PS: Something happened yesterday.


A deserted piece of Starry Sky!

On a nearby planet, Gu Xuanshan was waiting for someone to pass by this place, and the spies who arranged it did not send back good news.

“No good news coming back?”

In order to deal with Lin Fei, Gu Xuanshan came out of Bounty.

But now a little news did not come back, Gu Xuanshan suspected that they were disappeared without a trace.

Gu Xuanshan did not plan to kill the other person by the desperate ones, as long as the other person hurt the other person, the rest would be much easier to handle.

However, some dead people will not be taken for granted.

In the Endless territory, many people of this kind went to the sea, and died of some geography.

No good news came back, which made Gu Xuanshan very uncomfortable. He always felt that things were out of control and gave birth to a little anxiety.

“Report ~~~”

Outside came a Rank 4 Immortal Emperor, a spy.

In Gu Family Rank 4 Immortal Emperor is no different from ordinary Immortal.

“Five and a billion miles away, the abyss demon was found!” Rank 1 Immortal Emperor reported as soon as he entered. “Now being sieged by eight Paragons!”

“it is good!”

After finally hearing the news, Gu Xuanshan stood up.

“Give me the Middle Grade Paragon Doom!”

“As you bid!”

Someone went out immediately to get ready.

In order to deal with each other, Gu Xuanshan used real treasure.

Paragon Destruction Cannon!

This thing has Low Rank, Middle Rank, High Rank.

The power is also different. The Low Rank can kill 3-Star Paragon, and it can also damage the pair. The Middle Rank can kill 6-Star Paragon and High Rank, not to mention.

After seeing the opponent’s power, Gu Xuanshan used the Middle Rank Paragon to destroy the cannon.

Not that guy is terrific, nor would he choose to bring it from Gu Family.

…… ..

Bang bang bang!! !

Under Starry Sky, eight 1-Star Paragons are under siege.

The eight 1-Star Paragons are all from Rogue Cultivator. Endless territory, countless territory, loose cultivator and other Paragon also have countless, free and easy, without joining any sect and family.

I heard that Gu Family was out of Bounty, and they were all tempted.

This will not bet on people, ready to win the Bo Family of Gu Family.

Eight 1-Star Paragons shot, and the power spread under Starry Sky. The surrounding stars were knocked out by each and everyone. As for the onlookers, there were none.

Paragon might kill them a hundred times.

Hairball alone dragged three 1-Star Paragons, who were good at innate talent Divine Ability, making the three 1-Star Paragons frequently attacked, and had to pull away.

Of the remaining five, three were dragged by Demon No. XNUMX and Devil No. XNUMX. They did not have Hairball’s innate talent Divine Ability, and they were beaten.

Lin Fei is a two-star 1-Star Paragon alone. He has converged strength from the beginning and is in a disadvantage. The two loose cultivator Paragon battle strengths are average.

“One dollar Golden Rope!”

A golden light flew out and it was the Middle Grade Paragon treasure, which was tied directly to the nearest loose cultivator Paragon. Lin Fei also appeared True Self Extinguishing The World Sword on his hand, and slaughtered it on the opponent’s head.

With a bound treasure, Lin Fei’s killing is easier.

His head flew up, Lin Fei fired out the Heavenly Fire, and Instant lost the body of the loose cultivator Paragon. What kind of Undying Body was useless under the flames of the sky.

This is the latest killing method of Lin Fei!

Wrong, it should be said to deal with the Undying Body.

Lin Fei’s Heaven and Earth Divine Fire belongs to the most accomplished fire among the different fires, and even does not belong to this world. After being used to deal with it once, it completely bombed the Undying Body.

This way of killing becomes more perfect.

“Ding, slay 1-Star Paragon and get two 1 billion Experience Points!”

“Ding, slay 1-Star Paragon and get 1 Divinity!”


Lin Fei easily beheaded a 1-Star Paragon.

“You hide the strength!”

Another loose cultivator Paragon scared out a cold sweat, and waited for the reaction, and entangled with a golden light again, wrapped around him without interest, and a sword light flew up again.

Lin Fei is getting used to this method of killing.

Without killing a Paragon, Lin Fei’s eyes narrowed.

“Really Cool!”

The remaining six 1-Star Paragon naturally noticed the situation here, the invisible fear spread directly in their hearts, and quickly rose in their hearts.

Insta-kill got 1-Star Paragon!

This is for their lives!

“Master, be careful!”

In vain, a hint came from Lin Fei’s ear, and a chill rose in his heart, followed by the breath of death.

A white light appears under Starry Sky!

This white light swept across, leaving everyone with white.

“Invincible Defense is on!”

white light is too fast!

Everyone saw the white light, the white light drowned them directly, and Paragon’s arrogant body was directly evaporated, and no one could stop the white light’s attack.


“Abyss Demon, aren’t you very difficult to deal with, see you die!” Gu Xuanshan stood on a Gao Shan, not far away with a Paragon destruction gun.

Still Middle Rank.

The white light just released from here.

In order to kill the abyss demons, even at the cost, Gu Xuanshan thought it was worth it.

“Patriarch, that guy must not survive!” Hyun Hung Paragon gnashing teeth.

