“Panlong Fellow Daoist, you hide so deep. You found this kind of place, and you found War Fortress, and you don’t know what bullshit you left!”

Deep in the cloud mountain range.

It is already surrounded by a large group of Paragon.

There are as many as XNUMX Paragons, all of them are from the eight largest Paragons.

As soon as they appeared here, the area was immediately blocked, and the wandering and powerful Paragon Immortal Beast was also encircled. This place became a completely safe place.

The Eighth Paragon brought people into War Fortress, and some people laughed at Panlong Paragon.

Laughing at Paragon is an Alien race, but also a Special race called Stone Human Race. Their Innate defense is strong. When in danger, the body turns into a stone and is indestructible.

Shijia Paragon never put Panlong Paragon in his eyes.

He is a 5-Star Paragon, and with formidable innate talent defense, few of the top XNUMX Paragons dare to provoke it.

Shijia Paragon ridicules Panlong Paragon, but he is not calm. He will almost get War Fortress by Panagon Paragon, but unfortunately, this guy had no luck and was boarded first. Then he had to pull them up.

Panlong Paragon’s face is uncomfortable, especially in this case.

“Why not say anything?” Shijia Paragon just likes to beat Panlong Paragon.

“Stone armor Fellow Daoist, it’s no wonder it’s a panlong, it can only be said to be an accident. We have delayed so long, and now we should quickly break the formation!” Said Paragon, wearing green hair.

This Paragon is called Blood Sacrifice Paragon.

“We didn’t come here to say this, but how to master War Fortress. Now breaking the formation!” Blue Tiger Paragon couldn’t see it, his focus was on War Fortress.

Today, the eight major Paragons gather here for War Fortress.

“Noisy, the most important thing now is breaking the formation!”

Standing at the front, the crowded Paragon opened his mouth, and everyone was quiet.

This Paragon is the strongest one among the top ten Paragons, already 6-Star Paragon strength, called ‘Dao’.

The top ten Paragon strength gaps are large.

The more they rank in the top, the stronger the strengths are.

Among them, especially the No. XNUMX ‘Dao’ Paragon. It is rumored that Complete is large. As soon as it arrived at Sky City, thousands of Paragons were compiled and became the strongest force.

This time War Fortress appears, and the top ten Paragons are known.

It is not so easy to think of Contest with each other. They secretly guard against ‘Dao’ Paragon. They are already 6-Star Peak Paragon battle strength.

“If I agree with ‘Dao’, I must break the formation right away. I brought a few Formula Grandmasters!” Ranked second Paragon, who stood out with a wave of hands.

“Breaking the Great Array is the most important thing, and I also brought a few Paragons!” This is the third-ranked Tian Chong Paragon, who is very savvy and has the ability to master the top ten Paragons.

The first three Paragons spoke, and the Paragon below didn’t have much to say.

breaking the formation!


Top Ten Paragons Enter War Fortress.

Lin Fei knew the first time, especially for the first Paragon, exuding 6-Star Paragon coercion, and Lin Fei knew that they had moved in to rescue the soldiers.

“They really have the courage to spread the news. This is to make me my first opponent!”

Lin Fei understands their intentions.

With more people and strength, and the presence of the Grandmaster, breaking the formation is much easier.

Lin Fei now has the advantage, and there is nothing to worry about. I have broken the formation for more than a year. They are just here, and the distance between them and themselves will be constantly apart.

With this in mind, Lin Fei didn’t care much.

But in the third year of breaking the formation.

The top ten Paragons joined forces, and the speed of breaking the formation was not slow. It just appeared behind them. The gap was only half a year old, which made Lin Fei suck in a cold breath of air.

These guys can’t be underestimated, breaking the formation is not slow at all.

“Master, you don’t need to worry. System has a vague analysis. As long as the first half of the year, the peripheral Formula Restriction can be broken!” Little Devil disdain,

“So fast!”

This is good news.

“Never look at who is breaking the Formation Restriction!” Little Devil’s eyeballs One Revolution, “In fact, the Master does not need to worry, these Paragon teaming up is really difficult to deal with, if the Master goes to sneak attack them, I believe their speed will be Will slow down! “

“sneak attack ?”

There are now at least XNUMX Paragons in the War Fortress breaking the formation.

This is why they are so fast.

With strength, can someone break the formation Grandmaster, can it be fast?

“Isn’t the Master a weapon of war? As long as you sneak in, you can kill some Paragons. As long as you kill the Formation Grandmaster, they can only stare!”

Lin Fei has to admit that Little Devil’s words focus on the point.

They broke the formation very quickly, and Lin Fei realized that it was the powerful Formula Grandmasters. If they killed them, they could receive not only Divinity but also Experience Points, which is a good way.

“However, here are all Formation Restrictions. As soon as I use my war weapon, they will notice it, and the Formation Restriction will block the attack!”

