Invincible God Of Killing System

Chapter 39 Killing The Yun Family

The three heads rolled to the ground. The guards did not pay attention to the heads, thinking that Lin Fei was probably looking for trouble!

The expressions of these guards suddenly changed, and they said angrily: "Boy, you are so brave, I let you die here today!

Mr. Yun family, you dare to call him by his first name. I think you are an old man who has hanged himself! "

One of the guards rushed up and was about to teach Lin Fei a lesson, but Lin Fei kicked him away and fell next to his head!

When the guard saw the face of the head, he had an incredible expression on his face and screamed!

The other guards didn't know what was going on and laughed at him: "You are so useless that you can't even deal with a teenager!"

The guard said in horror: "This head is the head of the family, and the other two are... so frightened that they can't speak!"

The other guards quickly took a look, and they all staggered to the ground in shock!

Looking at Lin Fei in front of him with an expression of disbelief, he murmured: "Impossible, the family master and the others are all Ten-Star Martial Kings!"

"How can he be killed? Even if he encounters the realm of Martial Lord, he can still fight. At least there is no big problem in saving his life!"

He forced himself to comfort himself and said: "This boy must be pretending to be a ghost. Brothers, let's kill him together!"

Lin Fei looked at several guards rushing towards him, and with a wave of his hand, all of them were seriously injured and vomited blood and crashed into the gate. Lin Fei didn't bother to talk nonsense!

At this time, Yun Zian was lying on the bed and complained to Yun Hongye: "Why haven't father and the others come back yet? Is it so difficult to catch a kid?"

Yun Hongye always feels uneasy in his heart. He hasn't come back for so long. These three brothers are all ten-star martial arts kings. It shouldn't be a big problem to catch one kid!

Just then he heard a loud noise outside the family and didn't know what happened!

But he was too lazy to go out and see. He didn't think anyone would dare to cause trouble in the Yun family!

This loud noise was Lin Fei's fault. Lin Fei injured the guards and felt that these guards were usually so arrogant and domineering!

I don't have a good impression at all, so I just want to try to use my true energy to condense an energy ball!

He sent these people back to the west and destroyed the Yun family's gate. The sound of the explosion alerted the rest of the Yun family!

Many people from the Yun family rushed over, but they were all collateral members of the Yun family, because the three direct brothers were all killed by Lin Fei. They saw Lin Fei standing here!

An old man asked sternly: "You brat, destroy the gate of my Yun family and seek death. As you said that, you rushed forward!"

Lin Fei dodged and avoided the old man's attack, and said with a smile: "Why doesn't Yun Hongye come out? Did he send you out to die?"

The old man looked at Lin Fei in confusion: "Boy, who are you? Your tone is too loud!"

I am his clan brother, you can talk to me about anything!

"Lin Fei pursed his lips and said, look at the heads over there, I'm afraid you can't make the decision. His three sons, Ben Shao, have been sent to him!"

The old man took a closer look and was shocked! It turned out to be his three nephews!

Then he said with a livid face: "Boy, did you kill my three nephews?"

Lin Fei smiled and said: "Of course, if you want to take revenge, come and take it. Seeing that you are getting old, I will send you on the road together!"

This old man simply did not believe that Lin Fei could kill his three nephews, who were all Ten-Star Martial Kings like himself!

So he directly took out Lin Fei's head. Lin Fei returned his vitality with three moves and exploded on the latter!

The old man was knocked back a long way and said in shock: "How did you regain your strength!"

Lin Fei smiled and said: "I am extremely talented. I can learn whatever I want at my fingertips. The old man saw the move and directly condensed three more energy balls with his hands!"

He immediately hit the old man, and the old man activated his true energy protection, but he was still beaten to the point of vomiting blood by the explosive power of the three-point return vitality!

Now the old man finally believed that his three nephews might have died tragically in Lin Fei's hands!

Even he was no match for him, so he ordered people to inform his brother immediately!

More people came out when they heard the commotion. Lin Fei glanced at it and saw that there were quite a few people in King Wu's realm!

There are only four or five seven-star or eight-star ones, there is also a nine-star Martial King, and the rest are lower-level Martial Kings, martial spirit experts, and even martial arts masters!

Hundreds of people surrounded Lin Fei, but Lin Fei was happy and not afraid!

The old man said with confidence: "Boy, I admit that you are strong, I am not your opponent!

But with so many people from my Yun family here, let’s see how capable you are! "

Lin Fei said domineeringly: "Today the Yun family will be destroyed. If you don't want to die, get out of here. I'm so scared that I'm scared!"

Everyone in the Yun family saw that Lin Fei was so arrogant and even spoke rudely in front of so many people, so they shouted: "Kill this kid, he is too arrogant!"

The old man reminded! "This kid is very powerful and cannot be underestimated. Everyone will take action with all their strength!"

Lin Fei laughed loudly: "Come on, I will destroy your Yun family today!"

Everyone in the Yun family attacked with all their strength. Although Lin Fei was strong, he did not dare to resist so many attacks!

So he used Phantom to dodge, and at the same time used three points of Gui Yuan Qi to bombard everyone in the Yun family!

Lin Fei was secretly happy: "This trick of returning the vitality by three points is so cool. It is released very quickly and is very powerful!"

It is most suitable for this kind of group battle. The disadvantage is that the real energy is consumed relatively quickly. However, Lin Fei practices god-level skills. The real energy is rich and the real energy is restored very quickly. For Lin Fei, the consumption is not very big. ! !

Soon, more than half of the Yun family members who were at a low level were killed or injured. The remaining ones are all the strong Martial Kings and the stronger Martial Spirits!

But they were all disgraced, and Lin Fei also suffered some damage!

The old man said: "Boy, if you use your true energy so crazily, I don't believe how long you can last!"

The crowd attacked more fiercely, but Lin Fei did not use his trump card, because these were all saved by Yun Hongye, the strong martial artist!

Although Lin Fei was a little embarrassed, he did not suffer any substantial damage, but his energy was consumed a lot!

Lin Fei also started to attack harshly, using his left hand as a three-pointer and his right hand as a positive finger, but even though there were many people on the opponent's side, he was able to resist!

However, most of the Yun family's mansion was also destroyed. The group was so angry that they vomited blood, but there was nothing they could do to Lin Fei!

However, some people still died, listening to the prompts from the system:

"I'm almost full of experience again. I can advance to the Eight-Star Martial King soon. The corners of Lin Fei's lips raised!"

At this time, Yun Hongye came. Seeing the devastated Yun family, he felt extremely angry!

With a flaming palm, the vitality of heaven and earth resonated, and the palm prints were wrapped in flames and struck Lin Fei!

Lin Fei directly used the Asura Sword Slash. Although the hundred-meter-long black sword was powerful, he was still defeated. Lin Fei was beaten so hard that he vomited blood and retreated far away!

Yun Hongye said with a gloomy face: "Boy, you are asking for death. Do you really think you can challenge Wu Zun?

You have the courage to destroy my grandson, kill my three sons, and still dare to come to my door! "

Lin Fei smiled with blood flowing from the corner of his mouth: "Haha, Martial Master is nothing more than that, I just want to test the difference!"

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