Panlong Paragon is dead!

This sword was cut, and Panlong Paragon couldn’t stop it.

The body of the Paragon Battle suit was just broken. Lin Fei took advantage of the blow and came to one shot to die, giving Panlong Paragon no chance to struggle at all.

As soon as Paragon died, the System horse uploaded a prompt.

“This level of Paragon is really hard to deal with!”

Killed Panagon Paragon, Lin Fei also realized that this Expert is not easy to deal with, only to break through the opponent’s defense, coupled with Secret Technique Divine Ability, killed everyone else.

Lin Fei is still very excited.

In this Formula Restriction, he obviously has an advantage. Lin Fei took out the healing Medical Pill and ate it. Don’t look at the brief fights. All of them are bumping against each other. He is still injured.

“I am still suitable for this type of fighting. Their attacks have little effect on me. They are only impacted by a little power. As long as the opponent’s defense is blasted, I can kill them!”

After this battle, Lin Fei has a new comprehension.


Within War Fortress.

After Lin Fei.

The Top XNUMX Paragon caused a heavy loss to the Formation Grandmaster.

The original rapid breaking the formation strategy had to be declared suspended because the remaining Formation Grandmasters, although not killed, were also injured.

Breaking the formation is easy to consume.

They are very difficult to crack now.

In desperation, after the rest of the nine Paragons discussed, they brought in a batch of Formula Grandmaster again. This was a waste of time.

Formation Grandmaster is hard to find, and they are looking for the best. After all, the Formation Restriction out of the ordinary here, plus the need to hide the news, took a lot of time to complete.

If the word of War Fortress goes out, the entire Sky City’s Paragon will be killed, and they are by no means able to resist.

With this pause in the middle, the original distance was stretched again, and the Formation Restriction was broken indefinitely.

For the black robe guys in sneak attack, everyone is a belly of the rescue qi. I’ve seen such despicable people there, and they broke their important places with one shot.

Once the second batch of Formation Grandmaster arrived, they were on alert every day.

Even secretly laying out Formation Restriction, trying to induce the other party to be fooled, the other party has not been fooled, for a long time, including ‘Dao’ Paragon, blaze Paragon, Tianchong Paragon and the others have become uneasy.

Do you have to be the first to board?

…… ..


Within War Fortress.

Another Formation Restriction was broken.

The original Restriction was finally cleared out of a channel.

Lin Fei first step stepped out, and the Formation Restriction disappeared in front of me. Looking back, it was the Formation Restriction of Formation densely packed.


After four years, System broke the Formula Restriction all the way, much faster than expected.

“200,000 Devil’s Heart, it’s totally worth the money. Those guys want to come in, and it will take a year. This is your chance!” Little Devil is very proud.

Lin Fei was also eager to master War Fortress, a war weapon.

After taking a deep breath, Lin Fei only observed the situation in front of him, and the body in front of him appeared in front of him.

“These people were crushed and killed directly by terrorist forces!” Little Devil said.

Lin Fei also observed that this was the case.

“It should be a powerful Paragon. He came in from the outside. The people in Battle Clan didn’t respond at all and were killed!”

In this scene, Lin Fei can imagine with his eyes closed.

The injuries were exactly the same.

“Is this a map?”

After another observation, Lin Fei saw the difference here. There was another small hub not far away. The dead people were all around this brother hub.

Divine Sense was released, all corpses.

There are nine such small hubs.

Lin Fei is not a fool, realizing that these hubs are important presences, and War Fortress seems to need slaves to urge them together.

These hubs were out of the ordinary, and Lin Fei was more interested in War Fortress.

Go all the way.

There are bones everywhere.

Without exception, they were killed instantly.

Lin Fei secretly estimated that the number of people killed was less than a million. The specific strength is unknown, but it should not be too bad.

“I’m almost there!”

After going through the array of each and everyone, the corpses in the front began to decrease, not as good as densely packed before.

Lin Fei know I’m going somewhere.

A black palace appeared.

Lin Fei stepped into the palace. The palace was empty. At the end of the palace, he saw a tall black throne. On the left and right sides of the black throne, there were more than ten corpses.

Yes, it’s a corpse!

These bodies are all nine feet tall, as small as giants.

“Not so powerful!”

After the corpses died, the breath on their bodies was only about 5-Star Paragon.

Lin Fei looked closely and found that they were all pierced with a sword, and a fist-sized wound was left on the eyebrow. No corpse was the same.

“These should be Battle Clan people. I didn’t expect to be killed with a single sword. Maybe they didn’t think of it!”

Lin Fei groaned, and Gaze fell on the throne instantly.

This is a very powerful middle age person. At this time, she also had unwilling eyes, her brows were pierced by a sword, and she was even wearing a Paragon Battle suit.

