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The new theory of morning sun rises. Alas,

Another day is coming.

But today is not an ordinary day, but a very important day.

The four forces outside Starry Sky all wanted to bring Sect Heavenly God out in the first place, and more of the Heavenly God watching in secret, blowing with the wind of Great Heaven World, they have reason to believe that something will happen today.

More people look forward to what the Emperor Heaven will do.

The four Heavenly Gods have already come together.

Despite their struggles with each other, they are now subconsciously gathered together, so that they can have a deterrent effect on Emperor Heaven.

“Do you think Emperor Heaven will surrender people?” Yuan Hong Heavenly God of Paradise Palace spoke first, and Gaze had always fallen on the Great Heaven World.

“Haha, this is worth saying, Emperor Heaven will surely surrender, unless he is really willing to fight with us Sect!” Heavenly God said with a sneer of Monster Sect, and Monster Qi in combination, it is very impressive. Feeling of horror.

“Human, Emperor Heaven must be surrendered, if not surrendered, he is in courting death!” The white clothed cold Heavenly God of Heavenly Palace, holding his sword in both hands, proud of Complete.

“As long as you hand it over, and we have eight Heavenly Gods, presumably, you have met Refiner Sect, do not know what you think of him, what do you want to say!” The last Saint Demon Overlord disciple Li Qi Heavenly God glanced at everyone and said.

Refiner Sect visited, they are all know.

They are too close to each other, it is difficult to do not know. Besides, what’s happening at Great Heaven World. They are also know, the originator is Refiner Sect.

“It depends. The Emperor Heaven this child is insane. It is not yet truly Heavenly God and can easily kill Heavenly God. If you are promoted to Heavenly God Realm or the eighteen Clone Heavenly God come out, I am afraid few people can Suppress Emperor Heaven, so, if there is an opportunity, I don’t mind shooting Emperor Heaven! “Yuan Hong Heavenly God said very directly.

Paradise Palace has a Heavenly God. There is still something to do. Yuanhong Heavenly God needs to be angry for Sect, and he has his own ideas in private. If he can get Clone into Heavenly God, he may be able to impact the higher Realm in the future.

Yuanhong Heavenly God doesn’t mind talking straight.

The other three, what he thinks, he also knows Complete, but it is not the same as his own idea.

If you can kill Emperor Heaven, it will be a big contribution. The benefits are unimaginable.

“Emperor Heaven this person must die, if I can, I don’t mind shooting once and want to see it. His Clone Heavenly God strength!” Said Thirteen Coldly, a bit of cold glow flashed under his eyes.

A few people didn’t hide their thoughts.

They are all dealing with Emperor Heaven.

Besides, someone charged ahead. They were relieved.


“Looks like someone is coming!”

When they are discussing.

Lin Fei silhouette appears on Starry Sky. Stopped not far from them.

“You guys, wait a long time!”

Lin Fei is here. Just laughed.

“People!” Yuanhong Heavenly God didn’t want to listen to these nonsense.

“I’m so anxious to do something. I’m here, and I will definitely bring it with me. This credibility is still there!” With a wave of Lin Fei, sou sou sou flew out of four people.

These four people were the four Heavenly God Experts under house arrest.

“Chi Huo Heavenly God, are you okay!” Yuan Hong Heavenly God saw Chi Huo Heavenly God relaxed, as long as the person is still good, but, in the next second, I saw a very old Chi Huo Heavenly God, expression changed, “Emperor Heaven, what have you done to Chi Huo Heavenly God!”

The other three forces, at the beginning, were sighed in relief, hearing this, and seeing the Heavenly God Expert look of each family, they were furious and anger drinking Emperor Heaven.

“Emperor Heaven, hello shameless.”

“You actually dug their Divine Spark.”

“Emperor Heaven, you are dead, Sect will never let you go!”

They calculated that Emperor Heaven would hand over the people. The only thing they didn’t calculate was that all the people handed over by Emperor Heaven lost Divine Spark and completely lost the battle strength.

Lin Fei snapped it, and the four Heavenly God floated out and landed not far from them.

“You are so embarrassed to say that I will give you face if I don’t kill them, otherwise, they have been dead for a long time!” Lin Fei narrowed his eyes and shook his head. “You are so content!”

Shortly after they were placed under house arrest, Lin Fei took away Divine Spark from them.

Put Heavenly God Expert back, Lin Fei can’t do it. Importantly, Divine Spark is very useful to them.

Chi Huo Heavenly God was pushed beside Yuan Hong Heavenly God, and he was free, his face was full of anger, staring at Emperor Heaven, “Emperor Heaven, you take our Divine Spark, I remember this!”

“Remember me, that’s so embarrassing, you better not remember me!” Lin Fei shook his head. “Now that you all receive it, get out of it, don’t get mad, and leave you behind ! “

All four were very angry.

Without Heavenly God of Divine Spark, basically there is not much battle strength, and I have paid three Divine Sparks in vain, and they will all be laughed at by people, let alone Sect.

They were stunned by Emperor Heaven, how could this breath be swallowed.

But now, they are very scared of Emperor Heaven, not to mention, the Heavenly God Expert who came back also told them, do n’t do it, you will lose a lot if you do it. Five of them were the best role models at the time.

Emperor Heaven’s strength is too formidable.

Hua hua 哗~~~~

In vain, silhouettes appeared on Starry Sky, and within a short time, they surrounded Emperor Heaven.

