Under Starry Sky!

A Warship dangled forward!

This is a very ordinary fairy boat with no speed advantage, especially in the eyes of Immortal Venerable Expert and Paragon Expert.

Lin Fei did not use Territory Warship.

This is used, and the speed is too fast, few people can catch up with themselves, unless the other party also has Territory Warship.

In the days of the Gu Family mining area, Lin Fei still went to study, the preciousness of the Know Territory Warship. In popular terms, this is a remote Teleport Warship.

The journey of one thousand years can be shortened to four or five hundred years with the Territory Warship.

That’s the advantage.

500,000 years is more than XNUMX years.

Like the slow tortoise, Lin Fei is actually and the others, waiting to come and besiege his own desperate.


“It’s been almost a month since I came out, do not know how many people came on the road!”

Lin Fei ate the fairy fruit and looked forward to the result.

He is a real 1-Star Paragon. As for Hairball, Realm is also 1-Star Paragon, but battle strength cannot be measured by 1-Star Paragon.

The undying and unextinguished body was awesome.

He is good at Space, and also has the advantage in speed. In the case of one-on-two last time, the other party could not break through the defense, and the most aggrieved estimate is them.

I have to say that Lin Fei is very bad.

The bad is over!

As far as the two are on the road, and the news spread outside, there is no description of strength at all, even if there is, it is a shallow 1-Star Paragon and a few words.

Lin Fei is more at ease.


Someone is going to be fooled this time.

As for who it is, Lin Fei looks forward to it.

“Hope to come to more than ten Paragon, then my Invincible value ~~~” Lin Fei laughed very sensually.

Invincible Defense, Lin Fei thinks there is nothing better than this.


A mighty coercion came across.

This is Paragon coercion!

Lin Fei finally smiled. “Finally, a Paragon!”

That’s right, it’s a Paragon!

It is reported that the person occupying the Gu Family mining area is a Paragon, so Paragon strength must be shot, otherwise it will be courting death.

Who would do this stupid thing!

“The guy from the abyss, obediently surrendered his belongings, and then obediently surrender, I can leave you with a whole body!” The man appeared behind him, carrying a big blade on his shoulder, and walked Void like this.

Hong long long ~~

The voice of the coming person is loud.

Several unmanned stars shattered.

This is the power of Paragon.

“1-Star Paragon!”

Lin Fei threw out a Divine Sense, and immediately knew the other’s strength.

“just you!”

Lin Fei stepped onto the deck and saw the little giant guy in the distance. There were a lot of people and horses behind him, as if moving in a nest.

“Go and greet them!” Lin Fei didn’t call Hairball’s name.

Hairball will also play now, and now the Master is waiting for everyone’s arrival, arrogantly said, “Big man, either is tall or the best!”

Shuttle Void!

Hairball appeared in front of the giant, smashed in the punch, and Void began to shake.

The big guy blocked his hand and was shaken back several steps. Hairball’s melee attack came again. Hairball proudly said, “You guys, dare to shoot at our Master!”

Lin Fei secretly thought, “Hairball Innate is a melee master!”

With the ability to shuttle Void, distance is not a problem. Once approached by Hairball, it is not a problem or a problem, which is basically unstoppable.

Bang bang bang ~~

Under Starry Sky, Hairball showed his might and fought against heaven shaking. The opponent could only fight and not fight back.

too fast!

Hairball is not only fast, it’s stronger.

With one punch, the opposite guy needs full power to resist, one punch after another, as if the power is not exhausted, and always maintain the Peak battle strength.

A stick of incense is running out of time.

There is no complete place on this guy.

Constantly coughing up blood!

This is still under Hairball’s control, otherwise the opponent would have been killed.


At this time, a force came down.

“Tiger and Leopard Fellow Daoist, you look really disappointing!” The comer sneered when he came up, apparently he knew the big man.

Haw Par Paragon was spitting blood, not to mention how depressed, a servant guy, actually a melee expert, did not fight, this kind of thing is not encountered since Haw Par Paragon shot.

“Wen Xian Fellow Daoist, you are standing and talking without backache, you have the ability to try it yourself, I guarantee you are the same as me!” Hubao Paragon sneered, “Since you are here, maybe the people in the back are coming too , Not as good as we joined forces and slaughtered this guy. After it’s done, we’ll be five or five, how about! “

The first person who came to Paragon believe oneself infallible was to pay attention to it, but unfortunately encountered a difficult opponent.

Now here is another, Haw Par Paragon knows the benefits of cooperation.

Without cooperation, the benefits are in the hands of outsiders.

“Okay!” Wenxian Paragon also knew Haw Par Paragon. This guy is a desperate person, with a group of men, plundering around, and escaped several times under the siege of the siege. It was naturally not bad. The spitting blood confirmed why the Gu Family mining area fell into the hands of outsiders.

