Invincible God Of Killing System

Chapter 32 Encountering Bandits On The Road

In fact, Chen Linger and Lin Fei are not too worried. This gentle woman should not say anything!

But I'm afraid that Xia Ruoxue won't be able to accept that she has another woman. After all, she is a princess!

Although he was worried, he could not avoid what he had to face. Lin Fei was confident that he could handle it. After all, sleeping with a big quilt was what most men liked!

Lin Fei took Chen Ling'er's hand and said seriously to the other four: "You must improve your strength quickly during this period, and practice your skills as soon as possible!

Chen Shuai and Lin Jiao, you two hurry up and upgrade to the ten-star martial spirit. When the time comes, I will refine a few Yuan Ning Dan for you to help you upgrade to the realm of the King of Martial Arts!

Only then will you be able to protect yourself more. I can't take care of you all the time, so you have to work hard to improve your strength! "

In the blink of an eye, he smiled and said to Chen Ling'er: "Daughter-in-law, you are so amazing. You have been promoted to a three-star Martial King so quickly, faster than I can!"

"You have to work harder, your husband is still waiting for me to eat soft rice! Hehe!"

Chen Ling'er coyly whispered: "Can you stop being so arrogant? We are not married yet!"

Lin Fei said with a smile: "Sooner or later, you can still run away, aren't you willing to protect your husband-in-law!

An outstanding man like me will definitely be looked down upon by many people in the future and will encounter all kinds of dangers! "

Chen Ling'er thought that Lin Fei had been seriously injured not long ago, so she nodded firmly!

He said softly: "I will practice well and protect you when the time comes!"

Lin Fei touched her hair and smiled: "Silly girl!

Such a silly girl really made Lin Fei fall in love with her more and more. He just wanted her to improve her strength and have the ability to protect herself!

He can't always be by her side. If he is bullied by others, he must not go crazy!

Lin Feng and the four of them couldn't help but roll their eyes. They quickened their pace and walked far ahead. They didn't want to see these two people showing off their affection, and they didn't consider the feelings of singles at all!

Lin Fei smiled and didn't say anything, thinking in his heart: "It's time for you to have this kind of awareness. If you don't leave, I will keep you full of shit, haha!"

Chen Ling'er also noticed it and blushed a little! But she didn't say anything, she also wanted to be alone with Lin Fei!

Chen Ling'er asked Lin Fei curiously: "I don't know what state you are in now!"

Lin Fei smiled and said: "I am now a Seven-Star Martial King, and I am practicing god-level skills. If I use all my trump cards, I won't have a big problem against ordinary Martial Lords!"

Lin Xueer was a little surprised at Lin Fei's level, but she asked again: "Then why were you seriously injured last time? I heard others said that you were pale and covered in blood!"

Lin Fei said helplessly: "Last time, I killed too many monsters in the Monster Mountains, and a seventh-level intermediate monster, the Seven-Star Demon Ape, chased me!

It is equivalent to a strong human Martial Emperor. It is estimated that even the seven-star Martial Emperor will not be his opponent. After all, monsters are generally stronger than humans!

I was just lucky enough to escape. I almost exhausted all my life-saving means and burned a lot of energy, blood and essence, and I barely escaped from the Monster Mountain Range!

It seems that high-level monsters are restricted and cannot step out of the monster mountain range at will, so they didn't chase after them!

The main reason is that I received a full blow from that monster and he thought I was dead. Fortunately, your husband is lucky! "

Chen Ling'er felt frightened after hearing this, and couldn't help but hold Lin Fei tightly with her little hands!

He gently warned Lin Fei: "Don't do such a dangerous thing next time. That's a demon king level existence. You're lucky if you can escape!"

Lin Fei also patiently answered Chen Ling'er: "Okay, listen to my wife, haha!"

"Don't worry, my life will not die so easily. As the saying goes, good people don't live long, and evil people live for thousands of years!

Lin Fei and others traveled all the way to the west. It was about a hundred thousand miles away from the Eastern Xia Dynasty. Fortunately, several of them were warriors and were very fast. Otherwise, they would have to go to the Year of the Monkey and the Moon of the Horse! "

Along the way, we passed many mountains and rivers, and once we encountered a group of bandits who blocked the road and robbed them, and even took Chen Ling'er's idea!

The strongest bandit leader holds a mace and is in the realm of the Three-Star Martial King. Looking at Lin Fei and the others, they look like young masters from a wealthy family!

So he blocked the road and robbed them. Originally, Lin Fei just planned to teach them a lesson. After all, he couldn't control the injustice in the world!

But the bandit leader actually teased Chen Ling'er: "Little girl, going back to the village to eat and drink for the uncle is no better than following a pretty boy!

Also, the uncle has a good life and is more motivated than the young people! "

Lin Fei's face immediately darkened, and he was filled with anger: "Mad, a bunch of dog-like things are still barking here. I'll send you to the underworld to report to the Lord of Hell today!"

The bandit leader laughed loudly: "Boys these days are too crazy. Come on, brothers. Kill the men and keep the women and take them back!"

As soon as the bandit finished speaking, he rose up in the air and flew towards several people, and dozens of younger brothers behind him also rushed towards them!

Lin Fei, in a rage, pierced the heart of the bandit leader who was flying in the air with one finger and made him fall down! ,

He took off his space ring and looked at it casually. Although the space was not big, there was still some inventory inside. He was a bandit leader after all!

"Congratulations to the host for gaining 100,000 experience points, 100,000 gold coins, 10 low-grade Yuan Stones, and the weapon mace!"

When the remaining boys saw their boss being instantly killed by the boy in front of them, they were so frightened that they turned around and ran away!

Chen Ling'er saw that Lin Fei wanted to take action again. Chen Ling'er pulled Lin Fei's sleeve and said, "If you don't let them go, you will kill too many people!"

Lin Fei said: "At first glance, these bandits are doing a lot of evil. You can be a bandit. They block roads and rob for a living. I have no sense of chivalry and I am too lazy to take care of them!"

But rubbish like this kills people at every turn. Killing all those who rob women can be regarded as eliminating harm for the people! "

Dozens of boys escaped for a distance and were glad that Lin Fei didn't catch up. The next moment they knew why!

Lin Fei directly used the lion's roar, and the powerful sound waves directly shocked most people to death! There were also several people in the martial arts realm who were seriously injured and fell to the ground, with dull eyes and foaming at the mouth!

Lin Fei left one person alive, and the rest were all killed by his own finishing blows, and the blood energy merged into his body!

The blood-killing god in his dantian still had his eyes closed, as if he couldn't open them for the time being. Lin Fei didn't bother to care anymore and just let nature take its course!

Absorbing so much blood made Lin Fei feel very happy, but what made Lin Fei a little speechless was that it seemed that after practicing this God of Killing Art, I was destined to kill more people!

But I can't kill innocent people for the sake of strength, that's not Lin Fei's character!

But it's okay to kill more monsters, or damn people like this, then there won't be much burden on my heart!

Lin Fei ignored the system prompts to kill these bandits!

Lin Fei couldn't even look down on the experience, gold coins and explosions from a few small fish and shrimps!

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