Gu Family Mines!

This mining area that originally belonged to the Gu Family is now completely in the hands of an outsider!

There was no one who knew about this, it was a relatively secret matter.


Do not know who spread the news, and the forces in the territory know it.

The territory is huge, one after another.

Chaos Ancient Country is also a super power, and the three nobles are well known.


After the incident spread, it naturally became a joke. The big joke is undoubtedly a good publicity for those who have always wanted to find the Gu Family trouble.

I’m gonna disgus you Gu Family!

So Gu Family is so famous!

The death of Paragon was hidden, except that the Gu Family mine was occupied by people.

Even so, it is also a major event in the territory.


Lin Fei is ready to go back!

It’s been a few years since I came out, and it’s time to go back.

The World of Foreign Domain is considered to be insightful.

This trip was very satisfying.

Not to mention hundreds of Paragon treasures, just saying that the harvested Low Grade Saint Stone and Middle Grade Saint Stone are the best cultivation treasures. In addition, there are Paragon Immortal Symbols.

Lin Fei bought a large stack of Paragon Immortal Symbol for a large price and returned.

Most of them are 1-Star Immortal Symbol.

As the name implies, these Immortal Symbols are made by 1-Star Paragon, and they have the power of 1-Star Paragon. They are worth a lot, and the price of each Paragon Immortal Symbol is at least 10 million Low Grade Saint Stone.

This is much more expensive than the usual Low Grade Paragon treasure.


On a high Hei Feng night one month, Lin Fei quietly left the Gu Family mining area and plunged into Starry Sky outside.


“he left!”

Under the height of the month Hei Feng, one vertical eye in Void turned, making a strange sound.

“Gu Family’s face is lost, Gu Family mines have been occupied, and such a high Bounty, hehe!” Continued with an eye-opening, “For an Abyss World person, Gu Family is willing to take out five Middle Grade Paragon treasure, and a 4-Star Paragon Immortal Symbol, Gu Family is really rich and imposing. “

Rolling his eyes disappeared into Void.

On an ordinary Warship, Lin Fei sat with a golden sword.

“Master, that guy was fooled!”

Hairball hehe smiled, grabbed the fairy fruit in front of him, and smirked.


“That guy’s hiding technique is really amazing, unfortunately!” Lin Fei also grabbed a fairy fruit and ate it. “Just do not know how many big fish can be caught this time, it really makes people look forward to!”

Lin Fei dug a big hole!

In fact, this big pit was not dug by Lin Fei himself.

This is a big pit dug by the Gu Family for Lin Fei. Unfortunately, it is used by Lin Fei now. ,,

As long as there are benefits, everything can be done.


Wan Family, Murong Family, Ku Family, and the three are all helping the Lin Fei collection with news. They can repair the broken Paragon treasure. Where can I find this strongman?

Isn’t that just a collection message.

It’s simple!

Lin Fei quickly knew the Gu Family’s abacus. The extremely high price of Bounty attracted the desperate people in the Endless territory to himself, while the Gu Family was a fisherman in the dark.

Lin Fei knows what’s going on near the Gu Family mine.

With the constant increase of nearby detectives, a large pit can be dug and people can be buried at any time.

“4-Star Paragon Immortal Symbol, Gu Family is really great talent!”

High-ranked Immortal Symbols are rarely circulated outside, because refining Immortal Symbols is not an easy task, and the number of 3-Star Paragon Immortal Symbols is small.

Generally, the 1-Star Paragon Immortal Symbol is in circulation.

Cold light flickered in Lin Fei’s eyes.


Within Moro territory.

In a dense forest of Gao Shan, a series of cottages appeared.

There are a lot of Formation Restrictions here to hide everything here. Outsiders look here is just a white mist.

“The newspaper, the man in the Gu Family mine has quietly left. The exact destination is unknown, and he is suspected to be in another territory!”

The hall of the cottage.

There are four people sitting left and right, the highest position is also sitting alone, stroking a big headed tiger, the tall headed tiger squinting like a docile kitten.

“Okay, that guy has finally left!”

On the left, someone stood up immediately.


“Boss, that man has left, and it’s time for us to catch up. That guy is a big sheep, and he doesn’t know how many Saint Stones have been plundered!”

“Boss, it’s late, but it’s cheaper for others!”

It’s called Haw Par Cottage!

It is the base camp of a group of desperate people.

The person sitting in the highest position stood up and his body reached ten zhang high, like the little giant, “Call your brothers right away, this big fat, we must eat them!”


A Great City far from the wind!

In a restaurant.

Three middle age persons are sitting together.

Suddenly one of them showed joy and said low, “People left, we can keep up!”

“Well, waited so long, and finally waited for someone to leave!”

“This time the Gu Family put down a lot of money, and we only took out five pieces of the Middle Rank Paragon treasure. As long as we have the Middle Rank Paragon treasure, our strength can be improved. You can leave calmly! “

“Who dares to stop us, all enemies, Kill Kill Kill!”

All three are Profession killers, who specialize in this kind of trading.

The three quietly left the restaurant with their killing intent.


This kind of situation appears almost constantly.

Gu Family’s Bounty is touching!

When the interest reaches a certain level, it can drive people to do anything.

Such as killing more goods!

Such a good thing as Middle Rank Paragon treasure, if it is not a thick net worth, or luck, it is almost impossible to get it, even a broken Middle Rank Paragon treasure requires a few 10 million Low Grade Saint Stone, and it is still a chicken rib. Species.

Gu Family made such a thick Bounty, no one would not care.

Those desperate people, Losagon Cultivator’s Paragon, all moved their hearts, and they will be beheaded to get the Bo Family of the Gu Family and strengthen their strength.

A secret stronghold in the Gu Family, Moro territory.

Gu Xuanshan put down his wine glass, and his eyes were full of hate, “Okay, okay, finally left, I’ve laid out inescapable net, see how you go!”

Gu Xuanshan lost the War Soldier and a 1-Star Peak Paragon, which could not be swallowed.

After Xuanhuang left, Gu Xuanshan didn’t go back, but came to take a secret stronghold.

Directly launch Bounty in the name of Gu Family, take out five Middle Grade Paragon treasures in one sip, and a 4-Star Paragon Immortal Symbol. Under the huge benefit, everything is under the control of Gu Xuanshan.

“How about it called by our people!”

To be on the safe side, Gu Xuanshan prepared another one. He would not return to Abyss World anyway. Once he went back, I was afraid that Gu Family could not keep it.

“If you go back to the lord, you have already called it. Just wait for the lord to say a word!” (To be continued.)

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