Invincible God Of Killing System

Chapter 99 Big Brother Lin Tian?

So people without any strength really don’t dare to take risks here!

During this period, the two of them also encountered other warriors coming out from inside and coming in from outside. It seemed that they were all here to explore the wild ruins!

However, these people were very cautious and did not provoke Lin Fei because they were young. No one could reach this place easily!

If others don't provoke them, there is no need for them to take the initiative to cause trouble!

Everyone else hurried past the two of them, wary of them, for fear that Lin Fei and Qin Shou would take action directly, because killing and stealing is the most common thing in a place like this!

In such a harsh environment, only those who are very confident in their own strength will choose to fly in the air. Otherwise, the target is too big and it will easily attract monsters in the desert to attack!

Besides, the speed at which warriors use their body skills to run on the ground is not slower than flying in the air, but sometimes flying is more convenient!

The Iron Winged Eagle and Flame Spirit Bird that occasionally flew by in the sky just felt the auras of Lin Fei and the two and did not dare to act rashly!

Another day passed and Qin Shou said with emotion: "Brother Lin, we are not far away. This environment is really torturous!"

Lin Fei smiled and nodded. In fact, he felt it was okay and it had no impact on him!

For Lin Fei, as long as he can defeat monsters and upgrade, it is a good place!

"Brother Lin, there seems to be someone coming toward us a hundred miles ahead!"

Lin Fei jumped into the air so that he could see more clearly, and saw a young man who seemed to be being chased!

The young man seemed to have seen Lin Fei in the sky, so he rushed here with all his strength, which made Lin Fei stunned!

Soon the young man was not far away from Lin Fei, and Lin Fei also saw clearly the young man's appearance. It seemed that he was his eldest brother Lin Tian, ​​whom he had not seen for many years!

Lin Fei was a little confused. Wasn't his eldest brother a disciple of the Tianjian Sect? Why was he being hunted down today?

Lin Fei took a look and saw that Lin Tian's strength had reached the level of a ten-star martial master. It seemed that he had had some adventures over the years, otherwise it would not have been possible for him to improve so quickly!

Soon Lin Tian came to Lin Fei's side, his clothes were mostly stained red by blood, but when he saw Lin Fei, he felt an inexplicable sense of familiarity!

Then he hurriedly said to Lin Fei in the air: "Brothers, I am an inner disciple of Tianjian Sect. I am being hunted. I wonder if you can help me!"

At this time, Qin Shou looked at Lin Tian with a smile and said, "What are the benefits of helping you?"

Qin Shou's words made Lin Tian stunned for a moment. He didn't know how to answer. There was really no reason for others to help him!

Lin Fei also slowly landed on the ground and carefully looked at his half-brother. It seemed that his older brother had not recognized his younger brother!

But it's normal. After all, Lin Fei was only eleven or twelve years old when Lin Tian worshiped the Tianjian Sect, and Lin Tian didn't pay much attention to himself at that time!

Now that Lin Fei has undergone earth-shaking changes, it would be surprising if Lin Tian could recognize him!

At this time, the people behind also caught up, led by a young woman, followed by two young men!

When the woman faced Lin Fei and Qin Shou in front of her, she didn't take it to heart at all and walked directly to Lin Tian not far away!

The woman said arrogantly: "Boy, let me see where you can run, so please obediently hand over the heaven-level high-grade weapon you obtained!

We've had enough fun, let's let you die quickly! "

Lin Tian said angrily: "You are too despicable. I risked my life to get this weapon!"

Lin Fei and Qin Shou also looked at him, no wonder they were being chased, it turned out to be because of this, but this woman was not a bad person at first glance!

Qin Shou rubbed his hands and smiled at Lin Tian: "Boy, maybe you can give me that weapon and we can save your life!"

The woman looked proud and said: "I am the core disciple of Wuji Palace. You'd better mind your own business, or I'll kill you too!"

Qin Shou said with a bad smile: "Brother Lin, this little girl is quite arrogant, why don't you catch her, strip her naked and throw her to the Deserted Holy City, haha!"

The woman was instantly furious: "Looking for death, I'm going to kill you!"

The woman immediately attacked Qin Shou, and Qin Shou easily blocked the woman's attack!

The woman said disdainfully: "You still have some ability, no wonder you dare to talk to me like this, but you will definitely die today!"

Lin Fei saw that the woman in front of him was a one-star martial emperor, and the two young men behind him were both in the realm of ten-star martial emperor like Lin Tian!

Qin Shou could easily handle it by himself, but it seemed that Qin Shou was teasing her and didn't take full action!

No wonder a few people were able to chase Lin Tian to such a state of embarrassment, they were quite capable!

Lin Fei smiled lightly at this time and said: "You are so confident in killing people and seizing treasures. Are the people in Wuji Palace always so domineering?"

The remaining two young men scolded: "Boy, what do you mean? Do I need your guidance on how to do things in Wuji Palace? You are looking for death!"

After saying that, the two of them raised their swords and rushed towards Lin Fei, wanting to teach Lin Fei a lesson, but the next second was tragic!

Lin Fei didn't know when he appeared in front of the two young men. He grabbed their necks with both hands and lifted them up!

The two young men struggled wildly with their feet off the ground. Even with all their strength, they could not break free from Lin Fei's hands!

One of the young men said sternly: "My elders from Wuji Palace are in the wild ruins. You'd better let us go quickly!"

Lin Fei smiled and said: "Oh, is it the elder named Zhao!!"

Another young man whose neck was trapped by Lin Fei Qilin's arm turned red and replied with difficulty: "Yes, our elder Zhao Wu is the Seven-Star Martial Emperor!"

Another young man thought that Lin Fei was scared, and then he pointed at the woman who fought with Qin Shou and threatened Lin Fei: "She is the daughter of our elder Zhao. If anything happens to us, the elder will definitely not let you go." !”

Lin Fei learned from the two people that the old guy's name was Zhao Wu, and that he was in this wild ruins. This made Lin Fei feel particularly happy!

The old guy deliberately suppressed himself in the Eastern Xia Dynasty, and finally took action against him, allowing him to escape in embarrassment. This time he could finally take revenge!

The two young men were still struggling wildly in Lin Fei's hands. Seeing that Lin Fei had no intention of letting them go, they began to panic!

"Boy, if you still don't let us go, do you really want to die?"

The woman who was fighting with Qin Shou also saw what was going on and yelled: "If you dare to touch my disciples of Wuji Palace, no matter where you go, there will be no place for you!"

"Haha, if you weren't disciples of Wuji Palace, I might still be able to let you go!"

"Boy, don't mess around!"

Lin Fei broke their necks with both hands, then threw them aside, took off their space rings and looked at them!

"Congratulations to the host for killing two Ten-Star Martial Lords"

"Earn 4 million experience points and 4 million gold coins!"

"Get the Weapon Li Rocket "Prefecture Level Top Grade""

"Acquired the martial skill Cang Lei Dao "High Grade Earth Level""

"20,000 middle-grade Yuan stones!"

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