Invincible God Of Killing System

Chapter 97 Flying Scorpion

The yellow sand on the ground shook crazily, as if something was about to come out. Lin Fei and Qin Shou jumped into the air, only to see black scorpions emerge from the ground!

It was a huge area of ​​darkness. Lin Fei’s soul checked and there were probably two to three hundred of them!

Each scorpion is black all over, more than two meters long, and some are four or five meters long. The more conspicuous one is a ten-meter-long flying scorpion in the middle!

Qin Shou said solemnly: "These should be flying demon scorpions, each one has a minimum strength of level five, and the one in the middle may have reached level seven!

The tail hook of the Flying Demon Scorpion is very sharp and poisonous. The most terrible thing is that this monster has a pair of transparent wings and flies very fast. Many warriors who go to the wild ruins have encountered this monster and died! "

Lin Fei rubbed his hands excitedly and said, "It doesn't matter, the more the better, this will make killing more enjoyable!"

Qin Shou looked at Lin Fei speechlessly and said, "Brother Lin, why do I feel that you are becoming more and more murderous!

There are almost three hundred flying scorpions here. It’s not easy for us to deal with them, and there’s a big one in the middle!

It is rare to see so many flying demon scorpions, especially the Scorpion King who is at the seventh level. Judging by his aura, he is probably at the mid-level seventh level! ! "

Lin Fei wished that the more the better, this was Bai Huahua's experience. After killing all the flying demon scorpions, he would probably be able to level up two more!

It just so happens that I have just reached the realm of the Martial Emperor, and I want to test how far my combat power can reach!

Lin Fei smiled and said: "Brother Qin Shou, you just need to take care of yourself, don't be too cautious when taking action, and leave it to me to kill you as much as possible!"

Although Qin Shou wondered why Lin Fei liked killing so much, he still nodded slightly!

At this time, the Scorpion King in the middle said to Lin Fei: "Human, I feel the extremely rich blood in you. If I swallow you, I will definitely be promoted to the seventh level or even higher!"

Lin Fei chuckled lightly and said: "It depends on whether you have this ability!"

The Scorpion King had an intuition that Lin Fei was not simple in strength. He did not plan to take action directly. Instead, he ordered his scorpion group to attack first, intending to consume Lin Fei first, while he waited for the opportunity!

"Children, come together!"

The intelligence of the seventh-level monster is no weaker than that of humans, and it can also speak human words!

I saw many flying demon scorpions flying towards Lin Fei, while Qin Shou was slightly away from Lin Fei!

When Lin Fei saw the many flying demon scorpions, he was not afraid at all. He activated his magical power and violently, holding the blood-drinking demon knife, rushed directly into the scorpions to kill them!

Lin Fei did not use martial arts. Now that Lin Fei has used Fury, his strength is almost as strong as that of the Six-Star Martial Emperor!

Lin Fei quickly killed dozens of flying demon scorpions, and the system prompts kept ringing in his mind!

"Congratulations to the host for killing the fifth level intermediate monster"

"Acquire 600,000 experience points and 200,000 gold coins"

"Congratulations to the host for killing a fifth-level high-level monster"

"Earn 900,000 experience points and 300,000 gold coins.

"Get weapons..."

"Acquire martial arts..."


Only some low-grade earth-level martial arts and weapons were revealed. Lin Fei didn't even bother to look at them. Some of them didn't even reveal a single hair!

But fortunately there were so many of them, Lin Fei was very satisfied with the speed at which his experience increased, and he worked even harder to kill the scorpions!

"Congratulations to the host for killing the sixth level primary monster"

"Earned 2.7 million experience points and 900,000 gold coins!"

"Martial Skill Bloody Yang Miasma "Mid-level Prefectural Level""


Lin Fei was domineering among the scorpions. Although he did not activate the Immortal Golden Body, Lin Fei's physical strength was no weaker than that of an ordinary one-star Martial Emperor!

