Invincible God Of Killing System

Chapter 93 Battle With Ten Martial Emperors

This made Lin Fei excited. The mission rewards were so generous and the upgrade coupons were great things, especially the unicorn arm!

This is a domineering thing. Anyone who has watched Fengyun in the past life knows it, but they don’t know what the difference is between the unicorn arms awarded by the system!

Lin Fei looked at these ten people as if they were looking at some peerless treasures. Even if they just gave him experience, the system actually issued tasks and gave them proper benefits!

Several people were too lazy to straighten their hair because they thought there was something wrong with Lin Fei's orientation!

The man couldn't help but shouted angrily: "Boy, you can't hear me when I'm talking to you. Are you deaf?"

Lin Fei pretended to be scared and said: "Why do you have to rob me? Don't you feel embarrassed that ten powerful Martial Emperors bullied me, a young man?"

One of them stood up and said arrogantly: "Boy, don't you understand that wealth should not be revealed?"

Lin Fei looked at the ten people in front of him. They were all in the Martial Emperor realm. They were all trying to rob him. They were all strong men attracted by Lin Fei's exposure to the Zongheng Chamber of Commerce!

But Lin Fei didn't take it to heart, because Lin Fei deliberately exposed his wealth, otherwise why would so many people come to make it easier for him to kill people and upgrade!

Moreover, only two of these ten people were in the three-star Martial Emperor realm, and the rest were in the one- and two-star Martial Emperor realm. Lin Fei felt that he could handle it all by himself!

Lin Fei took off his space ring and smiled lightly: "There are indeed many good things in my space ring, but who should I give it to?"

"Boy, give it to me and I'll save your life!"

"Give me

"Fart, give it to me"

Some of them couldn't help but started to argue. Lin Fei smiled and threw the space ring out!

Several people started fighting to compete for the ring!

However, the others did not fight for it, but looked at Lin Fei coldly. They did not believe that Lin Fei would hand over the space ring to them so easily!

Soon someone grabbed the ring. Shenhun went in to check and said angrily: "Good boy, you lied to us with an empty ring. You are looking for death!"

Lin Fei said: "You think too highly of yourself. We are just a few martial emperors. I am enough to kill you all!"

Then he said to Qin Shou who had retreated to the side: "Brother Qin Shou, please don't take any action. Leave everything to me. Just stay aside and help me capture the formation. If someone escapes, help me stop him!"

Qin Shou was confused. These were ten Martial Emperors. Lin Fei refused to take action and had to deal with them himself. This made him a little confused! !

However, Qin Shou felt that Lin Fei was not joking, so he still chose to believe Lin Fei. If he couldn't help it, he would help again!

One of the two-star Martial Emperors couldn't help but stand up: "Boy, what a big tone, let me come and meet you first!"

Lin Fei directly activated his magical power, violent rage, and immortal golden body. His whole body was exuding a rich golden light, and his momentum increased dramatically!

The two-star Martial Emperor who just spoke was startled by Lin Fei's formation and did not dare to step forward for a moment!

Lin Fei flew into the air, raised his fingers disdainfully and said, "Come on!"

The man who was originally frightened by Lin Fei was so provoked by Lin Fei that he immediately jumped up and flew directly towards Lin Fei!

"Boy, I see that this is your secret method to forcibly increase your strength. I want to see how long you can last!"

"Broken Mountain Palm"

The powerful true energy instantly attacked Lin Fei. Lin Fei did not dodge or dodge, and directly faced this martial arts!

Only a collision sound was heard, Lin Fei was unscathed, and the Demon of Movement flew directly behind the man unexpectedly in nine steps!

Before the man could react, the Blood Drinking Demonic Sword was slashed, and the two-star Martial Emperor's head fell instantly!

The space ring was directly taken off by Lin Fei. Qin Shou's eyelids jumped at the side. Lin Fei was so skillful in this move!

"Congratulations to the host for killing the two-star Martial Emperor"

"Earn 9 million experience points and 3 million gold coins."

"Acquired the martial arts Broken Mountain Palm "Heaven-Level Low Grade""

"4,000 high-grade Yuan stones"

The remaining nine Martial Emperors stared at Lin Fei cautiously, a little frightened by Lin Fei. A two-star Martial Emperor was killed instantly!

Although Lin Fei was caught by surprise, he was able to withstand a blow from a two-star Martial Emperor without any damage, which also shows how powerful Lin Fei is!

Lin Fei looked down at them from the air and said sarcastically: "What, are you afraid of this?"

One of the Samsung Martial Emperors stood up: "I don't believe this kid is really that strong. Let's attack together. When the time comes, we will share this kid's belongings equally. If there are any of you who don't want to contribute, get out as soon as possible!"

The nine people soared directly into the sky and blasted Lin Fei with various martial arts skills. Lin Fei did not resist at all, and struck out with Yang Finger and Bahuang Liuhe Palm one after another!

It's a pity that most of them were taken over by nine people. After all, they are all strong men in the Martial Emperor realm, and their strength should not be underestimated!

Various attacks hit Lin Fei and made the sound of metal hitting him. Although Lin Fei was fine, he still couldn't kill his opponent for a while!

There was a lot of energy in the air, and only a few of the lower-strength Martial Emperors were slightly injured!

The more they fought, the more frightened they became. One of them, the Three-Star Martial Emperor, saw the clues and stepped aside and shouted loudly: "Boy, what kind of technique are you doing? Why can't our attacks cause you any harm?"

Others also temporarily stepped aside and looked at Lin Fei!

Another three-star Martial Emperor said urgently: "Boy, hand over the skills you have cultivated and the secret method to improve your strength. I can protect your life. I will do what I say!"

Everyone stared at him with greedy expressions. The skills that Lin Fei practiced were so unbelievable that they were even more exciting than Lin Fei's space ring!

"Idiots, if you want it, come and get it. Is it possible for me to hand it over obediently?"

The three-star Martial Emperor said calmly: "I don't believe that your technique can continue forever, I'm afraid there is a time limit!

Although we can't do anything to you for a while, it's impossible for you to kill us. When time passes, I'll see how arrogant you are still? "

So everyone fought with Lin Fei, which Lin Fei didn't expect!

It seems that no one who practices the Martial Emperor realm is stupid, and Lin Fei doesn't care. He was just warming up just now, and he hasn't exerted his full strength yet!

"Shura's Tyrant Sword Cut"

The blood-drinking demon sword swept out, and a huge black sword energy was slashed out, and everyone in front tried to resist it!

Although he blocked Lin Fei's blow, a trace of blood flowed from the corner of the weak man's mouth!

I don't know when a person appeared in the sky behind Lin Fei, holding a dagger with a cold light and stabbing Lin Fei directly in the back of the head!

"Boy, I don't believe that your whole body can defend against all attacks. My Silver Moon Blade is a mid-grade heaven-level weapon!"

He thought that the back of Lin Fei's head would not be able to block the sharpness of a mid-level heaven-level weapon, so he came up behind Lin Fei and attacked him while he was performing his martial arts!

Little did he know that Lin Fei's spirit had already noticed the man behind him. A cruel smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and the dagger in his hand stabbed Lin Fei in the back of the head!

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