Invincible God Of Killing System

Chapter 31 Gathering The Bloody Body Of Killing

Not long after, Lin Fei landed outside Tianfeng City. After all, flying inside the city was too high-profile!

Lin Fei was walking on the street and people were talking about him. What did this god of murder do again? His face was pale and his body was covered in blood. It was really scary!

Lin Fei touched his nose and forgot to change his clothes. Now his reputation will definitely be even greater!

When Lin Fei walked to the door of Lin's house, he happened to be bumped into by Lin Zhan!

Seeing that Lin Fei was covered in blood and his face was pale, Lin Zhan quickly stepped forward to support Lin Fei and said, "Fei'er, what's wrong with you? You're so seriously injured!"

Lin Fei smiled and said: "Father, it's okay. The injury is almost healed. I'm just too tired and I need to take a good rest!"

Seeing that Lin Fei didn't want to say more, Lin Zhan didn't ask any more questions, and just sent Lin Fei back to his small courtyard in person!

Lin Fei took a nice bath, fell directly on the bed and fell asleep. After all, he had just experienced a life-and-death crisis and was very tired!

After sleeping until noon the next day, except for the burning energy and blood that had not fully recovered, everything else was basically restored to the original state. Lin Fei opened the door to breathe in the fresh air outside!

When the servant saw that Lin Fei had woken up, he quickly stepped forward and said, "Master, the master of the house has ordered you to go there when you wake up!"

"Okay, I understand! Just step back first!"

Lin Fei said lightly!

Not long after, Lin Fei came to Lin Zhan's study. Seeing Lin Fei's improved expression, Lin Zhan asked with concern: "You brat, what did you do? How could you be so seriously injured!"

Lin Fei didn't want to explain more. After all, he escaped from death at the hands of a seventh-level monster, and he was afraid of scaring his father if he told him!

He could only say perfunctorily: "I went to the Demonic Beast Mountain Range and was besieged by many demonic beasts. I was slightly injured. It's not a big problem!"

Lin Zhan said: "Why don't you postpone your departure for the Imperial City for a few days. Anyway, there is still enough time. You need to recover from your injuries first!"

Lin Fei waved his hand and said: "No, I will definitely be able to recover by tomorrow, no need to wait a few more days!

Father, please arrange for someone to cook me some rich meals and send them to my room later. I will go back to practice first and strive to return to my peak condition as soon as possible! "

Then he returned to his small courtyard, and did not practice immediately, because Lin Fei found that the burning energy and blood were being replenished bit by bit by the blood energy he obtained from killing monsters!

God-level skills are indeed not guaranteed. I don’t know how many wonderful functions are waiting for me to discover. I estimate that I will be back as before tomorrow morning!

It didn’t take long for the servants to bring a lot of delicious food, including tiger penis soup, deer antlers, and other nourishing ingredients!

Lin Fei didn't need to be polite to anyone, he started to feast directly, and soon he rubbed his belly and returned to his room!

Start practicing cross-legged and try to seize every moment to improve yourself!

With the Killing God Art that he practiced independently, his blood energy accelerated to make up for his burning energy and blood, and Lin Fei soon recovered as before!

But what makes Lin Fei strange is that the blood he absorbed poured into his dantian and condensed together for who knows what!

At this time, the system sent a prompt:

"Congratulations to the host for condensing the killing blood body",

Lin Fei saw the blood in his dantian slowly condensed into a human shape!

Soon, little people just like him formed, with blood-red bodies all around, blood surrounding their bodies, and their eyes closed tightly!

There was also an aura of shocking killing, which made Lin Fei's heart skip a beat when he felt it!

Lin Fei was a little excited: "Fuck, this can't be the Nascent Soul that can only be condensed by immortal cultivators!"

"This God-killing Technique is indeed not simple. I have never heard of such a thing as a Nascent Soul existing in this world!"

I quickly checked the attributes of this killing blood body:

"Killing Blood Body: The blood energy absorbed by the Killing God Art is condensed into a blood body, which can provide the host with blood energy to heal injuries and temper the body!"

The blood body has its own killing power, which can also be used by the host. It can also increase the attack power and capture people's hearts!