This group of people is very fast, and the victory is unexpected.

“Emperor Heaven, you secretly killed us Refiner Sect Expert, and snatched my Sect refining method. Do you want to give us an explanation of Refiner Sect, don’t think that what you do, others do not know, heaven’s net is wide, and none can escape its mesh It is meticulous, there will always be someone found! “Qiu Musheng said high, and his voice spread out.

I’m in trouble!

Refiner Sect got stuck.

Lin Fei took a lap, and said no hurry, “Your Referer Sect is so big. Four Heavenly Gods and fifteen Half-Step Heavenly Gods. Is this to beat me into a trick?”

As early as last night, Lin Fei knew someone was going to make trouble. Analysis down, Refiner Sect is the most suspect.

Now it seems true.

“Emperor Heaven, you do n’t have to quibble. You killed our Refiner Sect Expert, snatched the method, and pretended to be your own thing. You are really thick-skinned. Unfortunately, the only thing you did n’t do is there is a person not at all I was killed by you, I saw you kill yourself, came to, everyone is here, give us a comment. “Qiu Musheng said indignantly, his eyes quickly flashed a happy look.

“Ah, Qiu Fellow Daoist, did this happen to your Refiner Sect?” Yuan Hong Heavenly God also showed anger, and Chi Huo Heavenly God next to him was a joy.

Refiner Sect Four Heavenly God Expert. Coupled with the four Experts at the scene, maybe there are back tricks, maybe there are a total of ten Heavenly God Experts above Heavenly God, and there may be great hopes for winning Emperor Heaven.

“Qiu Fellow Daoist. You are not mistaken, how could this happen.” Eagle Thirteen doubted.

“If true, it would be too bad!”


Qiu Musheng was yesterday. They have been contacted and promised various benefits. As long as they help. Not afraid of losing Emperor Heaven.

Five Heavenly Gods will not work. What about ten Heavenly Gods?

Refiner Sect has cost this time. Bring four Heavenly God Experts out, plus fifteen Half-Step Heavenly Gods to contain Emperor Heaven in order to win the Refiner Method.

“Our Refiner Sect has never been a liar. Emperor Heaven thinks that he is doing something secretly, but he missed it. When we go on Refiner Sect, everyone will follow him secretly in order to worry about the accident.” Qiu Musheng stared at Emperor Heaven. , Anger, “Emperor Heaven, you don’t need to quibble.”

Someone came out immediately.

This person stared at Emperor Heaven, gnashing teeth, and pointed out, “It’s you, I can’t forget in my life, you shot and killed me Sect Expert, you must not think of it, I will follow and see everything in it.”

Qiu Musheng wants a reason, not to mention from their Refiner Sect. When others believe in Emperor Heaven and Refiner Sect, they must believe in their Refiner Sect.

If there is a reason, then it is easy to handle.

Anyone who sees this scene is basically biased towards Refiner Sect.

After all, Emperor Heaven took the lead in an unfamiliar line and was very motivating for doubt.

“Emperor Heaven, you still have something to say now.” Qiu Musheng was shouted in anger, and did not give Emperor Heaven an opportunity to explain at all, and he was proud of himself secretly, to see what else you could say this time.

“Emperor Heaven, I didn’t expect you to be this kind of person. You actually did this kind of thing.” Yuanhong Heavenly God shook his head. “You can kill Refiner Sect Expert to meet your personal needs, and now take away my Divine Spark from Sect Expert. Since this happened to me, my Paradise Palace needs to breathe for Refiner Sect! “

“Qiu Fellow Daoist, Emperor Heaven and others are insidious and cunning. From Heaven God Expert we can see that 100% of these things are done by him!” Eagle thirteen said with a sneer.

“I don’t like this kind of people, I support Refiner Sect to take people down!” Said Leng Han Heavenly God expressionlessly.

When the four forces opened their mouths, they fell into the ground and wished to step a few more feet on Emperor Heaven’s head.

Lin Fei haha ​​laughed, “Well, a Refiner Sect, your reason is quite good, it is really hard to forcibly put a hat on me, and you should spend a lot of money to attract these people Come on! “

Qiu Musheng Shen Said, “Emperor Heaven, you don’t need to quibble, now you take a trip with our Refiner Sect and hand over the stolen method!”

Hua hua 哗~~~

The Experts got closer again.

Especially the four Heavenly Gods, Divine Sense killing intent is locked on Emperor Heaven.

The four Heavenly Gods outside are also locked on Emperor Heaven. Since they promised Refiner Sect, they will not miss this opportunity.

“Emperor Heaven, you killed our Old Ancestor, grabbed the method, and now you have nothing else to say, obediently follow us to Refiner Sect, hand over the method, and listen to my Refiner Sect.” Zhao Zhi was furious. Today, he came to play the man who was secretly following, and laughed in his heart, drinking Emperor Heaven in the face, feeling really great.

Lin Fei’s eyes narrowed suddenly. “Eight Heavenly God, really deserves my Emperor Heaven. Unfortunately, this is not enough!”

“What about us!”

Sou sou sou ~~~

Four Heavenly God Experts appeared in Starry Sky, and there were twelve Heavenly God Experts on the scene. (A good activity to drop pie in the sky, cool mobile phone is waiting for you! Follow ~ point / public account (wechat add friends-add public account-just enter dd), join now! Everyone has a prize, now pay attention to dd immediately WeChat public account!)

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