After a discussion, the eight forces decided that they could not hesitate to shoot immediately.

After all, their understanding of War Fortress is limited to rumors. In fact, there is no real contact. How about it is how about it, and very little is known.

They must shoot early.

In their eyes, there are so many Paragons, there are more than 5 6-Star Paragons, and there are hundreds of 3-Star Paragons. As for 4-Star XNUMX-Star Paragon, they are countless.

The eight-direction Formula begins to shrink.

Everyone was careful, and the news that came back every day also proved that War Fortress did not leave.

As long as War Fortress is still there, everything is negotiable.

The Formula that they used at this time is specifically for the Restriction Void. If War Fortress is in its heyday, they will not use this method to deal with it. When the War Fortress collides, any Formation will be crushed.

Right now they all think that War Fortress is no longer the heyday power.

Definitely sleepy.

Just give them a little more time to synthesize the siege, and they are not worried that War Fortress will leave the field of vision.


“They’re so afraid of War Fortress?”

Their cautiously attitude, Lin Fei looked funny. Do you want this

War Fortress stopped, Lin Fei just waited for them to come to the door, That’s right, come on a big killing ring, used to improve their Invincible value and Divinity, and even Experience Points.

“It’s okay for them, I just think of do not know, when they will regret it sooner or later, no matter who they are!”

The energy point is being purified every day.

At their speed, it would be half a month before they could talk less.

For half a month, Lin Fei thought it was enough. At that time, he could be promoted to 5-Star Paragon and it would be easier to kill them.

Lin Fei shook and entered Devil Space to level up!

…… ..

Half a month is not long.

Eight forces finally synthesized the Formula, and in a moment of synthesis, an umbrella appeared on the area in an empty space, the umbrella cover was opened, and a sky was hanging.

After the parachute was synthesized, all eight forces were sighed in relief.

Finally trapped War Fortress.

Now is the time for their shots. When the formation is XNUMX%, they do n’t worry about any changes.


“bang! !!”

A sky bridge appears in the east. The sky bridge of Seven Color comes all the way up. It has been XNUMX million miles away. The whole sky is full of Seven Color colors. It is gorgeous and can bring a breath of horror under this gorgeous. .

I saw a Fairy Maiden wearing a Seven Color Paragon Battle suit appearing on this Seven Color overpass, wanting to come to the gaze, but fell on the black giant at this time, and couldn’t help showing shock.

This is War Fortress, Battle Clan’s top war weapon. With this, you can fight invincibly.

The black squeezing Paragon standing on the Seven Color overpass is also short of breath, gaze motionless, as if you want to see everything in the War Fortress, and you don’t want to forget the past in your life.

This is the first time they have seen War Fortress, a peerless war weapon in the hands of Overlord.

“I’m Seven Color Paragon, I’ve come to see the Lord of War Fortress!” The calm voice spread with a touch of excitement.

This is one of the eight forces.


The South also has a phenomenal momentum.

A boundless sea emerged across the sky and turned into a water giant. This water giant is full of Paragon coercion, which is a special life.

In the Endless territory, the existence of special life is not odd. Their Innate has powerful power, cultivation is complete quickly, and breakthrough is not bothered by Realm.

At this moment, the water giant spread his palms, a blue clothed Paragon stood on the palms, urging the water giant to step forward, and every foot fell between them, and the convenience was a gigantic ocean. What Immortal Beast was swallowed by the ocean Become a great tonic for the water giant.

“My blue water Paragon, here is the Lord of War Fortress!”

Behind him was also a batch of Paragons, and there were a lot of them, enough to fight Seven Color Paragon.

…… ..

The Western momentum is not weaker than either party.

Relative to the special life water giant, their appearance is riding a red bird, and when the bird moves, the sky’s flames strike, such as the sunset in the sunset, it is pleasing to the eye.

This bird is about 50 million long, with its wings open, almost a hundred and fifty million miles long, a real behemoth.

This is a Paragon-class Flamingo.

Still mature!

The battle strength quite is in the strength of 5-Star Paragon, and the mature Flamingo, a spitting fire, will burn the slightly weaker 5-Star Paragon.

“Paragon is here to meet the Lord of War Fortress!”

The fiery Paragon is in a red robe, covered with fire rune, and there is a flame mark on the eyebrows. Only those who know will know the terrifying of the flame mark.

The fiery Paragon is this terrifying person.


A black hole appears in the north!

Huge black hole!

This black hole is 200 million miles long. The appearance of a black hole makes everyone’s minds enter the black hole, making them helpless.