Lin Fei also used his true essence to put a true essence shield on his body, but what surprised Lin Fei was that the flying scorpion's poisonous hook pierced the true essence shield and could actually corrode his own true essence!

It didn't take long for Lin Fei's true essence to be shattered, but Lin Fei still didn't care!

Although the poisonous hooks of the flying demon scorpions are extremely sharp, these fifth and sixth level flying demon scorpions cannot break through his physical defense!

Continuing to rush back and forth among the scorpions, Lin Fei had killed seventy or eighty flying scorpions in a short time!

The experience points skyrocketed like crazy. If you kill a few more, you can be promoted to a two-star Martial Emperor. This speed makes Lin Fei even more excited!

At this moment, the Scorpion King, who had been watching the battle, threw out his poisonous hook at lightning speed and stabbed Lin Fei in the back!

Qin Shou, who was not far away, couldn't help but exclaimed: "Brother Lin, be careful of the Scorpion Emperor's poisonous hook!"

In fact, Lin Fei has always focused part of his attention on the Scorpion Emperor. As a seventh-level mid-level monster, the Scorpion Emperor's strength cannot be underestimated!

But this guy was too cautious and didn't take action directly. Instead, he let the scorpion group attack first. He was obviously the sixth monster!

Seeing the Scorpion King launching a sneak attack, Lin Fei took advantage of the situation and turned his body to avoid it, but he still underestimated the Scorpion King's strength!

The poison hook leaf on the Scorpion King's tail pierced Lin Fei's shoulder. Lin Fei felt a sharp pain in his heart, and his whole body felt paralyzed and weak!

The Scorpion Emperor laughed and said: "Haha, boy, even a monster of the same level as me can't withstand the poisonous hook of my emperor. You will definitely die!!"

Lin Fei did not panic. He raised his Qilin arm and used Sansangui, throwing a ball of flame energy towards the scorpions. In an instant, more than ten flying scorpions were killed!

System prompt sounds



"Congratulations to the host for upgrading to a two-star Martial Emperor"

The Scorpion King was instantly furious: "Boy, you are looking for death!"

But Lin Fei smiled faintly at this time and looked at the Scorpion King with some teasing eyes!

He had just been promoted to the second-star Martial Queen, and Lin Fei's injuries had recovered as before. At this time, the Scorpion Emperor felt that Lin Fei's strength had increased sharply, and he was already almost the same as him!

In an instant, he threw out the poisonous hook again and stabbed Lin Fei's head, preparing to kill him with one blow. Lin Fei easily blocked it with his Qilin Arm. The Qilin Arm was not something that its poisonous hook could pierce! !

Then he picked up the end of the Scorpion Emperor's tail and used the Scorpion Emperor's body as a weapon to attack the scorpions everywhere!

The scorpions were killed and fled in all directions, not daring to get close to Lin Fei!

Soon, all the flying scorpions died in Lin Fei's hands, and the Scorpion King was extremely angry!

It was a great shame and humiliation for a human to use its tail as a weapon, so the Scorpion King cut off his own tail in a cruel move!

Only then did he escape Lin Fei's control. The Scorpion Emperor looked at Lin Fei angrily!

He said angrily: "Boy, you will definitely die today!"

"Scorpion Transformation"

The ten-meter-long demon scorpion actually stood up, and its figure suddenly grew, reaching a height of thirty meters!

The four legs turned into four giant feet, the four legs turned into the shape of four human arms, the two scorpion pincers became even bigger, and the severed tail behind them grew out, becoming stronger and more powerful!

Lin Fei was stunned and said: "Nima, what kind of operation is this?"

The Scorpion King said angrily: "This is an innate skill that a monster can awaken when it reaches the seventh level, but it also depends on the monster's comprehension ability. Some seventh-level monsters cannot awaken their innate skills until they die!

This emperor has just awakened his natural skills recently. It is an honor for you to die at the hands of this emperor! "

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