Invincible God Of Killing System

Chapter 37 Battle Against The Three Yun Brothers

Yun Tianhua laughed angrily: "Good boy, you are so arrogant, even my Yun family doesn't take it seriously!

If I take you back today, I will make you crumble into ashes! "

Lin Fei's insightful eyes glanced at Yuntianhua's information!

"Ten-star Martial King, Earth-level middle-grade technique Chiyun Jue, Earth-level middle-grade weapon Guiyuan Umbrella"

There are two people next to him who are in the same realm as Yuntianhua and have the same skills. They look like three brothers!

There are still a few martial kings and a group of martial spirits left! They were here to give away experience again, so Lin Fei could only accept it with a smile!

Lin Fei flew out of the restaurant in an instant, and Yuntian Hua thought Lin Fei was trying to escape!

He said sarcastically: "Boy, you can't escape today! Besides, your companions are still inside. Wherever you can run, I will capture them all and kill them all!"

And that woman, when the time comes, I will sell her to a brothel and let others play with her, so you know the price of hurting my son! "

Lin Fei just didn't want to fight and destroy other people's restaurants. After all, Lin Fei was still a principled person!

A group of people watching the excitement in the distance were talking incessantly, "What kind of stupid boy dares to become an enemy of the Yun family? He has obviously had enough of life!"

Someone tsked and said: "It's such a pity that he is going to die here at such a young age. Who made him know what to do!"

Lin Fei was very angry: "Made, you have angered me, I will let you know what regret is!

Anyone who is watching the excitement should stay away from me, or else you will bear the consequences. I will go on a killing spree! "

Some people who saw Lin Fei's attack yesterday immediately stepped back. Lin Fei was really too cruel!

There are still some people who don't care and don't think Lin Fei can cause much trouble in the hands of the three Yun brothers!

The three of them are ten-star martial kings. No matter how strong this boy is, he is definitely no match for him!

But Lin Fei is destined to surprise them!

At this time, the system prompts: "Congratulations to the host for getting the mission, destroying the Yun family in one day!"

"The reward is 5 million experience points, 5 million gold coins, 2,000 low-grade Yuan Stones, martial arts skills like Lingbo Weibu and Nine-Star Combo!"

The system seemed to know Lin Fei's thoughts and directly issued this task! Just what I want!

And there is such a generous reward, which really makes Lin Fei excited!

But there was only one day, which made Lin Fei a little speechless!

Why does the system start to have a time limit for publishing tasks? It seems that it will be faster to do it yourself!

Lin Fei took action directly and shouted: "Lion's Roar!"

The deafening sound waves directly shocked those in the martial spirit realm to the point of vomiting blood!

Even the three Yuntianhua brothers were stunned for a moment by the lion's roar. Taking advantage of the moment when the three were stunned, Lin Fei directly used the Bahuang Liuhe Palm!

Palm prints all over the sky attacked everyone in the Yun family. All those in the Martial Spirit Realm were killed instantly, and a few people in the Martial King Realm were left slightly injured!

"Congratulations to the host for killing the enemy. He has gained a total of 1.2 million experience points, 1.2 million gold coins, 200 low-grade Yuan Stones, and various items!"

Lin Fei didn't even bother to check. It was too difficult for low-level people to reveal good things!

Although Lin Fei is only a seven-star martial king, with the blessing of god-level skills, he won't have much problem against a ten-star martial king!

Therefore, it is too easy to kill some warriors in the martial spirit realm instantly. The three brothers of the Yun family are angry!

They brought all the close elites of the family, and they were killed by Lin Fei just like that!

Moreover, he was killed in front of the three of himself, so where did the three of him put his face when word spread!

Yuntianhua said, "Let's take action together. Lin Fei's strength cannot be underestimated. It's better to be safe!"

"Boy, you are looking for death and you dare to kill so many of my Yun family members!"

The three brothers displayed their martial arts skills one after another and shouted: "Three points of return to vitality, thunder and fire palm, floating frost holy fist"

A powerful real energy attack came to Lin Fei, especially the Yuan Qi bullet condensed by Yuntianhua, which was even more powerful! Three Ten-Star Martial Kings can still pose a great threat to Lin Fei!

In fact, by activating the violent magical power, Lin Fei can quickly solve the battle, but Lin Fei has to save it to deal with the strong martial arts masters of the Yun family!

Lin Fei could only rely on his own strength to fight, and Lin Fei did not intend to retreat. He directly used his true energy to protect his body and used the Blood-Drinking Demon Sword to perform Shura Sword Slash!

He complained: "A bunch of idiots, you all want to kill me. How can I just let you kill me without any help? Look at the knife!"

Let me ask you if you are afraid of the 100-meter-long machete!

Lin Fei was a little surprised this time. He didn't expect to condense a hundred-meter-long black sword energy. The sword energy, as dark as night, faced the martial arts of the three brothers of the Yun family as if it had materialized!

It should be the reason for the blood-drinking magic sword, but it seems to be more powerful!

The Heaven-level low-grade Blood-Drinking Demonic Sword and the Heaven-level low-grade Shura Sword Slash are so terrifyingly powerful!

The black sword energy directly destroyed the three people's martial arts, and they rushed towards the three people with overwhelming force!

The three brothers of the Yun family were shocked. They didn't expect this kid to be so powerful. They quickly used their true energy to resist!

The three brothers are all Ten-Star Martial Kings. They used all their strength to resist. Although it was a bit difficult, they still resisted!

However, those who were watching the excitement were unlucky. They were seriously injured and vomited blood from the aftermath. Only a few of the stronger ones were slightly better off, but they were also a little embarrassed!

So everyone quickly stepped back a long way and looked at Lin Fei in horror. They didn't expect that this kid was so powerful!

Fortunately, the streets here are wide enough, otherwise Lin Fei would destroy many houses with one strike!

The three brothers were a little surprised at this boy's strength. They just breathed a sigh of relief when Lin Fei used his skills to appear behind the third brother of the Yun family!

Using the lion's roar with all their strength, the three of them had long been prepared for Lin Fei's move. After all, it was the first time that Lin Fei caught them off guard and they suffered a small loss!

But they didn't expect Lin Fei to be so fast. The three of them turned around instantly and attacked Lin Fei!

Although he had been on guard for a long time, the slightly weaker third child of the Yun family was still stunned for a moment!

Lin Fei seized this opportunity, resisted the blows of the two men, and used his Yang Finger to directly pierce the heart of the third child of the Yun family!

The latter fell directly to the ground and died, and the system prompt sounded:

"Congratulations to the host for killing the Ten-Star Martial King, gaining 300,000 experience, 300,000 gold coins, 200 low-grade Yuan Stones, the skill Red Cloud Art, and the weapon Feiyu Sword!"

The body-protecting essence didn't have much effect. After all, the low-level heaven-level Yang Finger was not covered, and Lin Fei used it with all his strength!

The remaining two people roared sadly: "Third brother!"

Then he frantically beat Lin Fei back a long way, hugging the third child's body with an angry look on his face!

Lin Fei also vomited a mouthful of blood. After all, the power of the Ten-Star Martial King is not easy to underestimate, but fortunately, the Killing Blood Body provides a steady stream of blood to heal his injuries!

He said loudly: "Boy, if I let you leave alive today, my Yun family will no longer have to hang out in Yunjiang City. Just suffer death!"

Lin Fei chuckled and said: "After today, there will be no more Yun family in Yunjiang City. I will reunite your brothers first, and then I will destroy your Yun family!"

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