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A killing intent outside Starry Sky permeated.

Twelve Heavenly Gods, Divine Sense killing intent is locked on Emperor Heaven.

This lineup is already the horror of Complete.

Refiner Sect In order to get the Famen in hand, this time was cut out, and Emperor Heaven must be won anyway, even if it costs a lot.

“Emperor Heaven, you are awesome, but if you are awesome, you don’t necessarily prevent our twelve Heavenly Gods from shooting!”

Qiu Musheng was already prepared.

Emperor Heaven is very strong. Refiner Sect has a great network of contacts. He can ask Heavenly God Expert for help. The other four Heavenly God Experts are all friends of Refiner Sect. When came to Great Heaven World, he heard the invitation and said nothing.

“It’s better to take a trip with us. It’s our turn to do it. Not necessarily good for you!”

Twelve Heavenly Gods surround Emperor Heaven.

Anyone will be stressed.

Lin Fei didn’t have any pressure, and gently said, “Refiner Sect is a good method. I have seen people with shameless. I have n’t seen any of your shameless skin. No wonder Sect is not a good thing. I see this. That ’s a good point. Now that everyone is here, came to me and I can start playing. ”¥, ..

Lin Fei twisted his body, his joint ka ka rattled.


Bang bang bang!! !

Eighteen Heavenly God horrifying breath dripping from the sky world-shaking.

Lin Fei shot too fast.

Qiu Musheng didn’t expect that Emperor Heaven said it would be a hands-on operation, and it was intended to oppress Emperor Heaven with pressure. It is best to force the other party to dare not to take action, and to descend without a fight. His complexion changed instantly.

“Move ~~~”

Without saying anything, the eighteen horrors breathed from the sky. One after another, crushed on them

“Hands on, really hands on, and dispatched eighteen Heavenly God, they are going to be bad luck!”

Outside Starry Sky, Tian Yang was secretly shocked.

“Still underestimated Emperor Heaven, eighteen Heavenly God, they can’t stop it!”

The bad excuse of Refiner Sect, Tian Yang is know.

and so. Came in secret.

As long as Emperor Heaven is down, Tian Yang will come out to help. Depending on the reason for the shot, and then eat some of the weapon and Battle suit, I will definitely agree to come to Emperor Heaven.

Merchants seek profit, so does Tian Yang.

At this time, Tian Yang knew better than anyone that Refiner Sect would suffer a great deal this time.

Looking for trouble in Emperor Heaven?

hehe ~~~

The same is true of Arakawa in Hell’s Paradise.

It was shocking to see the Eighteen Heavenly God.

Especially the armed weapon on Heavenly God, and Divine Equipment with extra attributes, such as the Treasure House, are jealous.

Nouveau riche!

Emperor Heaven is definitely the big Nouveau riche.

Two Low Grade Divine Equipment. Very luxurious for any Heavenly God. Now Clone Heavenly God of Emperor Heaven, that is awesome. It cannot be seen by ordinary people.

There is no need to think about Arakawa. The know Refiner Sect is going to suffer a lot. Now they have to consider whether the whole army is annihilated or there are a few things left.

Lin Fei has shot. Not planning to stay.

“Time slows down!”

As soon as eighteen Heavenly Gods came out, Lin Fei printed the fingerprints of the Top Grade Time Technique.

A thunderbolt strike is required.

A force of time swayed from the Heavenly God Expert.

Eighteen Heavenly God rushed to the nearest four Heavenly God. It is Heavenly God brought by Refiner Sect, the soldier front brought by Low Grade Divine Equipment. Roll over them.

“Not good, I’m slowing down!”

“Hell, what happened!”

“My speed!”

“It’s time for Divine Ability, we’re in!”

Time slows down.

The first four Heavenly Gods slowed down. Eighteen Heavenly Gods swarmed up and waved their swords. Between the Instants, the four Heavenly Gods were chopped into countless pieces.

Battle suit and weapon?

Chopped directly.

With eighteen Heavenly God shots, battle strength is unimaginable.

Insta-kill !

Real Insta-kill.

The four Heavenly Gods had no time to resist, and they were insta-kill on the spot.

This was just a breathing time, the four Heavenly Gods fell, and the eighteen Heavenly Gods struck again, aiming at the four Heavenly Gods they had invited.

In front of the Top Grade Time Technique, they only saw that their hands were moving. Their Divine Armament was killed in front of them, but they couldn’t resist it, and fell on their bodies.


That’s all they thought.

The expression on his face was too late to change.

Lin Fei waved his hand, put away eight Divine Sparks, and stepped up, pointing at Zhao Zhi’s eyebrows, “Did I kill myself like this!”


Zhao Zhi’s eyes widened and his body exploded into fragments.

“Since you said I robbed you of the Refiner Sect’s method, I’ll have a killing ring today, and the Refiner Sect can do me better. Not only that, I have to visit one after another, really when I am Emperor Heaven It’s up! “

Lin Fei came to Qiu Musheng, Heavenly God War Blade fell on his hand, and slashed out.

~ snap ~!

Qiu Musheng’s Battle suit opened a gap.

“You ~~~ You dare ~~”

Qiu Musheng was scared of the six gods.

In a moment, eight Heavenly Gods fell.

This is Heavenly God, not any cat and dog, but can be easily beheaded in front of Heavenly God like a wolf.

“Nothing dare, I’m going to you Refiner Sect!”

Lin Fei slashed again at Qiu Musheng, Battle suit oh la la exploded, unable to resist the two consecutive blasts.

“This is what you are looking for!”