At this time, in the center of the black hole, there was a black robe guy who did not release his breath, which really made people feel terrifying.

“Dong Yuan Paragon, here is the Lord of War Fortress!”

As soon as the sound of the cave Paragon spread, the black hole of each and everyone appeared, the sound seemed to spread infinitely, and the entire Sky City heard it clearly, as if ringing in the ear.

The emergence of these four forces brings a strong side.

Each has opposing forces.

It’s just that it’s not over. In addition to them, four forces have also emerged, and their lineup is just as powerful, covering the remaining four directions.

“Qingqiu Paragon, here is the Lord of War Fortress!”

“Tiger Mountain Paragon, here is the Lord of War Fortress!”

“Yangshan Paragon, here is the Lord of War Fortress!”

“Xuanyin Paragon, here is the Lord of War Fortress!”

All eight forces appear in eight directions, and they are actually the eight fronts of the Formation.

The sound of hong long long is constantly spreading.


“Eight powers are actually stronger than the top ten Paragon forces. It should be said that they came out of the nest!”

Inside War Fortress, Lin Fei also saw things outside.

Eight directions besieged himself and blocked the way. Lin Fei also realized that in the absence of energy points, it is not easy to break this Formula!

Lin Fei is not too worried about it.

Looking at the black forces, Lin Fei can’t wait to fire a shot and kill them under his own hands. This is a lot of Experience Points and Invincible values.

Lin Fei was very emotional, but there was nothing he could do for the time being.

“They definitely want to break through my War Fortress. They think that my War Fortress does n’t have many energy points. Unfortunately, they do n’t know. Everyday I can refine the energy points. In the past half a month, I have accumulated more than 200,000 energy points. There are almost XNUMX energy points, and you need to accumulate! “

This is the advantage of Lin Fei, and what they do not know. Lin Fei is very confident. They only want to break the War Fortress. It is purely delusional. In the end, it is empty.

War Fortress can be repaired as long as it has Energy Points support, it can be said that it is an unbreakable castle.

For the time being, Lin Fei will not be exposed so soon, and he is ready to give them a big gift.


Eight forces are here.

They also really want to know, what is the origin of this guy, and they let the “Tao” Paragon and the top ten Paragon lose to their hands.

They besieged such a person, and their faces were uneasy, so this scene appeared.

At this time, they are all waiting, whether this guy will show up, or tortoise out of War Fortress.


“That’s the black robed man.”

I saw a platform appearing over War Fortress in vain, and a black robed man appeared on it.

“You are not far away from ten thousand li, I am still very happy with this person!” Lin Fei said with a smile, “For my nameless generation, lay out this kind of Formula Restriction, I feel you are exalted!”

Facing tens of thousands of Paragon, Lin Fei didn’t panic at all, and some were fighting intent by Endless.

Because these people are monsters in Lin Fei’s eyes, they can make themselves level up. If you kill them all, it is definitely a big gain.

…… ..

“You guys, this guy is not so brave!”

Deep in Sky City, on three high thrones, three priests gaze landed on this drama.

Speaking of wood Emissary.

“It’s really big. In the face of tens of thousands of Paragon, it doesn’t change a bit, and it can still face it calmly. This is a rare thing. The average person, just tens of thousands of Paragon’s gaze, is enough to make people feel soft!”

“Unfortunately, this guy didn’t learn to keep a low profile, but chose to face Paragon, which is rare, but in the face of the strength of the eight branches, there is no advantage, the ending is one-sided!”

None of the three priests were optimistic about this Little Brat.

The origin of War Fortress, they know the most. This War Fortress originally landed here, the most of the energy loss. If it is the heyday, they don’t care, it is estimated that there will be tens of thousands of Paragon, and it is not an opponent of War Fortress. ~~

“This is the choice of Little Brat, we can only watch!”

The three priests point nod.

Although they know everything, they will not check their hands. Although War Fortress is good, they are just ordinary things in their eyes.

Especially this thing, without energy support, it’s quite a chicken rib.

Once they start, War Fortress will not be able to survive for a long time, they will be breached. At that time, facing Paragon hiding the sky and covering the earth, the end is clearly visible.

The odds are really small.

…… ..

The eight forces also saw the black robed man for the first time.

However, they couldn’t see each other’s faces clearly. They seemed to be hidden by a layer of power. No matter how they looked at them, they couldn’t see through them, and they could not help but secretly surprise them.

Could this be it be a powerful Secret Technique?

Never seen this Secret Technique. Is this 4-Star Paragon capable? (To be continued.)

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