Invincible God Of Killing System

Chapter 33 Arriving At Yunjiang City

Lin Fei asked the remaining bandit: "Have you killed many people and robbed many women? There is nothing wrong with becoming a bandit, but people should have a bottom line!"

The remaining bandit knelt down and kowtowed: "My lord, these are all done by the big boss, and I have always opposed it!

The big boss is very powerful, we are all forced!"

"Stop talking nonsense and take me to your nest, otherwise I will kill you!" Lin Fei said lightly!

The bandit had already been scared by Lin Fei, and he quickly agreed, and took Lin Fei and his party to their nest!

Several people soon came to a mountain stronghold, and soon a group of people came with weapons, all of them were bandits left behind to watch the house!

Then he asked the bandit that Lin Fei brought with him with a cautious face!

"What's the situation with the third boss, where is the big boss and other brothers!"

The third boss was about to speak, but was interrupted by Lin Fei!

Lin Fei said arrogantly: "I have reported all of you big bosses to the underworld. If you don't want to die, get out of here!"

Who knew that there were really a few fools who rushed up and were easily solved by Lin Fei!

The others looked at the embarrassed appearance of the third boss, and with Lin Fei's ferocity, they kicked him far away and dared not rush up again!

After all, the ones lying on the ground were the best example. No one dared to speak for a while!

Lin Fei slowly walked into the mountain stronghold. In one of the cells, more than a dozen women were imprisoned. Lin Fei released them!

Some dead women were also seen. It is estimated that they could not stand the torture of these bandits and chose to commit suicide!

Many women changed from fear to gratitude. At first, they thought Lin Fei was also a bandit, but later they found out that Lin Fei came to save them!

So they thanked Lin Fei: "Thank you for saving me, young master!"

Lin Fei was so angry that he killed all these bandits. Anyway, there were no good people among them!

Lin Fei then said to the rescued girls: "You all go home, you are free!"

Some girls cried on the spot, their families were destroyed when they met these bandits!

Lin Fei was a little confused: "What's the situation, you are free and still crying, women are really troublesome!"

At this time, some strong girls said: "Sir, it's not their fault that their families have been killed by these evil bandits. They have nowhere to go, so they cry!"

Speaking to comfort these homeless women, saying that they can go home with them, and they can live at that time!

Some of these girls are young ladies from wealthy families, and it is not a problem to take in a few maids!

A woman bravely asked Lin Fei: "Sir, can you send us back? Otherwise, if we weak women meet any bad guys again, we will have no power to protect ourselves!

We are all from Yunjiang City, which is about 200 miles away from Yunjiang City."

Lin Fei had a headache, it was really fucked up, doing a good deed is so troublesome!

Chen Linger felt a little bit reluctant, after all, they are all girls, relatively speaking, more sympathetic to these girls!

She said to Lin Fei gently: "They are so pitiful, you should help them. We are going to Yunjiang City, so why not take them with you!" Chen Ling'er had already spoken, so Lin Fei had no choice but to agree: "Okay, since my wife has spoken, I will be a good person to the end!"

The girls looked overjoyed. With Lin Fei escorting them, they would definitely get home safely!

Lin Fei found two large carriages, randomly selected two people to drive them, and asked more than a dozen girls to get on the same carriage!

Lin Fei and others sat in another carriage and set off together!

The carriage slowly set off towards Yunjiang City. There was nothing we could do. Most of these women were ordinary people, and some of them were warriors and were not at a high level!

Nothing happened along the way, but it obviously delayed Lin Fei and the others' schedule too much. The carriage was too slow!

But these women had too many things to do. They passed through a small town and had to eat, take a shower and buy some clothes!

Lin Fei was really convinced, and the warrior was fine. Although he couldn't live without food, it wasn't a big problem if he didn't eat for a few days, and the space ring would bring some food with him!

These ordinary women obviously cannot endure these hardships, and they have been imprisoned by bandits for a long time. Seeing such a lively place!

Lin Fei can understand why he wants to go to the market, take a shower and dress up. After all, it is a woman's nature to love beauty!

Even the most powerful female warriors are the same!

Lin Feng was a little anxious and said dissatisfiedly: "Lin Fei, if this continues, will we be able to reach the imperial city in time?"

Lin Fei smiled and said: "Don't worry, it's okay, it's still early, the world of mortals is also a kind of experience, so keep a good attitude!"

After all, cultivation requires a balance between work and rest. Lin Fei planned to rest in this town for a day, so he booked an inn!

I gave these women some money and let them go shopping and buy some daily necessities and food. I will not stop for them in the next few days!

He told them to just go back to the inn at night, and all these women went out excitedly!

These women spent the whole day visiting the market, having a great time, and didn't come back until evening!

Lin Fei set out early the next morning. During this period, Lin Fei and others practiced while traveling, and fell in love with Chen Ling'er from time to time!

Lin Feng and others who were traveling with him felt contempt, this guy just pretended that they didn't exist!

It took a total of five days to get to Yunjiang City. From a distance, it looked two or three times bigger than Tianfeng City where I was!

And I learned from these girls: "There are three martial masters in Yunjiang City, namely the city lord and the old guys from the Yun and Jiang families!"

There are also a few slightly worse families with powerful King Wu sitting in charge!

Not even a little stronger than Tianfeng City, let those girls go home on their own in front of the city gate!

Then Lin Fei and others also entered the city. Seeing the people coming and going, Lin Fei was ready to take a rest here!

Chen Shuai and Lin Jiao have successfully advanced to the ten-star martial arts level in the past few days. Lin Fei is preparing to refine a few Yuan Gathering Pills to allow them to break through to the realm of the King of Martial Arts before setting off!

Go into the city, go to a place called Wanjin Restaurant, get the best room by yourself, and then check in!

Wanjin Restaurant lives up to its name, it is extremely luxurious inside, and the best rooms do not charge money, but premium yuan stones!

One room costs three pieces of low-grade black stones. Fortunately, Lin Fei searched and exploded a lot of black stones during this period, otherwise he would not dare to squander it like this!

However, the environment is quite good, and the service is also quite good. Lin Fei is very satisfied, so he just enjoys it. In life, you must have fun in time!

Lin Fei closed the door, and after a while he refined twelve Yuan Ju Dan and lay down on the bed to rest!

Prepare to give it to Lin Feng and others at night so that they can break through King Wu quickly!

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