guai Shan Head Division uses close combat, Muay Thai very ruthless poisonous, and instantly fights with the fierce sky.

Every punch and every foot brings tremendous strength.

Shen Tianquan and Long Tianxing naturally saw this scene in their eyes. The first feeling is that this is a bit wrong, but when I think about it, it seems very normal.

After all, the first expert of the Eastern Sea is scorching sky, which is no doubt a thing.

Lin Fei is simply not qualified to become the first expert in Eastern Sea. Right now they can only look forward to Guessing Mountain can defeat the fierce sky, and then they can fight with Lin Fei, without costing them a fight. Otherwise, you let If they were present, the people present were all smart people. Without a 100% chance of winning, they would never do anything.

Everyone is savvy, and they will plot against it!

“What a Lin Fei, the fierce sky is also a fool, clearly knowing that he is the first Eastern Sea Expert, and dare to come over, isn’t this an excuse for Lin Fei?” The iron war pulled Lin Rou to stand in the distance, in his heart I have to admire Lin Fei’s methods, and a trick of murder a person with a borrowed knife is used, which is flexible and smart.

Clearly know it is Murder a person with a borrowed knife, but Dire Tian really has to make a shot, otherwise the next day their Lie Family will become a big joke in the circle of Martial Dao, even the descending master would not dare to guess the mountain Battle, what’s the use of Eastern Expert for you?

In this case, once it is crowned, it will have a great impact on Lie Family’s status.

Now the iron war seems to understand why Lin Fei would refuse politely when he asked for help just now, and at that time he couldn’t see through it, but at this time he seemed to see through it a little bit.

Well, today’s apprentice feast is everything in Lin Fei’s plot against!

If that’s the case, then this Lin Fei is too powerful.

Tie Zhan can’t do this to himself, especially with so many people.

Every Grandmaster present, there was a huge obstacle to the Iron War trying to cope, and he knew that his worry was unnecessary.

“This Lin Fei is really a man of means.”

“Secretary, who do you think will win between Lietian and Guaishan?” Lin Rou asked beside her. She only saw the two’s constantly fighting, dazzled, and could not see the two’s fighting.

“That’s hard to say, let’s just wait and see how it changes.” Iron War also looked shocked.

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