Lin Fei thought to himself: "A little black dog told me that I was Qiongqi, and Lin Fei even suspected that the system was talking nonsense!

The Qiongqi I know should look like a tiger, with a body like an old cow, a pair of wings, hard hair, two light yellow dragon horns on his forehead, a beak like an eagle's beak, and a cruel temperament !

No matter how you look at it, this little guy can't get along with Qiongqi! "

However, the system should not be able to make mistakes. If Qiongqi is really making a lot of money, this little guy will be a big help to him in the future if he is well trained!

Lin Fei bought the little guy anyway. Lin Fei carefully took out the little guy and held it in his arms!

The little guy was very well-behaved and didn't struggle much. It seemed that he was really destined to Lin Fei!

Lin Fei nodded with satisfaction, but the more he looked at it, the more he looked at it and it became more and more incompatible with the ferocious beast Qiongqi!

"You are covered in black hair, let's call you Xiao Hei!"

Lin Fei didn't bother to name him, and he didn't care whether Xiao Hei in his arms wanted to!

Lin Fei and Gu Hai came to the private room on the third floor again. Without any nonsense, they took out two Soaring Dragon Pills, three Mad Blood Pills and five True Yuan Pills!

The rest of Lin Fei is reserved for Qin Shou, otherwise Lin Fei will sell it together. Lin Fei will have no use for these pills for the time being!

In the end, these elixirs were sold for 25 million low-grade Yuan Stones. Lin Fei was quite satisfied. Selling them directly to the Chamber of Commerce was certainly not as high as the auction price, but this price was acceptable!

Lin Fei said calmly: "I can replace all the rest with high-grade Yuan stones or middle-grade Yuan stones!"

"Sir, wait a moment, I'm going to prepare now."

Gu Hai immediately went out to prepare Lin Fei's Yuan Stone. He came back half an hour later and handed Lin Fei a space ring!

Lin Fei soul entered the space ring and checked it. Two hundred thousand high-grade Yuan stones and 800,000 middle-grade Yuan stones were neatly placed in the ring!

Later, Lin Fei threw the space ring into the system space, hugged Xiao Hei and returned to the inn!

Lin Fei put Xiao Hei on the table and fed him a few second-grade elixirs. The little guy was quite greedy, and then he fell asleep straight away!

It seems that after eating so many elixirs and absorbing the energy in them, I am going to advance!

Lin Fei was a little helpless, so he put Xiao Hei into the Mountain and Sea Ring for the time being, so that he could advance faster inside!

When Qin Shou saw Lin Fei coming back, he immediately ran over excitedly and said!

"Brother Lin, where have you been? I thought you ran away!"

Lin Fei said disdainfully: "Brother Qin Shou. Looking at your worthless appearance, how could I run away just for a few pills?"

Then he randomly threw a Soaring Dragon Pill and three True Yuan Pills to Qin Shou, who quickly took the pills!

Qin Shou chuckled and said, "Thank you so much, Brother Lin!"

Lin Fei threw two more Crazy Blood Pills to him, and Qin Shou asked in confusion: "Is this a Crazy Blood Pill, a pill that can enhance the Martial Emperor's strength in a short period of time?"

Lin Fei smiled: "Yes, I'll keep it for you as a spare. Maybe I can help you one day, and I hope you won't need it!"

"Then I won't be polite to Brother Lin!" After saying that, he directly put away Lin Fei's two crazy blood pills, for fear that Lin Fei would regret it!

Lin Fei smiled and said nothing. The matter was done, and the two were ready to leave the city and head to the wild ruins!

There were many people following Lin Fei along the way. Qin Shou was a little confused and asked softly: "Brother Lin, what have you done? Why are there so many people following you? It seems that there are many powerful Martial Emperors!"

Lin Fei did not explain anything, but smiled lightly and said: "It's okay, I haven't killed anyone for a long time, just come here if you want to die!"

In fact, Lin Fei had known for a long time that these people had been following him, but he didn't care. Although there were many powerful Martial Emperors among them, they were not at a high level!

He and Qin Shou can handle it easily, so Lin Fei doesn't care!

Soon Lin Fei went out from the east gate of the Deserted Holy City. This was the path to the deserted ruins!

Lin Fei and the two walked to a barren mountain, and finally five people couldn't help but jump out!

"Boy, stop, hand over the space ring on your body, and we can spare your life!"

Lin Fei was not surprised. He turned around and smiled: "You are not the only ones here. Even if I give you my space ring, you may not be able to keep it!"

The five of them are all ten-star martial masters, and they pose no threat to Lin Fei at all!

The leader shouted: "Boy, don't give me nonsense, just hand over the space. You don't need to worry about other things!"

Lin Fei said disdainfully: "If you have the ability, just come over and grab it. I'm afraid the five of you don't have the ability, haha!"

"Looking for death, boy, if you dare to look down on our five Honggu brothers, come together!"

The five of them rushed towards Lin Fei together. Qin Shougang was about to take action, but Lin Fei stopped him. This is all experience and cannot be wasted!

Qin Shou was stunned for a moment, then stepped aside. These people did not threaten Lin Fei, so he didn't need to worry!

Lin Fei directly used the Lion's Roar Technique, and the few people who rushed up suddenly felt a splitting headache, were in a trance, and fell to the ground wailing!

Lin Fei didn't show any mercy. He cut off the heads of several people with the Blood-Drinking Demonic Sword, easily resolving the battle!

"Congratulations to the host for killing five Ten-Star Martial Lords"

"Get 10 million experience points and 10 million gold coins!"

"Obtain the weapons Golden Lion Shield "High Grade Earth Level" and Fiery Sword "High Grade Earth Level""

"Obtained the martial arts "Dragon Leg Breaking" "High-grade Earth Level" and Qingguang Jin "High-grade Earth Level"!"

"Obtain 10,000 high-grade Yuan Stones!"

Lin Fei took over the space rings of several people. Although they were all martial masters, they had quite a lot of wealth!

Lin Fei accepted them all, and raised the corners of his mouth to smile at the person hiding behind him!

Many warriors in the realm of martial arts left immediately after seeing Lin Fei's strength. Lin Fei's strength was not something he could provoke, and there were still some people left waiting and watching!

Although Lin Fei's display of strength was very strong, it could not scare them, but they were not in a hurry to take action for the time being!

Because even though there are many of them, they all have their own thoughts and they don’t want to take action first, for fear that others will take advantage of them!

Seeing that they had no intention of taking action, Lin Fei did not take the initiative, but continued on his way with Qin Shou calmly!

Not caring at all that they were following behind them, three days later the two of them came to a desert where the edge could not be seen at a glance!

Qin Shou said: "We've finally arrived, the ruins of the wilderness are in this desert!"

The people behind could no longer bear it and jumped out together. There were ten people in total, all of whom were Martial Emperors. This actually surprised Lin Fei!

I thought to myself: "As for that? Or do you think this young man is easy to bully?"

One of them shouted: "Boy, don't run away, even if you two escape into the wild ruins, it will still be useless!"

"Hand over your space ring obediently, and we can spare your lives. We have ten Martial Emperors and you can't escape at all!!"

At this time, the system suddenly heard a long-lost prompt!

"Congratulations to the host for getting the mission to kill ten powerful Martial Emperors. You will be rewarded with an upgrade coupon, the special item Qilin Arm, and 50 million gold coins!"

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