Invincible God Of Killing System

Chapter 50: Heaven-Slaying Strike

"Congratulations to the host for leveling up to three levels in a row with his sword drawn and slashed. The current name is "Heaven-Destroying Strike""

"Kill an enemy within a large realm instantly. People within two large realms have a 50% chance of instant kill! The cooling time is 15 days!"

Lin Fei jumped up excitedly when he saw the introduction, and instantly killed a big-level martial artist. There was a 50% chance of killing two people with a big-level martial skill!

Although the upper limit of Drawing Slash has been lifted, Drawing Slash can kill instantly at any level, but the probability is so impressive. He is really a very powerful person, and he probably doesn’t even have a chance to use it!

So now Lin Fei feels that drawing a sword to slash is a bit too useless, so he just upgraded it to a sky-cutting strike. I sincerely thank the old man Heifeng for the benefits!

Although this sky-cutting strike has a cooling time, it is more stable than before. When I reach the realm of Martial Lord, even the Martial Emperor will no longer be afraid!

Then he picked up the space ring of Old Man Black Wind. There were many things in it, as well as many low-grade Yuan stones. Lin Fei stuffed them all into the system space!

All the elixirs are planted in the Shanhai Ring. In fact, the Shanhai Ring can also store items, but it is more convenient to put them in the system space, and you are not afraid of being snatched away!

Theoretically, the system space can store unlimited items, and you don’t have to worry about it being full!

Ye Xingchen looked at Lin Fei blankly, "Is the boss so strong?"

Lin Feng and others were not surprised and told Ye Xingchen, "Just get used to it. This guy is not a human being. He was just a waste a few months ago."

It didn't take long before even Wu Zun could be killed!

Lin Fei came over at this time and looked at Ye Xingchen in a daze!

""What are you doing in a daze? Let's go! ""

Ye Xingchen, who had not yet reacted directly, flew into the sky!

After more than twenty days, I passed through many cities and inquired about various forces, and found that there were still many young geniuses!

He and Chen Ling'er don't have much of a problem. The main reason is that Lin Feng and the others will be a little stressed, but Lin Fei believes that their strength and talent should be selected by the sect!

My half-brother was only a ten-star martial spirit three years ago. I don’t know how he was selected by the Tianjian Sect!

It is also possible that someone with good talent is interested in him. After all, Tianfeng City is a relatively small city, and the training resources cannot keep up. It is normal for the strength to be lower!

Although the talents of Lin Feng and others are not very good, they have all taken the Marrow Cleansing Pill, and their talents are now considered very strong!

Lin Fei felt that the strength of the Dongxia Dynasty could not be that simple. For such a large dynasty, there were so many cities, and the city owners of some of the larger cities were all powerful warriors!

Moreover, the cities he passed by were only part of the empire. It was impossible for the vast empire to have only one strong Martial Emperor!

There must be hidden strong men, otherwise how could we manage so many large and small forces!

But Lin Fei doesn't need to worry about this. He is only one step away from the Martial Lord, and it won't take long to upgrade to the Martial Lord!

After a long journey, everyone finally arrived at the imperial city, Tai'an City in Kyoto. The entire city was huge and magnificent. Lin Fei and his party arrived outside the south gate!

In the palace, in a sleeping hall, a woman as beautiful as a fairy is Xia Ruoxue!

He held his face with his hands and looked out the window, not knowing what he was thinking!

He muttered to himself: "Bad guy, why aren't you here yet? Are you messing around outside? It's almost time for the competition!"

The maid next to her said angrily: "Princess, it's not worth doing this for a man. I think he definitely doesn't take you to heart, otherwise he would have come long ago!"

"Damn it for letting the princess think about it day and night!"

Lin Fei, who had just entered the city, suddenly sneezed and said a bit coquettishly, "Who missed me again? Being handsome is also a kind of trouble."

Chen Ling'er looked at Lin Fei helplessly. Lin Fei's character is really changeable!

Sometimes he is calm, sometimes he is dissolute, sometimes he is ruthless, sometimes he is kind-hearted, and sometimes he is like a coward like now, so bad that it is hard to figure out!

Then a few people found a restaurant and sat in the lobby, listening to other people talking about it!

Have you heard that "The Genius Competition will begin soon, and all the geniuses from across the country will gather here?"

Tianjian Sect, Xiaoxiang Gate, Wuji Palace! Each of the three sects has a strong Martial Emperor, just to select talented disciples for their sect!

I don’t know how many people can be selected into the sect!

Although the prince is already a ten-star martial king, he cannot participate in this competition because he has to inherit the throne!

However, the second prince should participate. The second prince is not bad in talent. He is already a nine-star martial king. He has just turned eighteen and his future is limitless!

I heard that Her Royal Highness is already the Seven-Star Martial King. Her Royal Highness is the only princess in the dynasty and is very favored by the royal family!

I heard that the Prime Minister came to propose marriage some time ago. Your Majesty wanted to agree, but later regretted it for some unknown reason!

Lin Fei breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the news!

However, the attentive Chen Ling'er discovered something strange about Lin Fei and asked Lin Fei softly: "The princess is the one you like!"

Lin Fei was speechless for a while, a woman's sixth sense was so accurate, Lin Fei felt a strong smell of vinegar!

Although Lin Fei was shameless, he admitted it generously and nodded gently!

After all, you won’t be spared the need to know in the future, so it might be better to tell you earlier!

Although Chen Ling'er felt an unspeakable feeling in her heart, she still told Lin Fei gently!

"No matter how many women you have in the future, just give me a place in your heart, and I won't make it difficult for you!"

Lin Fei looked at Chen Ling'er's adorable look and couldn't help but hold her in his arms!

"Don't worry, you are all my women, no one can run away!"

Lin Fei said domineeringly!

However, at this time, Lin Fei unexpectedly met two people. They turned out to be the eldest and second young masters of the Li family from Tianfeng City. The two of them were already ten-star martial arts spirits. This was a bit beyond Lin Fei's expectations!

The two of them also saw Lin Fei at this time, and walked over aggressively, with many people following him, and said with frightened and angry faces:

"Lin Fei, today I want you to die to avenge my family!"

Lin Fei sneered coldly!

You two useless losers, how can you take revenge, idiots!

Lin Fei didn't bother to pay attention to these two people. If he knew how to advance or retreat, he would leave them alive. If he didn't know what to do, he would give them a ride!

The eldest son of the Li family looked livid and pointed at Lin Fei!

Don't be so arrogant. Luo Tian and we have already joined the service of the eldest son of the Prime Minister's Mansion. My two brothers are already ten-star martial arts spirits!

Even if I kill you today, there won't be any trouble!

You idiots, they are just defeated, come on two of them together and beat you down with one finger, haha!

The two people were furious and attacked Lin Fei together, planning to kill Lin Fei to avenge the family, but they thought too well!

Their strength has improved a lot, and Lin Fei's strength has improved even more!

Lin Fei really used one finger to knock the two of them away, and Lin Fei stepped on them!

He said calmly: He was no match for me before, let alone now, with two idiots!

Let’s send you two on the road together!

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