The appearance of War Fortress has long since broken everyone’s heart.

The top ten Paragons are selfish.

Everyone breaks the Restriction is a short-term alliance. In the end, it will inevitably be a fight, and the ownership of the Contest War Fortress.

Who controls War Fortress will gain unimaginable benefits.

Everyone ignores the black robed man who is still breaking the formation.

Until the black robed man’s ridiculous Panlong Paragon, everyone did not think that the other party would launch a sneak attack, and they could suddenly show up.

Kill them all with a completely unprepared!

A large group of Formation Grandmasters suffered the first time.

The three-shot Paragon destruction gun is still the power of the Middle Rank, which beats a person into a fragment, regardless of whether he is wearing a Paragon Battle suit. Except for a few Formula Grandmasters, he was spared, but was also hit with Serious Damage.

“I’m going to kill you!”

Burning Paragon’s eyes are red,

Under this attack, all five Formation Grandmasters were killed.

These are the five most powerful Formula Grandmasters under Paragon’s fierce fire. Now they are dead and fired with anger. Fire Dragon blasts off, but it ends up empty, triggering the Formula Restriction.


In one hit insuffcient, Paragon fired again, and the black robed man quietly entered the Formation Restriction and disappeared in front of everyone.

“This is a small gift from me, I hope everyone can be satisfied, haha ​​ha!”

Sky above Formation Restriction, echoing each other’s laughter.

The outside Paragon’s face sank, and for a while he couldn’t get started, and couldn’t find the exact location of the other party.

The original Paragon, who had broken the formation again, did not dare to gather together and all dispersed, fearing to be the target of the next attack.

“Kill him, he must kill him!”

True Dragon Paragon is also scared out of cold sweat. If you say hello to yourself, you really have to make an absurd error.

“My people are dead, True Dragon, why don’t you say, he is a breaking the formation Expert!” Stone armor Paragon was furious, and the Formation Restriction Expert he brought was dead.

“True Dragon Fellow Daoist, you have to give us an explanation, why didn’t you say it before!”

“Now that the Formula Grandmaster is dead, how can you let us break the formation!”

True Dragon Paragon was immediately targeted.

“This … this thing, I really don’t know …” True Dragon Paragon could explain clearly, “Not good, Panlong Paragon is afraid of danger!”

The top ten Paragon’s faces changed slightly.

That guy might be in the Teleport in the Formation Restriction and have a mastery of the Quite in the Formation.

Paragon may be really dangerous.


Panlong rushed into the Formation Restriction, and the impulse calmed down. Because he was caught in the Formation Restriction.

“Not good, fooled!”


Panlong Paragon can’t wait to give himself a slap. Now that he is one of the top ten Paragons, why can’t help being fooled, and a few words are rushed in.

Bang bang bang ~~

The terrifying coercion again disturbed Panlong Paragon.

“That guy is sneak attack!”

Panlong gnashing teeth against the black robe guy, not using this trick before, killed his men, almost made himself a bachelor commander.

“However, that’s fine. War Fortress is not that good!”

Panlong Paragon immediately returned to normal, and even smiled. Those people outside suffered a big loss. Panlong Paragon was most happy to say that you are not laughing at this king. Now this king is laughing at you, it is the times changes.


“A trouble is finally solved!”

Three shells went in succession, almost destroying the Formation Grandmaster, Lin Fei was also sighed in relief.

“The blaze Paragon is indeed 6-Star Paragon battle strength. It is so powerful that it smashed five or six Formula Restrictions. Thanks to my mastery of the Restriction method!”

Lin Fei admits that he still has gaps with 6-Star Paragon.

“Things are solved, but it is possible to solve another thing!”

Lin Fei quickly Teleported in the Formation Restriction, avoiding the Formation Restriction of each and everyone.

In the Formation Restriction in front, a silhouette appeared, just the Panlong Paragon who rushed in with anger.

Lin Fei is here to solve each other!

“I’ll give you a shot first!”

With Low Grade Saint Stone in, Lin Fei doesn’t mind solving the battle in the fastest way.

This is a strategy!



Panagon’s attempt to attack the Formation Restriction was unsuccessful.

“Not good !”

The sneak attack outside made him wary.

With this bombardment, Panagon Paragon reacted quickly, but half of his body was still injured.

Paragon’s destruction of artillery is quiet, and it is also a major advantage in war weapons.

“Shameless guy, you dare sneak attack!”

Panlong Paragon was furious. He was attacked by sneak again once, and actually attacked again by sneak attack a second time. The black ax fell on his hand. “Don’t stop hiding, there is a capability to fight a battle!”

Once the sneak attack is done in this way, Panagon Paragon will not win again.

“as you wish!”

The words fell, and a dark shadow suddenly appeared in front of him. A big fist suddenly fell on the front door of Panlong Paragon, and the terror power burst instantly.

Paragon was knocked out.

“Fast speed!”

Panagon Paragon is well-informed and can avoid the capture of Divine Sense. This is the first time.

This fist is not up to paragon.


-Panlong Paragon reached out and grabbed, with a black axe in his hand, Mount Tai crushed it with an assault.

The sky axe spread like ripples.

In terms of speed, Panlong Paragon is not good at it and can only use this method.

“come out!”

“Take me a sword and talk!”

Lin Fei appeared again, with five swords in one, and one sword greeted him.

This sword shows the power of 4-Star Paragon!

“This king is going to kill you shameless guy!”

Panlong Paragon saw the black robed man in front of him again. He turned the axe into black light and cut it off. The long sword and the axe touched, and the power of terrifying erupted.


Terrible coercion swept away!

The two were instantly struck by the power.

By their Realm, the impact of power might be enough for ordinary Immortal Venerables.

“Hehe, but that’s it!”

Lin Fei was smashed by mighty energy, his blood twitched, and his fighting spirit increased. A big sword waved, and he went off with a common offensive. One sword after another, never failed.

Bang bang bang ~~

Every sword is the most overbearing attack!

Panlong Paragon is also open and close, trying to use his own power to impact and damage the other party, but for a long time, the other party is just the same, and he himself is uncomfortable.

Hua hua 哗~~

Every single time fight, Panlong Paragon is uncomfortable.

Power was rushed up constantly like ripples, and the Middle Grade Paragon Battle suit on his body was covered with densely packed cracks.

He was hit twice in a row, and Panagon’s Paragon Battle suit was scarred. Originally thought that his strength can crush the other party, but the opponent’s battle strength is not worse than himself.

Especially this Secret Technique attack, the power is more terrifying than I thought.

The situation at Paragon is getting worse.


When another sword came down, the Middle Grade Paragon Battle suit on Panlong Paragon was shattered.

“Instant Eternity!”

The ancient Secret Technique was killed.

Panlong’s face turned pale, and I saw a long sword cut. (To be continued.)

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