“This is not a problem. I have already known the Formation Restriction behind you. I can pass on your past route. As long as the Master is close to them, it will go down. They are not prepared, and they are not trying to win!”

“This is a good way!”


‘Dao’ Paragon is in a good mood.

Actually found War Fortress in Sky City.

This is a Top Grade war weapon.

As long as you master the War Fortress, then Sect Elder will not dare to despise himself anymore, and he can also show off one’s military strength and become the Overlord of the Territory.

“Senior Brother, those guys are guarding us secretly, until the Formula breaks open, I’m afraid it is a battle between you and me!” Fengyuan Paragon sound transmission said.

‘Dao’ Paragon dismissed, “As long as they can’t play any tricks, War Fortress must be ours. Who can think of the three War Fortresses that disappeared, one of which will appear in a mysterious place like Sky City, and wait until the Formation When it breaks, I will shoot myself and kill them all. The top ten Paragon, hehe, is just a joke! “

“Junior Brother is Congratulations Senior Brother first!” Fengyuan Paragon said with a smile, as his Junior Brother, he is also a confidant, and I hope that the Constant Brother breakthrough on Senior Brother strength.

“When the Senior Brother has mastered the War Fortress, I will shut up each and everyone of the old bastard. When the Sect Zhang Jiao position is reached, I will leave it to you to manage!”

“Many thanks Senior Brother!”


‘Dao’ Paragon is plotting against them.

The rest of Paragon are also plot against.

For the time being, they regard ‘Dao’ Paragon as their first enemy, 6-Star Peak Paragon battle strength, which still brings them a lot of pressure, which is why they have listed ‘Dao’ Paragon as their target of attack.

“Pan Long, True Dragon, this is a good opportunity, you have to seize it!”

Blazing Paragon is a 6-Star Paragon. Among the top 6 Paragons, one of the only two XNUMX-Star Paragons. His strength is very different from ‘Dao’ Paragon.

This time listed ‘Dao’ Paragon as the first target, which he advocated.

Regarding this ‘Dao’ Paragon, even he himself has Complete’s jealousy, even though he has played several times, he has never tried to find out the true strength of the other party.

With the appearance of War Fortress, Paragon sees the opponent as the number one enemy.

Seeing that the speed of breaking the formation has been accelerating, Paragon has to be prepared. Now they are temporarily joining forces, but once they reach the next step, they will inevitably fight.

What Paragon is doing now is to win over the top ten Paragon people.

This is the strongest force against ‘Dao’ Paragon.


“Pan Long, are you sorry to come back?”

Panlong Paragon and True Dragon Paragon also brought people over. They are not strong, but they are also a force to be reckoned with, not to mention at this time.

Before Panagon answered, there was laughter in the Formation Restriction.

Panlong’s face became overcast on the spot.

From the discovery of War Fortress to the present, the most hated by Panlong Paragon is this mysterious black robed man.

If not for him, would he be what he is now? The great opportunity was missed, just given by the other party, this guy now has the courage to speak up.

“You better not be caught by this king, this king will pack you sooner or later!”

In the Formation Restriction, Panagon Paragon couldn’t rush in even if he was angry.

The Formation Restriction here is one after the other, Panlong Paragon dare not break in, for fear it is a bad one to get in, it is difficult to come out.

“I’m right here. If you have the ability to come in, if you don’t have the ability, just stand aside!” Lin Fei said again with a smile. “War Fortress is Lao Tzu. You are destined to stare!”

“This king will destroy you!”

Panlong Paragon was originally an angry stomach.

Now being stimulated again, facing the sound source, I rushed in, regardless of whether he would fall into the Form Restriction, and now he is completely replaced by anger.


True Dragon Paragon blocks out.

Did not stop each other!

This is a dangerous situation.

Panlong Paragon went in, and True Dragon Paragon could understand that War Fortress was his, and it turned out to be what it is now. It is estimated that few people can accept it.

“His Excellency, Panlong rushed into the Formation Restriction in a few words!” Liehuo Paragon squinted.

“What are your thoughts, I know very well that War Fortress is not easy to get, you better have to be mentally prepared!”

oh la la ~

In vain, Lin Fei appeared in front of everyone in a black robe.

The important thing is that with the Paragon destruction gun on his shoulders, he was bombarded by the Formation Grandmaster who surrounded the formation.

Boom ~~

To kill them, Lin Fei fired three consecutive shots!

The three beams of destruction have thus passed.

“you are courting death !”

A few of the top ten Paragons instantly added Middle Grade Paragon Battle suits. For example, Paragon added a flame Paragon Battle suit. The waving of a hand was a Fire Dragon, and the whole body was furious.

At this time, the guy inside actually dared to shoot, and the three artillery destruction attack killed them completely completely. (To be continued.)

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