When the host body dies, the soul can enter the blood body, and a large amount of blood can be consumed to reshape a body!

Seeing the introduction of Killing Blood Body, Lin Fei exclaimed in his heart: "Good guy, this is equivalent to a second life!"

"This is truly heaven-defying. It is similar to the Nascent Soul of the immortal cultivator. However, the immortal cultivator can only seize the body, but he can reshape his body!"

Just thinking about it makes Lin Fei feel happy!

Soon the next morning came, Lin Fei, Chen Ling'er and six other people gathered together and started to set off!

Before leaving, Lin Daqiang’s brother Chen’s father repeatedly warned him to be cautious and pay attention to safety!

Lin Fei patted his chest and said: "Don't worry, I have everything at ease. Even if you meet an ordinary martial artist, they can't do anything to me!"

Lin Zhan said: "I have the nerve to say it, but why did you get so seriously injured in the Monster Mountain Range!"

Lin Fei's face darkened, this was too shocking, and he was unwilling to answer the phone!

Then I directly took Chen Ling'er's little hand and started to set off. I haven't touched Chen Ling'er's little hand for several days, and I feel a little nostalgic!

Lin Daqiang looked at the backs of Lin Fei and the others and sighed: "It's great to be young. I hope they can spread their wings like eagles and fly between heaven and earth!"

With Lin Fei's elixir and marrow-cleansing elixir, the talents and strength of these juniors have been greatly improved, so there shouldn't be much problem if they all enter the sect!

It didn't take long for them to leave Tianfeng City. Lin Fei used his insightful eyes to look at the realms of Chen Ling'er and others!

Chen Ling'er "Three-star Martial King, god-level mid-level martial arts, possessing the divine weapon Water Spirit Pearl"

Lin Feng and Lin Yu are ten-star martial spirits.

Lin Jiao and Chen Ling'er's cousin Chen Shuai are both nine-star martial arts spirits!

Lin Fei said happily: "Ling'er, you are already a three-star Martial King now, you are improving so fast!"

The others were very surprised by Lin Fei's words. Chen Ling'er, who was only an eight-star Martial Spirit some time ago, is now a three-star Martial King. This is too fast!

Chen Ling'er looked at Lin Fei and said softly: Thanks to the exercises and water spirit beads you gave me, I was promoted from an eight-star martial spirit to a three-star martial king in just ten days!

Others looked at Chen Ling'er with envy, which made Chen Ling'er feel a little embarrassed, but Chen Ling'er was very happy in her heart.

Because there is such a good man like Lin Fei, who always thinks about himself, but he doesn’t know that he has already fallen in love and can’t extricate himself!

Another good cabbage is about to be ruined by Lin Fei!

At this time, Lin Jiao came and pulled Lin Fei's sleeves, and said coquettishly: "Brother, you can also give me a good exercise, okay!"

Lin Fei waved his hand and said domineeringly: "Okay, I'll give it to each of you!"

Then each person will be given a top-grade Earth-level skill and a top-grade Earth-level weapon!

These were all obtained by Lin Fei in the lottery. Lin Fei didn't like them, but he was very good to them!

Later, he took out a necklace, a heaven-level low-grade defensive weapon!

Lin Fei said to Lin Jiao: "You are a girl, I will give you a heaven-level necklace for self-defense!"

"This is called the Star Necklace. When activated, it can form a starlight shield outside the body, which can offset 90% of the Martial King's attacks, 60% of the Martial Lord's attacks, and 30% of the Martial Emperor's attacks!"

Lin Jiao sweetly shouted: "Thank you, brother, you are so kind!" "

Lin Fei waved his hand generously, but his heart still hurt a little!

Originally, he planned to go to the Imperial City to give it to Xia Ruoxue, but in order to show off his face, Lin Fei gave it to Lin Jiao!

Alas, Lin Fei secretly said with regret, he would prepare a better one for Xue'er when the time comes. After all, it was all given to Chen Ling'er as an artifact!

Life is like a bowl of water, the main reason is that Lin Fei is afraid that the two of them will be jealous!

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