ps: Watch the exclusive story behind “Invincible Leveling King”, listen to your more suggestions for the novel, pay attention to the public account (wechat add friends-add public account-enter dd), tell me quietly!

ps: I’m sorry, I made a mistake yesterday, it should be Happy May Day, and it’s smooth!


There was an extra crowd in front of Invincible Palace. Alas,

“Not good, our Palace Host is not here!”

A guard came out and said coldly to a group of people in front of him.

Invincible Palace is now very popular.

do not know how many people want to visit, so the guard at the gate of the palace has also become a shelf, and many lords have seen it.

Similar to today’s crowd, it looks very imposing. The guards at Invincible Palace didn’t care, and they worshipped the Palace Host.

“Not here? What are you kidding!”

At first a young man said dissatisfied, “You know who we are, neglecting our Refiner Sect and killing you, your Palace Host doesn’t dare to say a word, believe it or not!”

It was Zhao Zhi who spoke.

The Invincible Palace guarded the complexion changed, and said with a sneer, “I have seen many people like you. My Palace Host is either here or there. If you have the ability, you do n’t use it to visit!”

Zhao Zhi was so angry, “You little guard dared to talk to me like this, you don’t want to live!”

The guards at the Invincible Palace were not scared at all, and several guards not far away surrounded them, “Why, want to make trouble here, don’t look at this place, you dare move, some people come out to clean up you!”

came to. Several giant dragons were flying through the sky.

“Brothers, someone wants to do something!”

The giant dragon in the sky stared. Cold light shot, cold killing intent locked on Zhao Zhi. “Brat, you want to do something, I’ll kill you!”

Zhao Zhi was stared at by the gaze of the giant dragon, and instantly fell into the ice cave of Endless, his body shaking involuntarily.

“You ~~ Dare!” Zhao Zhi shivered in the face of the giant dragon’s eyes.

Since Lin Fei brought Dragon Clan out, Dragon Clan has been arranged in the Great Heaven World, and what they do every day is very simple, just patrol everywhere.

Immortal in Great Heaven World. Who do not know the power of Dragon Clan, even if it is the same Realm’s Dragon Clan, you can beat the same Realm Expert at will. The equipment on them also makes everyone look jealous.

Dragon Clan appeared in Great Heaven World, and then a sentence appeared, offending anyone, 10 million could not offend Dragon Clan, the consequences would be very miserable.

“Xiao Zhao, needless to say. Let’s go and visit again the other day!”

Zhao Zhi fiercely stared, “I remember what happened today, and sooner or later you will regret it!”

This group of people is naturally the entire group of Refiner Sect.

They are here today to meet Emperor Heaven.

The purpose is also simple. I want to buy the refining method from Emperor Heaven, so that I can continue to monopolize the big fat meat of weapon and Battle suit, who would think that others are not there. The gate didn’t get in either.

Refiner Sect never thought of going in.

“These people are too believe oneself infallible, and don’t see where it is!”

As soon as they walked away. The guard at the Invincible Palace said that they were not used to them.

Dragon Clan saw nothing. Leaving quickly and continuing to patrol, these things happen every day, they don’t care. At first, there was a 9-Star Paragon trouble, but Dragon Clan was swarmed up, and it was Insta-kill on the spot. Since then, no one dares to despise Dragon Clan.

“Elder, Emperor Heaven must be in the Invincible Palace. He dare not see us!”

Zhao Zhi’s One Revolution eyebrows said angrily.

“Well, Xiao Zhao, we gave Emperor Heaven a chance. Since he doesn’t want to see us, maybe it’s really out of the way, it’s okay, so we chose Emperor Heaven to choose another way. Now we’re going to meet old friends!” A black robed man, a flash of cold glow flashed under his eyes, and the surrounding temperature suddenly dropped.


Outside Starry Sky.

Four forces stay on Warship for the time being.

They don’t care about the three days, they can wait for a hundred years, it’s nothing more than three days.

At noon, a group of people came to visit.

They visited Paradise Palace first, and then three other forces. They stayed for a short time, and nobody knew what was discussed.

In the evening of that day, a message spread in Great Heaven World.

“Brothers, have you heard of it? Weapon Battle suits auctioned by Heavenly Fortune Building seem to come from Refiner Sect!”

“No way, how is this possible!”

“I also heard about this, it seems that Heavenly Fortune Building and some people, sneak attacked the Elder of the Referer Sect and stole the latest research!”

“This kind of thing happens, then Heavenly Fortune Building is not going to be bad luck!”

“I just said that this Top Grade refining method, in addition to the large sect such as the Refiner Sect, can be made out of that sect. Now it’s all right, come to one’s door!”

“Looks like it’s going to be hilarious next time. The method developed by Refiner Sect has been robbed, and they must take it back!”


As soon as the news spread, there was an uproar.

Some people think that Refiner Sect is jealous, create something from nothing.

In addition, some people say that Heavenly Fortune Building does not have this ability, and the law must have been stolen. Now the Lord is here to see what else they can say.

The two sides quarreled.

More people are preparing to watch the good show.

Everyone knows that Heavenly Fortune Building’s auction involves Emperor Heaven. No matter who the news came from, it was all directed towards Emperor Heaven.