Lin Fei was going to look for something good.

Unfortunately, they have almost nothing good except Paragon Battle suit, which seems to be taken away.

“Since the comer killed them, why not take control of War Fortress?” Lin Fei asked a question, this is the Top Grade war weapon in the territory.

Lin Fei was very emotional, not to mention others, he didn’t believe anyone could restrain the idea.

After pondering for a while, Lin Fei never reached a conclusion and stopped thinking about it. Instead, he sought to find out how to master the War Fortress. After all, people outside were still breaking the formation. Once they came in, they were so powerful that they did n鈥檛 have it. opportunity.

“Master, I just Scanning just now, the hub of War Fortress is this throne!” Little Devil smiled and hehe emerged. “As long as the Master refining the throne, War Fortress will master it!”

“You have to refining the throne, you need to give me 500,000 Devil’s Heart!”

“I just know that you didn’t remind me so kindly!” Lin Fei twitched his lips, “It takes 200,000 to break a battle, and 500,000 to refining the throne. Do you think it is an injustice!”

With a sip of 500,000 Devil’s Heart, Lin Fei felt sore.

“Or you refining to try!” Little Devil has a cost. “People of this race are very smart. I’m a little doubtful if they came from elsewhere. The brain area is so high!”

Lin Fei doesn’t know much about Battle Clan.

However, knowing this, this Battle Clan is very clever, and its strength is not powerful, but it can create various war weapons to enhance strength and invade the territory of each and everyone.

“Try it, try it, whoever is afraid!”

Without spending 500,000 Devil’s Heart, Lin Fei certainly saved.

Lin Fei wanted to refining the black throne. I thought it was not difficult. I even went in for a month and did n鈥檛 get started. The original throne required 1st layer to crack.

“Lose it!”

Lin Fei has to admit that it takes a long time to refining this throne.

“You won. Is 500,000 expensive?”

“If you don’t want it, it won’t be expensive!”

Lin Fei has arrived here, and will be the last first step, and he will not give up.

“500,000 is 500,000, how long will it take you to refining!” Lin Fei couldn’t wait that long.

“The throne created by Battle Clan is not simple. I will crack it as soon as possible. It will take more than half a year. Maybe you will meet them. You must be mentally prepared!”

Lin Fei sank.

This is not good news.

That’s it, we can only fight it.

“You go to refining right away!”

After paying 500,000 Devil’s Heart again, Lin Fei sent Little Devil to refining. As soon as he cracked it and broke into his own Divine Sense, he completely controlled the War Fortress.

Lin Fei was pleased and glad, thinking that it would take half a year or more, and his heart sank again.

“I need to break through as soon as possible!”


Bang bang bang ~~~

half year later!

Another group of people finally broke through the Formation Restriction and broke through the outer area.

“Haha ha, we’re in!”

As soon as these people came in, Yangtian laughed. To this day, they went to break the formation around the clock, and they had to guard against the enemies in the dark. In recent years, it was not easy.


The blaze Paragon couldn’t hide his excitement as soon as he came in. He finally brought someone in. After waiting for a long time for this day, he excitedly took his men and gathered them.

The same goes for the rest of Paragon.

As soon as Formation broke and entered, the previous alliance did not exist, but nothing to control the War Fortress had been found, and no fighting broke out.

Sooner or later.

The fire Paragon ordered his men to search.

The nine big Paragons searched with their men. At this time, they were surprisingly consistent, and it seemed that they did not intend to lose staff in this case.

Finding the manipulation array made them a little Xiao Gao excited.

It was just the sight of the corpse on the ground that surprised them secretly. Someone killed him. It was definitely a 9-Star Paragon.

The nine Paragons searched quickly and approached the palace all the way.

“Found a palace! ‘

“The control center should be in the palace!”



Almost thousands of Paragon entered the palace together.

“It’s that guy!”

“He must be refining the hub!”

The Paragon who came in had bright eyes!

The first time I found the black robed man sitting under the throne.

For the last sneak attack, these Paragons all looked at them, saying that it is impossible without resentment. Now they are surrounded by the palace, and they do not believe that the other party went out.

I heard that someone was refining the center. The Nine Paragons were not calm and rushed in from the outside.

“Good guy, I finally found you!” Fiery Paragon shot cold light, and could not help but say, a Fire Dragon roared away.

“Brother, what do you mean!”

As soon as Fire Dragon appeared, Void was cut with a single sword, and Fire Dragon was broken into two pieces. It ended without disease, and ‘Dao’ Paragon held the sword with one hand and looked coldly.

The man who shot it was ‘Dao’ Paragon. (To be continued.)

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