Invincible God Of Killing System

Chapter 98 The Rage Of The Kirin

Lin Fei obviously felt that the Scorpion King was much stronger at this time, and he did not dare to take it lightly for fear of capsizing in the gutter!

So he decisively activated the Immortal Golden Body. At this time, Lin Fei's body was dazzling with golden light!

Lin Fei sneered: "You think you can do anything to me after mutating, you are a fool!"

The Scorpion King was furious, and the tail hook behind him swung at Lin Fei again. Lin Fei didn't even resist, and allowed the Scorpion King's poisonous hook to stab his head!

When the Scorpion King saw Lin Fei, he did not dodge. You must know that after it uses the Demon Scorpion Transformation, even an ordinary seventh-level high-level monster will definitely die if it hits this poisonous hook!

Only a "clang" sound was heard. Lin Feisi was not injured at all, but he couldn't bear the impact of the force and took a few steps back!

The Scorpion King murmured with shock on his face: "How is that possible? What kind of trick are you doing?"

Lin Fei didn't want to be polite to him. He stepped forward in an instant and fired out with his Yang Finger. With the blessing of the Qilin Arm, the power was greatly increased, and the real energy shot out felt like it was burning!

However, he was easily blocked by the Scorpion King's pincers. After all, the Scorpion King is still very powerful after his transformation!

Although Lin Fei's immortal golden body cannot be broken, the power of Lin Fei's Yang Finger still does not pose a threat to it!

Lin Fei shouted:

"Shura's Tyrant Sword Cut"

Lin Fei directly used the nine-star combo blessing to condense a magic knife as black as ink, with a faint fiery red light shining on the black magic knife!

Qin Shou, who was not far away, saw Lin Fei starting to hold back his ultimate move again, and he knew enough to retreat dozens of miles, for fear of being affected by the battle!

The Scorpion King was shocked, feeling that the power of the magic sword condensed by Lin Fei was a great threat to him!

It opened its mouth and spit out a beam of gray energy towards Lin Fei's magic knife. The huge impact wave caused almost all nearby flying magic scorpions to be killed or injured!

"Congratulations to the host for killing the fifth level intermediate monster"


"Congratulations to the host for killing the sixth level intermediate monster"


The system sound kept ringing, and Lin Fei had no time to pay attention to it for the time being!

"Congratulations to the host for upgrading to a three-star Martial Emperor!"

At this time, Lin Fei's body was shaken, his strength increased sharply, and his momentum became even more fierce!

The two forces were in a stalemate for a while, and in the end the Scorpion King's gray energy was defeated, but Lin Fei's black magic knife was also corroded and dimmed by more than half!

The demon knife still rushed towards the Scorpion King, but the remaining power no longer threatened the Scorpion King, and it was easily blocked by a pair of giant pincers!

At this time, Lin Fei felt a heat in his arms, and felt that a violent force was about to be released, which made Lin Fei a little surprised!

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining the Kirin Arm talent skill Kirin's Wrath!"

At this time, the Scorpion King felt that he could not defeat Lin Fei, and if he continued to fight, he would probably end up here, so he directly jumped from the air into the ground to escape!

Upon seeing this, there were more than ten flying scorpions still remaining in the sky, and they also got into the ground and fled like crazy!

But how could Lin Fei let this Scorpion King go so easily and directly use the newly acquired talent skill Qilin's Wrath!

"The Wrath of the Kirin"

Lin Fei soul checked the approximate location of the Scorpion King, and punched the ground with his Qilin Arm. Endless flames were released, and the overbearing power shook the yellow sand dozens of miles away from the ground and flew high into the sky!

Even the Scorpion King who had just escaped underground was shaken out. The hot flames burned the yellow sand red, and the remaining ten or so scorpions were basically turned into fly ash!

The other two were just cooked because they were far away!

Lin Fei used two high-grade earth-level stick weapons, strung them together and sent them directly to Qin Shou!

Lin Fei laughed loudly and said: "Brother Qin Shou, I haven't eaten roasted scorpions yet, let's try it today!"

The Scorpion King vomited out black blood at this time. His innate skill Scorpion Transformation could no longer be maintained. He changed back to his original appearance and no longer had the same aura as before. He saw that his subordinates were being grilled by Lin Fei!

It was frightened and angry, but there was nothing it could do to Lin Fei!

Lin Fei came to the Scorpion King at this time and said: "I give you two choices, surrender or die!"

Lin Fei thought that conquering the Flying Demon Scorpion would give him a shot, so he started to pay attention to conquering it!

In order to survive at this time, Flying Demon Scorpion still replied unwillingly: "Don't kill me, I am willing to surrender!"

However, there was endless resentment hidden in its eyes, and Lin Fei could see it clearly!

Lin Fei said nonchalantly: "Then you are not allowed to make any resistance now. If you resist at all, I will kill you immediately!"

The Scorpion Emperor did not dare to make any move at this time. Lin Fei took the Scorpion Emperor into the Mountain and Sea Realm with a thought!

The Scorpion Emperor no longer had the endless resentment in his eyes, and he loyally surrendered to Lin Fei from now on. This is the unparalleled thing in the world of mountains and seas!

Lin Fei directly spent 10 million gold coins to buy a Dragon Pattern Pill from the system, and then spent 30 million gold coins to buy the Ambergris Saliva Pill!

Then he gave it to the Flying Demon Scorpion King to quickly increase his strength and help him in the future!

After hearing Lin Fei's explanation of the efficacy of these two elixirs, the Scorpion Emperor immediately said excitedly: "Thank you, Master, I have completely forgotten how violently I was abused by Lin Fei just now!"

Lin Fei's soul exited the world of mountains and seas and saw Qin Shou looking at him with a strange look!

Lin Fei put down his hand and said: "Brother Qin Shou, I don't want to be gay, please don't look at me like this, my anus will be nervous!"

Qin Shou said with a look of disgust: "You can doubt my character, but you can't doubt my sexual orientation!"

Lin Fei smiled and took out the wine from the space ring, and ate a different barbecue with Qin Shou in this other world!

The taste of the Flying Scorpion is quite good, especially the toxins contained in the body, which makes it even more exciting when eaten in the body!

This is also because the two of them are at a high level. If someone at the King of Martial Realm were to eat this flying demon scorpion, he would probably die immediately!

Lin Fei was also in a good mood. After this battle, he was upgraded to a three-star Martial Emperor. Lin Fei didn't expect that he would upgrade so quickly!

After eating and drinking, Qin Shou suddenly said: "Lin Fei, help me protect the law, I'm going to make a breakthrough too!"

Then I saw Qin Shou sitting cross-legged, running his skills, and he felt like he was doing nothing!

Lin Fei was a little surprised. It seemed that Qin Shou was not as simple as he thought. He could upgrade so quickly because of the existence of the system!

Qin Shou had just broken through to Emperor Wu, and he was about to break through again!

Three hours later, Qin Shou had successfully broken through and was in a good mood. He felt that he and Lin Fei had become much closer!

Qin Shou broke through to the Second Star Martial Queen, Lin Fei, and they continued on their way. The more they hurried, the more Lin Fei sighed at the vastness of this desert!

Lin Fei and Qin Shou had gone tens of thousands of miles deep, but they still hadn't reached the entrance to the wild ruins. No wonder someone below Martial Lord would definitely die if he entered!

This harsh environment alone is unbearable for those below the Martial Lord. If you are unlucky enough to encounter a flying demon scorpion, you may not even be able to reach the entrance to the wilderness ruins. Plus, there are other monsters in this desert!

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