Invincible God Of Killing System

Chapter 94 Killing To The Point Of Madness

The sound of "clang" made him dumbfounded. The dagger stabbed Lin Fei and sparks flew out. Feeling something was wrong, he immediately stepped back with all his strength, but it was already too late!

Being so close to Lin Fei, Lin Fei pierced his heart with a backhand strike and fell to the ground helplessly!

"Congratulations to the host for killing the two-star Martial Emperor"

"Earn 9 million experience points and 3 million gold coins!"

"Obtained the weapon Silver Moon Blade "Heavenly Grade Middle Grade""

"Obtain 4,000 high-grade Yuan Stones"

The others' scalps were numb when they saw it, and they didn't dare to step forward for a while. Some of them had already backed down!

Seeing this scene, Lin Fei deliberately staggered in the air, and then flew away into the distance!

Qin Shou also thought that Lin Fei couldn't hold on anymore, and was about to step forward to help, but Lin Fei sent a message saying that he didn't need to take action, he could handle it himself!

Qin Shou said with emotion: "Damn, this guy is so insidious!"

When one person saw Lin Fei's condition, he immediately said excitedly: "This kid can't hold on any longer. Let's wait a little longer to make sure he doesn't run away!"

The others instantly became energetic again. They also saw Lin Fei's reaction just now, so they went after Lin Fei with all their strength!

Qin Shou also smiled and came to the side of the man who was killed just now. Lin Fei did not take off his space ring in a hurry just now!

This was an advantage for Qin Shou. This guy looked around, showed a satisfied smile, and then followed the direction of the chase from a distance!

Lin Fei came some distance into the desert and was caught up by the remaining eight people!

"Boy, where else do you want to run?"

Lin Fei smiled: "I don't plan to run away, I just want to find a better burial ground for you guys. This place is good. Let's send you on the road together!"

"Boy, you are already a powerful bow of rage, stop pretending!"

Lin Fei just led them here and caught them all. He was afraid that they would escape, so he pretended to be invincible!

If they disperse and escape, I and Qin Shou can't keep everyone behind. This is all experience, and Lin Fei naturally doesn't want to let it go!

Even if you run away in the desert, there is no place to hide your body. It will be difficult to escape from the palm of your hand!

The eight people just surrounded Lin Fei and did not take action. They just wanted to buy time. When Lin Fei's secret method time passed, they could easily capture Lin Fei by then!

Lin Fei didn't intend to waste time with them, so he took out two Recovery Pills and stuffed them into his mouth to replenish part of the real energy he had just consumed!

"Bull Crash"

Lin Fei quickly condensed a ten-meter-high phantom of a bull!

The eight people looked at Lin Fei and didn't take it seriously. The eight Martial Emperors thought they could easily block Lin Fei's move!

But Lin Fei wasn't done yet. The phantom of the bull on his body instantly increased to a height of twenty meters, and the phantom almost condensed into substance!

Lin Fei used the nine-star combo to strengthen the phantom of the bull, and the power instantly became many times more powerful!

The two three-star Martial Emperors were the first to react and immediately shouted: "If you don't want to die, just attack with all your strength!"

"Ice Seal, Broken Love Claw"

"Wuji Palm, Red Flame Sword"

"Purple Mist Overlord, Phoenix Boom"

"Xuan Yin Slash, Red Sky Emperor Fist!"

The eight people instantly used their most powerful martial arts to attack the approaching Lin Fei, and the phantom of the barbarian bull slammed forward!

Nine powerful martial arts collided together, and the powerful collision and fluctuation of true energy filled the desert with yellow sand in a radius of dozens of miles!

Qin Shou, who was not far away, was speechless and had to use his true energy to defend against the aftermath of the attack!

He muttered: "Damn it, Lin Fei is so fierce, he is simply not human!"




After a short while, several screams came from the yellow sand in the sky, and a three-star Martial Emperor directly penetrated the entire body of the bull's phantom horns!

There were also three one-star Martial Emperors who were directly hit by the phantom of the Barbarian Bull and died on the spot!

"Congratulations to the host for killing four Martial Emperors"

"Gain 36 million experience points and 12 million gold coins."

"Obtained weapons Chileirong "Low-grade Heavenly Grade" and Blood Wave Ax "Low-grade Heavenly Grade"

"Acquired the martial arts Xuanyin Slash "Low Grade Heaven" and Red Sky Emperor Fist "Low Grade Heaven""

"Obtain 13,000 high-grade Yuan Stones"

The remaining few people burned their true energy and paid a lot of money to break Lin Fei's phantom. However, Lin Fei had the blessing of the immortal golden body and there was no damage at all, but they consumed more true energy!

The four people were covered in scars, and most of their clothes were stained red with blood. They didn't dare to stop for a moment, regardless of their injuries, and ran away!

Lin Fei couldn't let them escape. His mission was to kill all of these people by himself, and he couldn't shoot any of them!

Lin Fei shouted loudly: "Brother Qin Shou, help me stop that Three-Star Martial Emperor. Don't kill him. Wait for me to come back!"

Qin Shou was speechless: "What's so weird about Lin Fei? Is he addicted to killing people?"

But there was no nonsense and he directly stopped the Samsung Martial Emperor who was fleeing this way!

"Boy, stop meddling in other people's business and get out of here!"

The three-star Martial Emperor didn't pay attention to the wretched-looking boy in front of him, and directly took action to force Qin Shou away!

Unfortunately, he underestimated Qin Shou in front of him, and was knocked back a certain distance by Qin Shou's counterattack, which made him shocked and angry!

I didn't expect that this humble boy in front of me could be so difficult to deal with. No wonder this guy Lin Fei fought for him!

Moreover, he was seriously injured and had nothing to do with him. He could only desperately hope to get rid of Qin Shou as soon as possible. If Lin Fei caught up with those people and turned around, he would be dead!

On Lin Fei's side, the three two-star Martial Emperors scattered and fled. Lin Fei directly used his full power to attack one of them with Shura Sword Slash!

Hundreds of meters of black sword energy slashed at a person at an extremely fast speed. The person felt the energy fluctuations behind him and turned around to use martial arts to block it!

Unfortunately, it had no effect. It exploded into a ball of blood mist on the spot, leaving only a space ring that fell to the ground!

"Congratulations to the host for killing the two-star Martial Emperor!"

"Earn 9 million experience points and 3 million gold coins!"

"Obtained the martial arts Ice Seal "Heaven-level mid-level""

"Obtain the weapon Frost Spear "Heavenly Low Grade""

"Obtain 2,000 high-grade Yuan Stones!"

After Lin Fei slashed out the sword, he didn't even look at it, and he didn't have time to pick up the fallen space ring. He directly used the Nine Demon Steps to chase the two-star Martial Emperor in the other direction!

The man noticed Lin Fei chasing behind him at a high speed, and was about to use his martial arts to resist, but was directly pierced through the head by Lin Fei's Yang Finger!

The man didn't react until he died. Lin Fei was too fast and had already taken off his space ring, and then chased in the direction where the last two-star Martial Emperor escaped!

"Congratulations to the host for killing the two-star Martial Emperor!"

"Earn 9 million experience points and 3 million gold coins!"

"Weapon Sky-Breaking Claw "Heaven-Level Low Grade""

"2,000 low-grade Yuan stones!"

"Congratulations to the host for reaching the Ten-Star Martial Lord!"

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