Invincible God Of Killing System

Chapter 38 Three Points Of Return To Vitality

The second eldest son of the Yun family sneered, "It's up to you, kid. You're talking nonsense. My father is a strong martial artist. Let's see if you can save your life now!"

At this time, the two put down the body of the third child, and Yun Tianhua said angrily: "Boy, die for me, Guiyuan strikes, and the second child also uses the thunder and fire palm to attack Lin Fei again!"

Lin Fei did not choose to carry it hard at this time, and used his body skills to avoid it, but a ten-meter deep hole was made in the ground!

The remaining Martial Kings wanted to sneak attack Lin Fei at this time, but they were instantly killed by Lin Fei and their heads were killed!

He also contributed a lot of experience and gold coins to Lin Fei in vain!

Lin Fei didn't want to drag it out any longer. He had already consumed a lot of his true energy. It would be bad for him to drag it out any longer!

The two Yuntianhua brothers were also having a hard time. They didn't expect Lin Fei to be so powerful. Three of his brothers were killed together, and one of them was killed!

Lin Fei directly used his sword to slash twice in a row, and the invisible sword energy slashed towards the two of them!

After Lin Fei used the sword to slash, the real energy in his body was almost drained. Lin Fei quickly bought 100 Yuan Yuan Dan from the mall, grabbed a handful and stuffed it into his mouth!

I feel that my true energy has recovered a lot, and I feel relieved about my strength. The feeling of being empty of strength in my body really makes me feel unsafe!

The two felt the danger coming, and Yuntianhua directly used powerful force to attack forward, although it offset most of the sword energy!

However, the remaining strength left a series of horrific wounds on his chest. His face was pale and bleeding, so he quickly took out the healing elixir!

The second child of the Yun family was not so lucky. Although he used all his true energy protection, he was still cut in half!

After all, drawing the sword increases the attack power by five times, the sword energy is invisible and powerful, and the body-protecting true energy has little effect!

"Congratulations to the host for killing the Ten-Star Martial King, gaining 300,000 experience, 300,000 gold coins, 200 low-grade Yuan Stones, and the martial arts Thunder Fire Palm!"

When Yuntianhua saw the tragic death of his second brother, he ignored his grief and flew directly into the air with his seriously injured body ready to escape!

If this continues, I will have to explain myself here. This kid is too evil. He is clearly only in the realm of the Seven-Star Martial King!

But the combat power is too terrifying, so the only option is to ask my father to take action!

When Lin Fei saw Yuntianhua trying to run away, he smiled and said, "I'm just thinking about running away now, can you run away?"

Yiyang pointed out, and the domineering Zhenyuan shot at him! Yuntianhua felt the power behind him and had to turn around to resist!

Being seriously injured, he was no match for Lin Fei. He vomited blood and flew backwards!

Lin Fei also flew to catch up to Yun Tian's incarnation, and struck directly with the Blood Drinking Sword. At this time, he had no power to resist!

"Congratulations to the host for gaining 300,000 experience points, 300,000 gold coins, returning weapons to the Yuan Umbrella, returning three points of martial arts skills to Yuan Qi, and 300 low-grade Yuan Stones!"

Lin Fei killed him with a knife, and the entire Yun family was wiped out!

This made passers-by stunned, the young man in front of them was so fierce!

Lin Fei was too lazy to pay attention to these people. He turned back to the inn and entered Chen Ling'er's room. Several other people were also here!

Lin Fei asked them to watch while he sat on the bed, drank a lot of Huiyuan Pills, and then crossed his legs and performed the God-killing Technique!

Lin Feng and others were really shocked. Lin Fei's progress was too fast, and three ten-star Martial Kings all died tragically in Lin Fei's hands!

Moreover, the elixir is eaten as jelly beans. I don’t know what level of skill Lin Fei has. The true energy is too strong!

After half an hour, Lin Fei's true energy and strength were completely restored, and his god-level skills were truly heaven-defying, especially after he condensed the killing blood!