Invincible Palace up and down, did not show anything about this news.

On the side of Heavenly Fortune Building Division, openly rumors proved that the news was untrue, and accused someone of shameless skin to ruin the reputation of Heavenly Fortune Building.

By the third day, the news was far away.

Some people are also getting excited.

…… ..

“Fun, it’s really fun, Refiner Sect actually played this trick!”

In an Immortal Mansion.

Tian Yang laughed as he listened to his report.

As soon as the news spread, Tian Yang knew.

With such an inferior excuse, Tian Yang doesn’t need to think about who’s writing. Who else is there besides Refiner Sect, now it’s something jealous.

“Lord. Refiner Sect Elder, said to meet you!”

After a while. His men came in again to report.

Tian Yang waved his hand, “Go and tell them, I’m not feeling well, just see me!”

When his men went out, Tian Yang sneered, “Refiner Sect, you are shooting yourself in the foot.”

For Refiner Sect, which monopolizes weapon and Battle suit, Tian Yang is not very likes. On the contrary, he has a lot of opinions. Now that an Emperor Heaven has emerged, mastering a more perfect weapon Battle suit, he would love to see this happen.


“A good Tianyang, a good Arakawa, both are old foxes!”

Elder of Refiner Sect visited the two Chamber of Commerce Heavenly God and ended up eating a closed door. Qiu Musheng’s face was not good. He left the Immortal Mansion of Vice President Arakawa and cursed secretly.

“You rejected the old man’s kindness today. You will regret it tomorrow. At that time, we will lose the weapon and Battle suit provided by Sect. See you two of the Chamber of Commerce will not ask for the old man!”

Qiu Musheng waved his hand, “Let’s go!”

There is no way to draw attention to the Chamber of Commerce and the Chamber of Commerce. Qiu Musheng said that he was angry. As long as things were done, he had a way to deal with the two old foxes. Not afraid that they don’t bow their heads.

Just returned to interim Immortal Mansion.

Someone came to report the news.

“Elder, someone from the World Chamber of Commerce is here. Saying I want to see you!”

Qiu Musheng’s eyes brightened, “Good job. We have another helper!”

Quickly step forward.


While Refiner Sect was running.

Lin Fei in the back room, looking at the eighteen Clone Heavenly God next to him, couldn’t help laughing.

“Haha ha, I finally have eighteen Clone Heavenly God!”

“Congratulations deity!”

“Congratulations deity!”

Eighteen Clone Heavenly God archways around.

Looking at the eighteen Clone Heavenly God Congratulations himself, Lin Fei likes this feeling.

“Come, come, put on your gear!”

With a wave of Lin Fei, pieces of Low Grade Divine Equipment flew out, arming Clone Heavenly God. In addition, there were various attribute Divine Equipment, which were also worn after one.

“If I release eighteen Clone Heavenly God in an instant, as long as it is not Realm’s very high Heavenly God, I am afraid I will be hacked to death by my Chaotic Blade!” Lin Fei said to himself, thinking of this scene, whole body Become excited.

After Clone was armed, Lin Fei went up and down to check, and then Clone Heavenly God was put away.

Lin Fei took out the extra Divine Spark again. This is temporarily useless. All the brains have been refining, and the Experience Points are not available. After all, the divine soul inside is gone.

“Ding, get a God King fragment!”

A few Divine Sparks went down, and one Divine Spark got the God King fragment.

Lin Fei didn’t want it either. He now has seven God King fragments, which is still a distance away from a hundred God King fragments.

“No hurry, take your time!”


Come out of the back room.

Both Dragon King and Yuntianhen are here.

“What happened?”

Dragon King and Yun Tianhen are satisfied with the present day.

“Someone is going to make trouble!” Dragon King explained what happened in detail and said his concerns, “Master, this should be released by Refiner Sect, and our people also found that they secretly and Paradise Palace they contacted, and there are two Chamber of Commerce! “

Yuntian marks his face worried, “They want to unite everyone tomorrow and kill the Master a completely unprepared. Are we going to deal with them first?”

They both know, and now a lot of Heavenly God is watching.

If Emperor Heaven is defeated, the Heavenly God onlookers will take action, the Great Heaven World will fall in an instant, and the fear of the two is also unreasonable.

They know Emperor Heaven strength is very strong.

But against them, there is still a certain distance.

“You don’t have to worry, a few jumping clown that’s all, they dare to come, I dare to leave them all!” Lin Fei thought, and eighteen Clone Heavenly Gods appeared behind him.

“Eighteen Heavenly God, Master, you are so good!”

“Haha ha, they’re dead!”

They were really worried.

When they saw the eighteen Clone Heavenly Gods and their Low Grade Divine Equipment armed with teeth, they laughed, and it seemed that someone was going to have bad luck tomorrow.

They can imagine that when the eighteen Clone Heavenly Gods started, killing Heavenly God is just like Insta-kill.

“How to toss outside, you don’t have to worry about it, I’ll have to see how many people jump out and kill me tomorrow!” (Add friends on WeChat-add public number-just enter dd), join immediately! Everyone has a prize, now pay attention to dd WeChat public number!)

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