“No one can survive the destruction of the Middle Rank Paragon!”

There are some Immortal Venerable standing around Ancient Xuanshan, and they all think so, even secretly sighed in relief.

Sneak attack in this way will be laughed at when passed out. At this time, Gu Xuanshan didn’t care, just wanted to kill the other party.

The cost of this gun is too great!

Gu Xuanshan just wanted to kill each other.

A few 1 billion miles away is directly crushed, and this Middle Rank attack on treasure can be done.

“Xuanxiong, take someone to see if that guy is dead!”

Xuanxiong Paragon immediately took the order, and flew over with several Immortal Venerables. In his eyes, the guy would die under this attack, and there would be no second case.

“Pei pei pei ……”

Starry Sky on a star in the distance.

Here is a patch of yellow sand.

At this time, the star was also destroyed by more than half.

Lying on a patch of yellow sand, a man spit out his mouth full of sand, “Damn, who is sneak attacking me!”

The white light rose, Lin Fei immediately turned on Invincible Defense, was bombarded by the white light, and finally fell on this piece of yellow sand.


Lin Fei crawled out of the yellow sand, removed Invincible Defense, and launched Divine Sense to search for Hairball.

“I’m here!”

Hairball’s whole body was up and down.

At the critical moment, he shuttled Void, but was still hit hard.

Had it not been for the strong life force, it would have been premature to die on this gun.

“Eat this soon!”

Lin Fei saw the tragic appearance of Hairball. It was an angry stomach. This time, I was hurt so badly. I took out a large amount of Immortal Beast blood essence, and Hairball immediately showed joy, swallowed with a big mouth, and finally stabilized the injury Only Lin Fei was sighed in relief.

When Hairball healed, Lin Fei found that Demon One and Demon Two had been killed and returned to the demon summon banner, turning into two groups of grey misty.

“Little Devil, come out, I promise not to kill you!”

Lin Fei is angry.

Such a thing didn’t even inform myself.

Had it not been for Invincible Defense, Lin Fei had no doubt he would die in this white light.

“You can’t blame this on me, it’s your own business!” Little Devil sneered. “You didn’t say, pay attention to the situation within a few billion dollars!”

Lin Fei did not mention it.

At the beginning, Lin Fei asked Little Devil to open the System and noticed the situation of hundreds of millions of miles.

“Who did it?”

This matter can only blame Lin Fei himself.

Lin Fei can only know now. In the end, it was the bastard’s hands that must kill him.

Almost killed myself!

He also destroyed the 1-Star Paragon he was going to kill.

“Your old opponent!” Little Devil pointed, “They came to check if you were dead!”

Beyond the stars, Xuanxiong Paragon leads people to check all the way.

“It’s Gu Family again!”

Cold light flash in Lin Fei’s eyes.

These desperate people came to slay themselves, Lin Fei knew that the Gu Family would definitely take the shot. The only thing they didn’t expect was that they would take a few hundred million miles.

Full range attack Mode.

Not only is everyone going to kill, the means is not ordinary savage.

Nobles are nobles, there is nothing to say, they only seek one purpose.

“Destroy it before you talk!” Lin Fei put away the Hairball into Heaven and Earth Furnace and let him heal in it. Devil’s Wings unfolded and flew out.

Xuanxiong Paragon searches all the way, and there is no life around.

“Definitely dead!”

Hyun Hung Paragon also smiled.

For this guy, their Gu Family paid a great price.

“Not good, I’m not dead yet!”

In vain, Xuanxiong Paragon heard a chilly laugh in his ears, and trembled, and saw a big head fly, and then a red fire came down.

“I am going to die ~~~”

Hisao Paragon is in the dark of Endless.

Turn on Devil’s Wings, eighty times the speed limit, far from being able to resist Xuanxiong Paragon, not to mention Lin Fei full power shot, burst 2-Star Paragon battle strength.

“Where are they all!”

“On your east, a star at XNUMX billion miles!” Little Devil said.

Lin Fei flew over!


Gu Xuanshan is very relaxed now.

Although it cost a lot of money to kill the guy, no one can survive below 6-Star Paragon.

This is one of the reasons why Gu Xuanshan is assured.

Even if that guy is famous, I ca n’t stop the attack of Paragon’s destruction cannon. Under 6-Star Paragon will undoubtedly die. This kind of terror killer can only be mastered by the aristocracy like Gu Family. Inside the entire Gu Family, This treasure is only five, which can be called a combat weapon.

“Xuanxiong has been here for so long, why not come back!”

Gu Xuanshan really wanted to know the result. People just didn’t return. They just thought that Xuanxiong should search the surroundings carefully to determine if the guy was killed.

Of course, if you can find each other’s Storage Ring, it would be better.

Hey ~

A dark shadow fell not far from the ancient Xuanshan.

“It’s Hyun Hung Lord!”

“Not good, Xuanxiong lord is dead!”

On the ground is a head.

Xuanxiong Paragon’s dead head is staring, his eyes are wide, he doesn’t seem to believe that he will die.

The smile on Gu Xuanshan’s face had stiffened, his eyes widened, and there was only one reaction in his mind, “He is not dead!”

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