Major event !

Sky City’s status began to move.

Bounty starts too!

Bounty for black robed man, including any information, as long as it is useful!

Heaven and Paragon, wind and rain Paragon immediately realized the danger, and they were cautiously from now on, so as not to offend the local tyrant and get their revenge.

They know exactly why they are in Sky City.

This is a kind of test that God ’s servants have on them. The ten-year period seems short to them. It ’s not as simple as retreating.

Suddenly this kind of thing happened on this bone, and they knew they were in big trouble.

Emperor Heaven is too brave!

They couldn’t analyze it. It was clear that Emperor Heaven got War Fortress. Now, Paragon in Sky City was shocked, and they wanted to steal War Fortress from Emperor Heaven.

This Top Grade war weapon should not land on a small Paragon.

Whoever misses this opportunity is a fool.

This pair of heavenly Paragon and wind and rain Paragon do not know what to do, in case those people move to them, waiting for them is a disaster of utter death.

It’s not realistic to hide in plaza.

The Saint Stone on them can’t survive that long. If they can survive for such a long time, they don’t have to worry about it. After all, plaza is a place of protection set by the priests.

“What do you say now?” Wind and rain Paragon also spoke with a bit of bitterness. At that time, the somewhat famous guy had come to this first step and needed to be looked up.

Tian Ju Paragon and so on, look at me, look at you, do not know what to say.

They came with Emperor Heaven.

There is a connection.

“Let’s just wait and see!” Wudi Paragon said low. “If they come to one’s door, we can only say that after we want to come to Emperor Heaven know, we won’t blame us!”

Wudi Paragon said this, and even he himself knew, he was afraid.

That’s right, I’m afraid!

Wudi Paragon is also a Giant of exile. After arriving at Sky City, he knows his strength, which is nothing in this Sky City.

Now it is happening again.

“I think … it’s more appropriate to do so!” Said Paragon helplessly said, “I believe those people will not blame us, maybe this is the only thing that can be done!”

As for proactive reporting, get those Bounty?

They didn’t think about it.

But they didn’t dare to do that, and the reason was simple, and they were afraid of Emperor Heaven.

Emperor Heaven first step grew up, and now they need to look up again, in case the family firmly grasps the War Fortress, they will lose their helmets and armor, and this result will not happen.

This is what they worry about.

If so, they will die by then.

Emperor Heaven knows what kind of character they are, they know a little about it, this kind of thing must be done, and when the time comes, showing off one’s ability, they can’t eat it.

“I think that’s it!” Wind and rain Paragon agreed, “You go back and restrain each Paragon, what happens must not spread the news, don’t drag us down if you want to die.”


Sky City.

Below a mountain range.

Hundred zhang size War Fortress, quietly appeared underground.

“Not enough, still not enough!”

Lin Fei frowns, looking at the purified energy points, was very dissatisfied.

Since controlling War Fortress, Lin Fei has left the area and changed a new place. He believes that the war fortress he got is estimated to spread in Sky City, and then he may face various siege.

“Do not know, wind and rain Paragon, will they take the opportunity to leak their information!” Lin Fei thought of another thing, “If they dare to leak, I will destroy them no matter where they are!”

Come under this floor.

Lin Fei is mining Saint Stone, and there is a Saint Stone Vein of ore underneath, which was originally intended to collect Saint Stone Vein of ore, but here Saint Stone Vein of ore was imprisoned by force.

Facing this kind of thing, Lin Fei can only smile bitterly.

Mining slowly!

Fortunately, this time, Lin Fei brought Hairball out, which is equivalent to one more place to mine Saint Stone.

In a short time, Lin Fei purified 10,000 energy points.

This amount is a waste of money for Lin Fei now, but it is better than nothing. As long as you accumulate 100,000 energy points, you can use the prison cage of war.

“As long as they have energy points, they can’t break War Fortress. This is my biggest advantage!”

These days, Lin Fei has learned about War Fortress up and down.

For example, ten hubs.

This is the attack hub of War Fortress. As long as there are enough manpower, there is no need to rely on energy points, you can mobilize several types of War Fortress attacks.

There are not many Paragons now, and ten hubs can barely urge two.

The previous Ten Thousand Evils warriors have all been sent out to mine Saint Stone. The harvest is not too obvious. Lin Fei pondered it. If he wants to get a lot of Saint Stone, he may have to up and down his hands from outside Paragon .

…… ..

Underground for less than half a month.

Lin Fei was leveling up on the one hand, and on the other was arranging demon warriors to mine, and both sides were correct.

