“Come on!”

“Black robe brat appears in the East!”

“That guy killed a lot of Paragon!”

The message is constantly returned.

That mysterious black robe guy was finally dug up, which is good news for everyone.

Everyone moved towards the past in one direction, while all around blocked it in the direction of moved towards, and the sky was full of fireworks, which were especially obvious.

The entire Sky City’s Paragon is in action.

Blocking begins.


Over a mountain range.

Dozens of Paragons are besieging a black behemoth.

Bang bang bang ~~

Various attacks and Divine Ability attacks landed on the Black War Fortress and were completely shaken away.


As soon as the black fort hits, Paragon’s hard body is broken, breaking like glass. Piece by piece fell from the sky.

“You are dying!”

Inside War Fortress, Lin Fei sits high on the throne and looks coldly.

“1-Star 2-Star Paragon, basically dying after two collisions, 3-Star Paragon is more troublesome, more than a dozen collisions, they are not good!”


This is the most primitive attack method of War Fortress.

Not long after, Lin Fei sneered and drove War Fortress calmly away.

As far as dozens of Paragon died, Lin Fei didn’t care.


Every single time of the siege is left with the entire army’s information.

But the news didn’t bother Paragon, and he continued to obstruct it indomitably, constantly blocking in front.

“This black robe guy is really cunning!”

‘Dao’ Paragon’s Clone took his own horse, once again lagging behind the first step, his face was terrifying.

“People around Sky City are besieging, and I don’t believe you can survive. The power source of War Fortress cannot be exhausted!”

The origin of ‘Dao’ Paragon is out of the ordinary. Natural know War Fortress requires special energy consumption. In the eyes of ‘Dao’ Paragon, the black robe guy relies on the special energy left over before. Once the special energy is lost, I am afraid I ca n’t urge it. Move War Fortress and they can kill in by then!

“Do you not catch up?”

Not far away, there was a wave of people.

Seeing them coming, ‘Dao’ Paragon’s face was not natural, “You are not the same!”

“It’s not your style!” The comer laughed, showing a dry old face, gloomy, and it was an extra dreary cold, which made the Complete uncomfortable.

“It’s normal to fail to catch up!” Said Paragon, unwilling to say more, “I’m going to chase people!”

Coldly left a word, ‘Dao’ Paragon caught up.

“The original top ten Paragon, hehe!” Xuanyin Paragon sneered.

“Lord, why didn’t you kill that guy!” One henchman asked.

“The current ‘Dao’ Paragon is just a Clone that’s all. It’s not worth it. Besides, people in their family, and some in other Sky City, kill him, there will be a lot of trouble, it is better to keep it, anyway. No threat! “

Since the ‘Do’ Paragon deity was suppressed, Sky City’s Paragon did not treat the other person as one thing and lost the corresponding threat.


Lin Fei controls War Fortress every day, and he doesn’t know how many Paragons he killed.

At least Divinity points are increasing.

Gradually, the team of hundreds of people began to decrease. They appeared on the periphery and did not attack. As soon as Lin Fei approached, they left and stayed away from the War Fortress attack range.

“Is this going to block me?”

Lin Fei also feels their changes.

There are fewer Paragons around.

Lin Fei also knew this situation.

“This is intended to completely siege me. They also believe that I do not have energy to support War Fortress. Waiting for the loss of energy support is their best opportunity to attack!”

Lin Fei thought clearly.

“That being the case, I do what you wish!”

A few days later.

Lin Fei stopped on a hill, and War Fortress was so suspended, it seemed like something was waiting.

…… ..

In fact, they are indeed under siege.

This is what they have discussed.

War Fortress is powerful, everyone is know, 1-Star Paragon and 2-Star Paragon were killed in just a few clicks. This is the simplest attack of War Fortress alone.

They chose the siege.

At that time, shooting together consumes the limited energy of War Fortress, loses the limited energy, and War Fortress becomes less threatening mountain range.

This is what they think.

There are a total of eight encircled forces, all of which are the powerful Paragon of Sky City. The strength is no less than the top ten Paragons, which is not as loud as the top ten Paragons that’s all.

The top ten Paragons are now a thing of the past, and in this Sky City, now is their time.

The siege of War Fortress is also their common thought.

At the beginning, Complete Eight believes that the guy in the black robe will definitely fall into their siege.

To this end, they deliberately came up with a set of Formulas, blocking a large piece of Void, gathering most of their power, and progress is good.

With the black robe guys no longer moving forward, their faces could not help changing, this situation is different from what they expected.

could it be something wrong with this?

“War Fortress doesn’t move?”

The news spread among the eight forces.

All spies have proved that War Fortress is no longer Teleport.

They were puzzled. What the hell was going on, could it be the other party already expected?

The eight forces gathered immediately.

…… ..

“Did that guy test our purpose?”

“Don’t you stop and watch the situation?”

“Why watch, we have so many people, almost assembled XNUMX% of Sky City’s strength, could it be not able to deal with that guy?”

“Yes, but I heard that War Fortress needs special energy. As long as we attack from a long range and consume the other party’s energy, War Fortress will become a chicken existence, and this is our opportunity!”

“I think it must be shot. As long as it is within a certain range, War Fortress cannot play its real power for the time being. After all, this is not the War Fortress in its heyday!”

In a temporary place, the leaders of the eight forces gathered to discuss what to do.

The opponent’s behavior is not normal.

As for whether they want to take a shot now, they have no good tricks for the time being, they just talked a lot, who made the current situation unknown.

“Everyone should do it early, so as not to waste time, in case they can’t break the War Fortress and start at the God Will Stage, everyone is really busy!” White eyebrow Paragon indifferently said.

white eyebrow Paragon 5-Star Paragon Peak, the means is not bad.

This said, everyone came back to God, how to forget this.

“I think White Eyebrow Fellow Daoist’s words are very appropriate.” A skinny teenager said lightly, “It is best to take the shortest time to test out the true energy stored in War Fortress!” (To be continued.)

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