“Wow ~~”

Wenxian Paragon used the Paragon treasure, which is a Low Grade Paragon weapon. A white fan. When the fan is turned on, it is actually a picture of a lady. A respectable maid came out and the immortals were flying.

With the addition of each other, Hairball is at a disadvantage.

The attack on the two fell on Hairball as if tickling. “You haven’t had breakfast, so little effort!”

This kind of thing can be said in the downside, except that Hairball can’t find a second person.


Hairball flashed and appeared behind Wenxian Paragon. A fist smashed into the handsome face, and a flash, appeared in front, and a punch hit the stomach.

too fast! ,

“Hairball is finally brainstorming!” Lin Fei was pleased with Hairball’s attack.

Last time, Hairball was fighting one by two, and in the end, Lin Fei was in a bad mood, so I used System analysis and got a result.

Not taking advantage of it!

The advantage of Hairball is shuttle Void, which Divine Sense cannot capture.

This became the biggest advantage!

After Lin Fei’s teaching, Hairball was finally used. The advantages of Hairball were maximized, and the upper hand prevailed. The two people who played the fight became difficult brothers.

“Help me scanning 100 Million Li’s case!”

The two Paragons shot and Lin Fei was ready to eat it.

Little Devil often runs out, but fortunately no one can see it, Lin Fei is not very worried.

“Don’t worry, there are no Experts in this 100 Million Li, and no one pays attention here. You can kill them!” Little Devil said, “Would you like me to do you a favor?”

“Don’t you ask for Devil’s Heart when it’s done!”

Lin Fei doesn’t believe Little Devil will be so kind.

“How come this is!”

Little Devil walked away from Lin Fei’s shoulder and flew to Wenxian Paragon, waving a small steel fork, “You’re ready to shoot, preferably One Hit Kill!”

~ snap ~ ~

Wenxian Paragon screamed, his eyes were blinded, and he couldn’t see anything.

For Expert, this is deadly Jain!


Lin Fei’s Devil’s Wings unfolds, turning into a streamer, the big Sword Qi turns into a long sword, a sword is cut around the opponent’s neck, and the 2-Star Paragon battle strength erupts.

Wenxian Paragon only felt that he had been conspired, and then a terrifying overwhelming crushed it, unable to move even a little bit, he completely lost consciousness.

1-Star Paragon is beheaded.

The full power burst is a 1-Star Paragon that can resist.

Hanging up is naturally normal.

“Little Devil is more black-hearted than me!” Lin Fei secretly thought, unexpectedly Little Devil would directly blind Paragon’s eyes.

This is vicious.

“Not good, fooled!”

Haw Par Paragon is also a person who came here. When he saw a one-sided beheaded Wenxian Paragon, he was fooled. This guy is not 1-Star Paragon, but 2-Star Paragon.


Lin Fei threw away one thing, turned into a golden light, rolled on the tiger and leopard Paragon.

This is the repaired Middle Grade Paragon treasure-one yuan Golden Rope!

Bondage-shaped treasure!

The men and horses that followed brought back no response, Hairball rushed out like a beast, and let go of the killing.

“Senior, I’m admit defeated, just ask me to let me go!” Tiger Panther Paragon knows that he didn’t end well today, so he begged for mercy. Under the bondage of treasure, the power was locked, unable to move even a little bit.

“Not good, from the moment you shoot, your end is doomed!”

A sword is cut off and the head flies!

Letting go of each other, Lin Fei really has no idea.

This is the lively Experience Points, and the Invincible value.

“Slayed two more Paragon, this Invincible value, hehe ~~~”

Lin Fei’s eyes narrowed at the hint of System.


The calm of Starry Sky soon recovered, the shots were dead, and the people brought by Tiger and Leopard Paragon were almost ended. Lin Fei returned to Warship and started on the road again.

“It’s all Poor Bastard!”

Lin Fei didn’t find much in the two Paragon’s Storage Rings.

Each person also has millions of Low Grade Saint Stone, more than XNUMX Middle Grade Saint Stone, and Low Grade Paragon treasure. It seems that the net worth is almost consumed.

Lin Fei didn’t plan to search for any good things from them.

What I want is Invincible value!

As long as this is available, Invincible Defense is turned on, mountain of blades and a sea of ​​fire can go, and still care about these things?


With the first batch of people such as Haw Par Paragon, the second batch of people is naturally indispensable.

Lin Fei politely smiled.

In just a few days, Lin Fei killed five 1-Star Paragons.

These 1-Star Paragons all consider themselves the first batch, and they want to be the first to go first. They didn’t take Lin Fei as one thing, but they were all deceived by Lin Fei, and they were killed in a hurry. The Invincible value on Lin Fei It also quickly broke through the 10,000 mark.

Invincible Defense is fully open and can be survive for a long time.

Lin Fei is waiting for a bigger harvest.

And not far away there is a bigger Killing Move waiting for Lin Fei. (To be continued.)

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