Since three days ago, Lin Fei has known that trouble is coming.

In this place, Paragon started to appear, and there are many, they seem to be searching for something. At first it was a few, but in the following days, the Paragon number turned into a group.

As soon as these Paragons appeared, they broke through the ground, exposing the Vein of ore below for a search.

“They also know that Saint Stone can redeem energy points?”

Lin Fei resisted and didn’t take any action, his heart was full of doubts.

In addition, Lin Fei really wants to know one thing, the Overlord, from where to get the energy point, this is a key.

Lin Fei now understands that it will take some time.

After three more days, Lin Fei couldn’t bear it, because those Paragons approached in this direction. As soon as they broke the ground, they would definitely find the traces here.

“Since you’re here, you can’t blame me!”


More than a dozen Paragons appeared on a mountain range.

“Do you say we will find the guy in the black robe!”

“Who knows, Sky City is so big!”

“If you find it, it is said that the guy was only 4-Star Paragon and over XNUMX Paragons were overcast before they stole it! ‘

“Now Sky City, XNUMX% of Paragon, are starting to act, searching for black robed man while hiding the sky and covering the earth, as long as we have clues, they will be good for us, so why bother participating? ! “

Paragon one after another nod!

They eat meat and drink soup by themselves.

At this time, Sky City’s Paragon came out of Bounty. As long as it provides clues to the whereabouts, it will be of great benefit. This makes everyone eager to find the whereabouts of the black robed man.

“Just below the mountain range, let’s start!”

A 2-Star Paragon pointed to the place.

More than a dozen Paragons are going to break through the ground and look at the situation below. As for why to check Vein of ore, it is also the above command. Trouble is trouble for them, and it is a small thing.

“You guys don’t have to shoot!”

In vain, a cold voice appeared.

They found that in the distance, a black robed man appeared, just like that, a sword struck across the sky, dazzling.

There are more than a dozen Paragons. The strongest strength is only 3-Star Paragon. The rest are 1-Star Paragon and 2-Star Paragon. Now they are all ants.

1-Star Paragon is dead!

2-Star Paragon is dead!

3-Star Paragon is dead!

A sword came out and the body dropped.

Lin Fei’s shot is a full power shot, not giving them any chance.

whoosh whoosh whoosh ~~~

When they died, a yellow glow shot from them, and it just exploded in the sky, like a brilliant flower, scrambling to explode in the sky.

“Still a hit!”

Lin Fei shook his head, and as soon as they died, they knew that this was what forced them to show up. The only thing they didn’t expect was that they would have this. It is estimated that everyone knows that they are in this position.

“Since come to one’s door comes, then not as good as, fight again!”

Lin Fei One Revolution enters War Fortress.


Bang bang bang ~~~

In the sky, the yellow glow that exploded quickly spread away at the first time.

“He has appeared!”

“Fast chase!”

“Can’t let him run!”

The yellow glow exploded, and if the sky was broken, the entire Sky City moved.

Since the news of War Fortress came out, everyone’s mind has been on this Top Grade war weapon, as long as it is obtained, it is the first step to ascend heaven.

Hua hua 哗~~~

Everyone went in this direction.


“It’s War Fortress!”

“Is that the Battle Clan’s Top Grade weapon?”

“Block him!”

Paragon scrambles, no one wants to slow down the first step.

Especially if it is near here, it is know. This is a great opportunity.

Within a short time, there were hundreds of Paragons nearby, Realm high and low, scarlet eyes, a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to appear, especially after seeing War Fortress look completely crazy.

“Come on me!”

Lin Fei in War Fortress sits high on the throne.

“Roger that!”

War Fortress is a fortress in Teleport.

Impact is also a form of attack!


War Fortress instantly turned into a black line and ran into it.

Bang bang bang ~~~

In front of the 1-Star Paragon, War Fortress slammed into it, shooting fear in the eyes, such as a piece of glass, the body exploded constantly and turned into a bunch of blood mist.

Without one breath, two or thirty 1-Star Paragons were killed.

The 2-Star Paragon was better, but he was uncomfortable, his face was pale, and he couldn’t stop the second wave of impact. Before they avoided it, the second wave of attacks followed.

Bang bang bang ~~~

War Fortress also demonstrated the power of Top Grade war weapons for the first time.

Hundreds of Paragon had planned to stop War Fortress. It would be better if they could get in, but they didn’t realize the horror of War Fortress until they actually encountered it.


“Must stop!”

‘Our people will arrive soon! “

Paragon hiss roar!

War Fortress’s indomitable shock, not at once, twice? (To be continued.)

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