Invincible God Of Killing System

Chapter 95 Fusion Of Kirin Arm

Lin Fei was shocked. After ascending to the realm, Lin Fei's strength increased a lot, and the 90% of his true energy that had been consumed was instantly restored to its original state!

Lin Fei used the Nine Demon Steps with all his strength and moved around. Every step of the Demon Nine Steps was already a long distance away!

Moreover, the distance is farther with each step, and every step will make an explosion in the air, and the power is so terrifying!

Within a few steps, Lin Fei had already seen the figure of the man. There was no cover in the desert. At the level of Martial Master, Lin Fei could see a distance of about two hundred miles!

Lin Fei saw that the last guy was very fast, and he had already escaped hundreds of miles away in a short time. This made Lin Fei a little embarrassed!

If he hadn't possessed the Nine Steps of Heavenly Demon, he might have been able to escape from this guy!

It seems that this person is a standard old man. His escape speed is really admirable!

Seeing that he had run hundreds of miles, the man breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that Lin Fei would not be able to catch up with him after running so far!

But when he looked back, he saw a blurry figure chasing him very fast, which frightened him to death. Unexpectedly, Lin Fei still chased him!

He immediately burned all his blood and essence to escape at all costs. Even if he could escape this time, it would take several years for him to recover from his injuries!

But there was nothing he could do. He never thought that Lin Fei, a young man, could have such terrifying strength. Even ten Martial Emperors could not defeat him!

No matter how hard he died, how much he was injured, how much he could run away, he could only run away with all his strength, hoping to escape Lin Fei's pursuit!

However, Lin Fei practiced the Nine Steps of the Heavenly Demon, a heaven-level high-grade movement and martial arts, and his speed was unimaginable!

Although the two-star Martial Emperor had already traveled such a long distance, Lin Fei was still getting closer and closer!

Lin Fei had only reached the sixth step of the nine steps of the demon at this time, and he was almost catching up with him. The man saw that Lin Fei was only a few dozen miles away!

He just stopped and was about to turn around and beg Lin Fei for mercy, begging Lin Fei to let him go!

In the next second, Lin Feitianmo's seventh step among the nine steps had already landed above him. With a loud bang, the man turned into blood mist!

The Nine Steps of the Demon is a martial art that combines movement and attack. The power of the seventh step is simply not something he can resist!

Lin Fei waved his hand and sucked the fallen space ring over!

He immediately turned around and hurried back. There was still only one person left to complete the task, for fear of any accident!

After completing the mission and getting an upgrade coupon, Lin Fei can directly reach the realm of the Martial Emperor, and there is also a unicorn arm that makes Lin Fei feel itchy!

I don't want to waste any time, and I don't have much time to use my magical powers, so I have to hurry up!

Ignoring the consumption of real energy, he directly performed the last two steps of the Nine Steps of the Demon. Lin Fei rushed back within a few minutes!

The three-star Martial Emperor was fighting Qin Shou, and was being suppressed and beaten by Qin Shou. Although he was a three-star Martial Emperor, Qin Shou was not an ordinary one-star Martial Emperor!

Besides, he had been seriously injured by Lin Fei, so it was normal for him to be at a disadvantage. If he hadn't been powerful and thoughtful, he would have been killed by the Manniu Phantom at that time!

Seeing Lin Fei rushing back so quickly, my heart suddenly went cold. I really couldn't run away now!

Lin Fei raised the blood-drinking magic knife in his hand and said with a smile: "You can't run away now, everyone else has been killed by me, so you can go on the road together!"

Qin Shou decisively stepped aside. With Lin Fei, a pervert, there was no room for him to perform!

The three-star Martial Emperor quickly said: "Wait a minute, my name is Zhao Li, and I am the elder of Wuji Palace. If you kill me, Wuji Palace will not let you go!"

Lin Fei temporarily put down the Blood-Drinking Demonic Sword in his hand and asked with some confusion: "Who were you, the elder who went to the Eastern Xia Dynasty to select disciples last time at Wuji Palace? I remember that his surname was also Zhao!"

Seeing Lin Fei put down his weapon, he thought that Lin Fei was intimidated by the reputation of Wuji Palace. After all, Wuji Palace is considered the top power in the Northern Wilderness, and other sects are inferior!

Zhao Li immediately said proudly: "That's my cousin. He is now a powerful Seven-Star Martial Emperor. We have a good relationship, and he is in the wild ruins. If you kill me, my cousin will definitely not let you go." !”

Lin Fei smiled contemptuously: "In this case, you should die even more. That old guy of your cousin bullied me. If you meet him this time, you must kill him!"

The time for violent rage and immortal golden body was about to come, and Lin Fei didn't bother to talk nonsense with him anymore. He directly used Yiyang Pointer to point it out, and then killed him with the Blood-Drinking Demonic Knife!

Zhao Li was shocked and hurriedly picked up his weapon and moved his true energy to resist, but he was already seriously injured at this time, how could he resist Lin Fei's attacks! !

In the end, Lin Fei died tragically with a knife, with a look of reluctance on his face!

"Congratulations to the host for killing the Three-Star Martial Emperor!"

"Earn 9 million experience points and 3 million gold coins!"

"Obtained the martial arts Wuji Palm "Heaven Level Middle Grade""

"6,000 high-grade Yuan stones!"

Zhao Li probably didn't expect that he would end up risking his own life just because he saw money!

"Congratulations to the host for completing the mission!"

"Get an upgrade coupon!"

"Get the special item Kirin Arm!"

"Get 50 million gold coins!"

Lin Fei quickly checked the attributes of the Qilin Arm, which made Lin Fei very excited!

Fire Qilin Arm, unknown level, unknown ability, can be enhanced with the strength of the host!

Lin Fei asked with a speechless face: "System, what the hell, you don't know what happened to the things you rewarded yourself!"

"This system is just a porter. I really don't know what it is. Does the host choose to fuse?"

To be honest, these two unknowns confused Lin Fei. What abilities he had, it seemed that he could only fuse them by himself and gradually become familiar with them!

And it can become stronger as its strength increases, which is not bad at all. The products produced by the system must be high-quality products!


He would be a fool not to fuse, and then he saw the unicorn arm turn into a fiery red light and merge into his right hand!

A burst of heartbreaking burning pain came, and Lin Fei knelt on one knee, with cold sweat on his head. Even he couldn't help but scream in a low voice!

Qin Shou was stunned. He had seen Lin Fei lively just now, but he saw a red light flying into Lin Fei's right arm!

Seeing Lin Fei in such pain, he didn't know what to do, so he asked cautiously: "Brother Lin, what's wrong with you, do you need your help?"

Lin Fei answered Qin Shou with difficulty: "It doesn't matter!"

I don't know how long it took for the fusion process to be completed, and the sleeve of Lin Fei's right arm was burned directly!

A fiery red arm was exposed, and a fierce and violent aura came from the arm!

Lin Fei shook his right arm, feeling the incomparable power contained in it. It is estimated that without the use of real energy, he can kill a three-star Martial Emperor with his physical body and this unicorn arm alone!

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