With a wave of Heavenly God War Blade, blade glow soared down the sky, splitting from Qiu Musheng, a Divine Spark fell out, and was about to fly away, Lin Fei grabbed with one hand, Divine Spark fell on his hand, and received Go to the Storage Ring.

“Don’t fight, we won’t fight Paradise Palace!”

Yuanhong Heavenly God can’t fight it. The Battle suit and weapon on his body are scarred and scarcely resistant. Can only be asked for mercy.


Defeated too fast!

Heavenly God surrounds Emperor Heaven, it seems to Yuanhong Heavenly God. No matter how big the Emperor Heaven ability is, it will be defeated today. You can also get a lot of benefits.

But in a blink of an eye, the beautiful scene was broken.

Heavenly God was fragile, unable to withstand a single blow in front of Lin Fei, and was killed three or two times.


How to spell it.

At this point, they were truly amazing to have seen Emperor Heaven.

It is simply impossible to resist.

“What does it mean to stop playing, I have a good bully at Emperor Heaven. From the moment you promised Refiner Sect, you are doomed to this ending, kill me, one is not left!”

Lin Fei stands on his own. No more shots.

“Emperor Heaven, I fight with you!”

“Kill me, Sect will never let you go, you do not know, our Sect is powerful!”

“Emperor Heaven, it’s not my business, it’s Refiner Sect, we really have no plans to deal with you ~~~~ As long as you promised to let us go, we Sect ~~~

The eighteen Clone Heavenly God crushed it again.

Less than two breaths. Including Heavenly God, which was put back before, was also killed after one after another. Lin Fei had four more Divine Sparks and twelve Divine Sparks on hand.

“I watched the good show for so long. You guys also show me!”

After a long time, he flew behind Lin Fei and rolled deep into Starry Sky. The eighteen Clone Heavenly God rushed up and forced four silhouettes in an instant.

“Emperor Heaven Fellow Daoist and slow!”

“Misunderstanding. This is a misunderstanding!”

The four people who appeared were the four Overlord Experts. At this point, it appears that Complete is embarrassing.

They were there early in the morning, and they wanted to get both sides suffer between Emperor Heaven and Refiner Sect, and they took the opportunity to take another shot. By then, what else could Emperor Heaven do.

Unfortunately, they miscalculated Emperor Heaven.

Twelve Heavenly Gods, blinked, were beheaded by Clone Heavenly God of Emperor Heaven. They saw it clearly. Clone Heavenly God was not afraid of attack. As soon as they got close, Low Grade Divine Equipment would bring death, they Only then did I realize the horror of the invincible weapon. In addition, the blessing of Divine Ability at that time made Heavenly God Expert completely powerless and completely tortured.

The four Overlord Realm are not low.

But if you are close, the Battle suit and weapon on your body don’t necessarily prevent the opponent’s attack, this is the most terrifying one.

As soon as the twelve Heavenly Gods died, they lost their chance and began to think about how to treat Emperor Heaven. Who would have expected that they would have found their tracks early.

In a long time, they blasted them out.

At the same time, they also fell into a long time, their movements slowed down, and they were attacked by eighteen Clone Heavenly Gods in an instant, and they could barely resist.

Bang bang bang!! !

The eighteen Heavenly Gods are all in close combat.

The Battle suit and Divine Armament on the four Overlords were damaged to varying degrees, and they were bleeding.

“Emperor Heaven, stop quickly. This is a misunderstanding. We are here to help!” Sen Luo Overlord scolded Refiner Sect as useless, squeezed an ugly smile, and desperately moved towards Emperor Heaven to explain.

“I’m Zhen Hai Overlord, and I’m here to help. I don’t like Refiner Sect. I heard that Fellow Daoist was in trouble, so we came.” Zhen Hai Overlord also had to lower his head and stop Emperor Heaven first. .

Wandao Overlord and Xuantai Overlord are the same, not to mention how aggrieved, this person was attacked before he attacked, still in a long time and affected everywhere.

Lin Fei is saying, “talk nonsense, you dare to say that you are Overlord, so shameless.”

Eighteen Heavenly Gods are still attacking.

~ snap ~.

The battle suit of Samurai Overlord exploded and became fragments, and his face paled. “Emperor Heaven Fellow Daoist, we are really the Seven Overlords. I am Samra Overlord. They are Zhen Hai Overlord, Mando Overlord, Zhen Hai. Overlord, all are here to help! “

Lin Fei still shook his head.

“You said that Overlord is Overlord. I also think that you are associates of Refiner Sect, and you want to sneak attack on me secretly, I will not let people like you!”

Lin Fei actually recognized them.

What the Seven Overlords look like, how can Lin Fei do not know, since they come to their own ideas, it is important to pay some price.

“We are really Overlord. If you do n’t believe me, ask someone to ask!” Wan Dao Overlord wanted to cry without tears, and a Low Grade God Armor on his body was cut off, and he hurriedly took out one to resist the attack.

Lin Fei twitched his lips, “Overlords are all lords. How can ordinary people know each other? How can Overlord-level characters come in this small place?”

Don’t make you suffer, I thought I was afraid of you.

Lin Fei does not intend to let them go easily.

“Emperor Heaven Fellow Daoist, this is probably a misunderstanding!”

Suddenly, two people flew out in the distance.

“Li Shan, you lost last time. Was it unwilling, someone brought revenge!” Lin Fei squinted and stared at one of the two.

“Emperor Heaven Overlord, you laughed, I have this courage.” Li Shan Tian Divine Dao, “This is our Overlord, Dark Overlord, come to visit Emperor Heaven Yours!” Cool mobile phone is waiting for you! Pay attention to the point / public account (wechat, add friends, add public account and enter dd), and participate immediately! Everyone has a prize, now pay attention to dd WeChat public account!

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