Invincible God Of Killing System

Chapter 48 The Great Revenge Must Be Avenged

Lin Fei said to Lin Feng and the others, "It's your turn to take action. Ling'er doesn't need to go. Just watch the show with me here!"

The people who rushed out said to Ye Xingchen with disdain, "Boy, you are quite powerful. You even brought helpers this time. No wonder you are so brave today!"

"Just relying on you young boys, you dare to come to my Black Wolf Mercenary Group. You really don't know how high the sky is and how deep the earth is!

Hand over the things to me obediently. I may spare your lives if I am happy!"

Lin Fei said speechlessly, "A bunch of idiots, don't waste time with them, fight quickly, and go to eat later. I'm a little hungry!"

The leaders were very angry. The boy in front of them didn't take them seriously at all. They must teach him a lesson later!

So they ordered, "Brothers, come on, take these people down!"

As they said this, a group of people rushed towards Ye Xingchen and the others. Although there were many people in the Wuling realm, Lin Feng and the others were all Wu Wang, and these people were not good enough at all!

Soon they were all beaten and fell to the ground, leaving Ye Xingchen alone to kill them. One of them wailed in pain:

"Captain, help me, these people are too strong!"

Ye Xingchen was merciless. Thinking of these people killing his parents and slaughtering his village, the hatred in his eyes grew!

Waving the Blood Drinking Demon Knife in his hand, he killed them one by one, leaving no one alive!

Soon the chief and deputy chief of the Black Wolf Mercenary Group came out, and the two saw the corpses of their men all over the yard!

I was so angry that even if the two of them got rid of Lin Fei, they would be left alone in the future. I was so angry just thinking about it!

I regretted that the two of them didn't come out together at that time. I didn't think a group of young boys could be very capable, so they ended up like this!

The two of them were full of anger: "You are looking for death, and you are talking about it and attacking together!"

Lin Fei said at this time: "Xingchen, you retreat first, you are not their opponent yet, be careful not to get hurt!"

Lin Feng saw that the two of them, one four-star martial king and one two-star martial king, were not much of a threat to Lin Feng and others!

He arranged: "Lin Feng and Chen Shuai deal with the leader, Lin Yu, you two brothers and sisters deal with the deputy leader!"

Several people quickly assigned their opponents and started fighting!

After fighting monsters for a while, several people have gained a lot of combat experience, but there is still a little gap with these people who lick blood on the edge of the knife!

Although the strength is superior, the opponent can still barely cope with it, but Lin Fei did not intend to help!

The leader did not expect that all the young people in front of him were powerful martial kings, and he couldn't help cursing in his heart!

Where did that stinky boy find such helpers? For a while, he could only struggle to support, afraid that he would die if he was not careful!

The other deputy leader was not so lucky. He was only a two-star martial king, and Lin Yu and his sister were both three-star martial kings!

Soon he was severely injured and had no power to fight back. The seriously injured deputy leader was thrown in front of Lin Fei by the two!

Lin Fei said expressionlessly: Kill him!

Ye Xingchen next to him chopped off his head with the Blood Drinking Demon Knife without saying a word!

At this time, the leader was scared. He couldn't handle two people, and he would definitely be doomed if he added the other two!

And seeing that Lin Fei, who seemed to be the leader, hadn't made a move yet, he threatened: "My master is the old man Black Wind, a martial arts master!"

"If you dare to kill me, my master will definitely avenge me. The anger of a martial arts master is not something you can bear!"

At this time, Ye Xingchen was a little worried, afraid of causing trouble to Lin Fei, so he said: "Boss, why don't you just forget it? It's better not to provoke a martial arts master!"

Lin Fei said unmoved: "Whoever he is, kill him first!"

The leader of the Black Wolf Mercenary Group, seeing that Lin Fei was still unmoved, knew in his heart that he was finished today!

Anyway, if you can't escape, it's better to fight directly. Your attacks will be more ruthless, and you won't hesitate to exchange injuries for injuries!

Lin Feng and the others also suffered some minor injuries, but he was at the end of his strength, and they quickly seized the opportunity and used martial arts to severely injure him!

He was also thrown in front of Lin Fei, and Lin Fei also said kill him!

The Black Wind Mercenary Group still refused to give up and threatened Lin Fei with his master!

Lin Fei said calmly: "Hurry up and do it, don't listen to his nonsense, it will make you upset!"

Ye Xingchen was not polite this time, and slashed with one knife. Seeing his enemies die in his own hands, all the suppressed hatred in his heart was released!

Seeing Lin Fei's nonchalant look, Ye Xingchen was very moved and secretly swore in his heart that from now on his life would belong to the boss!

At this time, the system prompt sounded: "Congratulations to the host for completing the task!"

"Reward Nine Heavens Star Technique "God-level High-Grade Technique""

Lin Fei didn't bother to read the introduction to the exercises, since they were not prepared for him anyway!

Lin Fei was a little depressed, but then he thought about it, wouldn't it be more honorable to be the boss if he has a great younger brother in the future?

So he pulled Ye Xingchen aside and prepared to give him the technique!

Ye Xingchen was a little confused. He didn't know why the boss pulled him aside!

Lin Fei was mainly afraid that Lin Feng and others would be jealous. After all, their skills were only of the highest level at the prefecture level!

When Ye Xingchen came to Lin Fei, he gave him god-level skills. If they knew about it, they might feel unbalanced!

Lin Fei didn't waste any time and said: "I will give you a technique that is particularly suitable for you. This technique can improve your strength very quickly!"

"Actually, your physique is the Saint Body of the Stars. It is a very powerful and domineering physique that can absorb and use the power of the stars!

With this technique, I believe it won’t take long for your strength to catch up with ours, but you can’t tell others, right?

No one can reveal your skills, so you gave him the Nine Heavens Star Technique! "

After all, the principle of possessing a jade is the same everywhere. It would be bad if any strong person was jealous and wanted to use the method!

Even if it is not suitable for your physique, god-level exercises are still god-level exercises after all. No matter who practices it, it will have unimaginable benefits! !

Ye Xingchen looked at the big characters on the technique and knew that the technique was not simple, so he said thank you: "Thank you very much, boss!" "

As soon as he opened the technique, the words in the book turned into a beam of starlight and entered his mind, and the book itself also disappeared!

This is the specialness of the god-level skills. It is equivalent to a inheritance. It is directly instilled into the mind, even saving time to comprehend!

After a while, Ye Xingchen came back to his senses, his eyes full of shock!

Because what Lin Fei gave him turned out to be a god-level high-grade technique, and this technique was almost tailor-made for him!

Tears shone in Ye Xingchen's eyes. He didn't expect that he would change so much in one day. From running away in embarrassment when being hunted, to now being avenged!

Moreover, Lin Fei directly gave him god-level skills, and it was easy for him to become a peerless powerhouse. No one except his parents was so kind to him!

I secretly vowed in my heart that my parents were unable to protect me at the beginning, but now I must work hard and strive to help my boss in the future!

I don't know how to express it in a thousand words, so I can only say gratefully: "Thank you, boss, for being so good to me!"

Lin Fei laughed loudly and said: "From today on, you must work hard and strive to become a strong person as soon as possible!"

"When the time comes, I will also have face for your boss, hahaha!"

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