After checking Yuntianhua's burst of three-point return vitality, Lin Fei wanted to see it after hearing the name!

After all, the three-pointed return of vitality of the tyrants on TV in his previous life was very embarrassing!

Three-point return of vitality "Earth-level high-grade martial arts, using strong true energy to condense powerful vitality bullet attacks"

It seemed to be somewhat similar to what he had seen in his previous life, but what disappointed Lin Fei was that it was only a high-grade earth-level martial skill!

But it's not bad. Earth-level high-grade martial arts are already very good. After all, heaven-level martial arts are rare, and most of them can only be obtained within large sects!

Lin Fei chose to practice directly. The main reason is that this martial art is fun. It condenses the true essence into a sphere and explodes like a bomb when thrown!

Except for the freak Lin Fei, who made Lin Fei have a system? It's almost like cheating!

It was not surprising to see Lin Feng and others in Chen Ling'er's room. It seemed that they had all broken through to the one-star Martial King!

Lin Fei also nodded with satisfaction. With such strength, he should be considered to be very talented, and he should be favored by the sect in the Tianjiao Competition!

At this time, Chen Shuai said: "Lin Fei, I heard that there is a strong martial artist in the Yun family. Let's leave Yunjiang City quickly. If the other party comes to visit us, we won't be able to escape!"

Lin Fei smiled lightly and said: "Don't worry, I will go to the Yun family to kill him later!"

Chen Shuai and Lin Feng opened their eyes wide and said, "Lin Fei, are you crazy? The other party is a strong martial artist. What are you going to do to kill him?"

"The Martial Lord is not comparable to the Martial King, and I heard that the other party is still a three-star Martial Lord, and his strength is even more powerful!"

"Cut the grass and roots. Now we are fighting to the death with the other party. After killing his three sons and deposing his grandson, he can't just let it go!"

Lin Fei said: "We are from Tianfeng City. As long as they are willing to investigate, this cannot be hidden. What if he comes to seek revenge on our family!

The current strength of our two families may not be able to withstand it. Although those pills are enough for our two families to improve a lot, it still takes time!

So I have to destroy him directly. Samsung Martial Lord has nothing to be afraid of! Besides, since I dare to say such big words, I am confident, so don’t worry! "

Time waited for no one, so Lin Fei went downstairs directly. Because this task was time-limited, he found a bag with the heads of the three Yun brothers and took them away!

Lin Feng and others looked at each other and asked a little worriedly: "Is Lin Fei sure he can do it? The other party is a powerful martial artist!"

Chen Ling'er said softly: "Lin Fei is not the kind of impulsive person, and he should not do anything he is not sure about!"

Chen Ling'er wasn't too worried, because Lin Fei could escape when he encountered a seventh-level monster. Even if a strong martial artist couldn't defeat him, escaping shouldn't be a big problem!

It's just that Chen Ling'er didn't say this out loud because it was too exaggerated, so she probably believed him!

Because Chen Ling'er felt that Lin Fei would definitely not lie to him, and he could give god-level skills and artifacts to his own people!

There must be many trump cards in him that ordinary people cannot know!

Soon Lin Fei pulled someone from the street, asked where the Yun family was, and hurried over quickly!

Not long after, Lin Fei carried the bag with the human head and rushed outside the Yun family gate. There were eight guards outside, stopping Lin Fei!

The Yun family's mansion is very large, covering an area of ​​a hundred acres, and the guards are all people in the martial arts realm. It seems that the Yun family is indeed very powerful!

And he said arrogantly: "Boy, get out of here quickly, or your legs will be broken. This is not the place for you to come!"

Lin Fei mocked: "Are all big families so domineering? Can't they even pass by?"

A group of guards laughed, and one of them said: "It's so domineering. Why, do you have any objection?"

Lin Fei smiled and said: "I don't have any objections. I just came to give gifts to this old guy Yun Hongye. Let him get out and die."

Then he threw the three heads in the bag out, and the heads fell outside the Yun family gate!

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