Invincible God Of Killing System

Chapter 49 Seven Star Necklace

Then Lin Fei asked with some confusion: "What exactly do they want you to hand over? I don't think you have anything valuable on you!"

Ye Xingchen scratched his head and said: "Boss, I don't know what is in me that makes them pursue me so hard that they slaughtered my entire village!"

At this time, Lin Fei discovered that Ye Xingchen was wearing a necklace on his chest, which was made of seven beads. At first glance, it looked very ordinary!

Lin Fei felt something was wrong and said, "Xingchen, take off your necklace and show it to me!"

Ye Xingchen quickly took off the necklace and handed it to Lin Fei. Lin Fei used the Eye of Insight to take a look!

"The Seven Star Necklace "The level is unknown. It is composed of the core of seven refining stars. It has seven layers of seals. Only the King of Martial Realm can release the first layer of seals."

Lin Fei was a little confused and asked the system, what does the unknown level mean?

The system answered mechanically: "It's just that the level is too high and cannot be identified with the host's current strength!"

"The core of a star is equivalent to the energy of a star. It is normal for the host to be unable to identify it, and it is beyond the scope of the host's ability!"

Lin Fei was shocked by the system's answer. It was equivalent to a necklace composed of seven stars. It was so unbelievable!

How could Ye Xingchen possess such a precious thing, and yet someone knew that he was being hunted? It seemed like things were not that simple!

I don’t know if the Black Wolf Mercenary Group found out by chance or if someone ordered it. If I had known, I should have asked first!

However, Lin Fei didn't take it to heart and asked, "Who gave you this necklace, Xingchen!"

Ye Xingchen answered honestly: "I am an abandoned baby. This necklace was already on me when my parents picked me up!"

Lin Fei thought to himself, no wonder, how could there be such a heaven-defying thing in this small place? It seems that Ye Xingchen must also have a big origin!

Logically speaking, possessing such a heaven-defying thing should be very powerful, but I didn't know that Ye Xingchen had been living here, and no one cared about it for so many years, and no one asked, isn't it right?

Lin Fei told Ye Xingchen that your life experience should not be simple. This necklace has a great origin, and it may be a clue for you to find out your life experience!

"You have to take good care of it. Maybe you can find your original life experience in the future!"

Ye Xingchen smiled naively and said: "It doesn't matter whether I can find my original life experience or not. Now I just want to follow the boss!"

Lin Fei smiled and said, "Okay, let's talk about it later!"

Lin Fei added another Ye Xingchen to his team and began to speed up towards the imperial city, because everyone only had one month left!

There was still more than half of the distance left, and they couldn't delay any longer, so they flew directly into the sky, speeding up a lot!

Ye Xingchen was still in the realm of a martial artist and couldn't fly, so he could only be led by Lin Fei, although it cost a lot of real energy!

But there is nothing we can do, we can only do this in order to speed up!

Fortunately, it is not difficult for a warrior to fly in the air at such a speed. In addition, Lin Fei and others directly take pills to restore their true energy, so it is easy to travel thousands of miles a day!

Lin Fei didn't want to cause trouble along the way, so he flew directly over to some small towns. When he encountered a city, he was afraid it would be too high-profile, so he got down and walked through it!

But I didn't want to cause trouble, but trouble still came. On the third day, an old man chased me from behind!

The old man is short in stature, dressed in black, with a bulging nose and a gloomy face, which is not a good thing at first glance!

The old man blocked the path of several people and said: "You are running very fast, it is very hard for me to chase you!

The disciple who killed me is just like walking away. He doesn't take me seriously! "

Lin Fei glanced at it with his insightful eyes and knew who was coming. The old man Heifeng, the leader of the Black Wolf Mercenary Group, mentioned the so-called master!

"Old Man Black Wind's "One Star Martial Master, Black Wind Technique"

Lin Fei didn't care. With his current strength, there was no pressure at all to kill a one-star martial master!

So he deliberately asked: "Who are you? I have killed so many people that I can't remember who they are!"

Seeing Lin Fei's indifferent expression, the old man said angrily: "Boy, I am Old Man Heifeng. The Black Wolf Mercenary Group belongs to my apprentice. You actually destroyed the Black Wolf Mercenary Group. You are seeking death!"

In fact, the apprentice was killed, and the old man Heifeng didn't bother to pay attention at all, but this apprentice paid him a lot of good things every year!

Now he was killed by Lin Fei. Old Man Heifeng later heard the news and said that Lin Fei didn't take him seriously at all, which made him feel very humiliated!

That's why he chased after Lin Fei to see who he was who didn't even take him seriously!

Lin Fei smiled lightly and said: "Old Black Wind, what a great name. I think you are more like Old Black Dog!"

Your apprentice is full of evil, and you are not a good person. "Now that I'm here, I'll take care of you too and eliminate harm for the people!"

As he said it, he dropped from the sky and told a few people to stay away. It would be bad if it accidentally affected them!

The old man Heifeng had a livid face. Young people these days are too crazy. They regard themselves as cats and dogs and let them go casually!

He said angrily: "Little beast, I want to skin Cramp to show you how powerful Wu Zun is!"

Lin Fei was too lazy to talk nonsense with him, so he directly used his magical power to violently increase his strength tenfold, and then directly used Shura's Tyrant Sword to slash!

The 100-meter-long machete struck Old Man Heifeng in an instant. Old Man Heifeng was startled. He felt the energy of the sword, which made him tremble with fear!

He used all his strength to resist, but he still vomited blood and flew backwards. Old Man Heifeng never expected such a result!

So he turned around and ran away shamelessly. After all, people like him still cherish their lives and don't care about face issues at all!

Lin Fei sarcastically said: "That's it, I've even killed a three-star warrior, let alone a little one-star warrior like you!"

If you want to run away, there is no way!

When the old man Heifeng heard Lin Fei's words, he was even more frightened!

While escaping, he quickly said: "I misunderstood, it's old Meng Lang, I hope you spare your life!"

"Spare you, you big-headed devil, go to hell!" Lin Fei also chased away!

The lion's roar was more powerful than before. Although Old Man Black Wind was a Martial Master, he was also greatly affected!

The fleeing figure staggered momentarily, and then Lin Feiyang's finger pierced his heart, and his body fell from the air!

The old man Heifeng still couldn't believe it until his death. He didn't even survive three moves at the hands of a young man, and he died on the spot!

"Congratulations to the host for killing a one-star Martial Lord, gaining 2.1 million experience points, 700,000 gold coins, 100 mid-grade Yuan Stones, rare props, and a special martial arts upgrade scroll!"

Lin Fei quickly checked the props he just obtained!

It turns out that you can upgrade Drawing Slash, and directly upgrade it to the third level. I don’t know what will happen if Drawing Slash is upgraded to three levels in a row!

Lin Fei was looking forward to it very much, so he immediately used this prop!

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