Invincible God Of Killing System

Chapter 30 The Thin Line Of Life And Death

Lin Fei was directly blasted hundreds of meters away by the demon ape. Although the indestructible golden body can be immune to the damage of two realms, it can't withstand the strong impact!

Lin Fei, who was slapped away, stood up and ran wildly again. It's not that he didn't want to fly in the air, but the target in the air is more conspicuous!

And the speed of performing body skills is not slower than flying in the air, but he didn't know that the monster had locked his position with his soul!

At this time, the 50-meter-tall demon ape was surprised to see that Lin Fei was not hurt at all, and then roared and chased him!

The deafening sound from the mouth overturned the jungle!

He uttered human words: "Human ants actually dared to come to the Monster Mountain Range to hunt monsters, and also killed my fellow tribesmen and nephews!

You can't escape today, I will definitely eat you alive!"

Lin Fei was secretly shocked and said: "The monster has reached level seven and can speak human words, and its strength is so terrifying that Lin Fei doesn't even have the ability to fight back!"

He could only run away and ran more than a hundred miles in a flash, but he was soon caught up!

The Seven-Star Demon Ape clenched his claws into fists, and with one punch, Lin Fei's body was very small in the eyes of the Demon Ape!

Lin Fei was directly knocked more than a thousand meters away, but this time Lin Fei was well prepared, and his immortal golden body withstood this blow, and there was a feeling of being broken!

This guy's strength is too terrifying, Lin Fei's immortal golden body is about to be unable to bear it!

The Seven-Star Demon Ape saw that his full-strength attack did not hurt Lin Fei. What kind of freak is this human boy!

It was only the realm of the Seven-Star Martial King, how could he withstand two blows from me without any damage, and even run wildly and alive, the demon ape was stunned for a while!

With the terrifying power of the Seven-Star Demon Ape, although he was knocked away, he used the Phantom Free and Easy, and took advantage of the Seven-Star Demon Ape's stunned time to run more than a hundred miles. He has come to the outskirts of the mountain and will be able to escape soon!

This is the first time that Lin Fei has been so embarrassed since he came to this world. He used all his strength to run away. It's really embarrassing!

I can escape this time, and next time I must let this big guy look good. I have never suffered such a big loss.

This time the Seven-Star Demon Ape was really angry and embarrassed. This kid really has some tricks. No wonder he can kill his nephew!

If the dignified Demon King is escaped by this kid, where will his face be!

The Seven-Star Demon Ape used all his strength to chase Lin Fei. Although his body is huge and bulky, his speed is not slow at all!

In a flash, he caught up with Lin Fei, stepped on Lin Fei and he was stepped into the ground. He directly used the immortal golden body to rush underground and escaped all the way!

The Seven-Star Demon Ape was a little speechless: "Why is this kid like a cockroach, so hard to kill!"

Then he raised his foot and stepped on the ground, and the huge impact force directly blew Lin Fei out of the ground!

Lin Fei continued to run wildly regardless of anything, but before he ran far, he was grabbed by the Seven-Star Demon Ape and couldn't move!

Although he had an immortal golden body, Lin Fei didn't suffer any damage, but he couldn't escape!

At this time, the Seven-Star Demon Ape saw Lin Fei's body clearly, and there was a golden light flashing!

He opened his huge mouth and asked: "Boy, what kind of skill is this that can withstand my full-strength attack!"

Lin Fei was almost suffocated by the breath of the Seven-Star Demon Ape, it was too damn stinky!

Lin Fei suddenly smiled and said: "Want to learn, I'll teach you!"

The Seven-Star Demon Ape was stunned for a moment and nodded!

Lin Fei motioned the Seven-Star Demon Ape to come closer, and Lin Fei slowly said: "Big guy, goodbye!"

Then Lin Fei in his hand suddenly disappeared, and suddenly appeared in another place and continued to run!

This is a trick of Phantom Xiaoyao to run away. He changed his shape and shadow, and instantly moved from the original place to a place hundreds of meters away!

It feels a bit like teleportation, but it requires burning blood and true essence to perform. Lin Fei's face is a little pale!

There is no way now, he can only continue to run, but fortunately, he is almost out of the Monster Mountain Range!

Such powerful monsters have never appeared in the outside world. Lin Fei guessed that these monsters must have restrictions. Now he can only gamble!

In fact, it is really as Lin Fei thought. These powerful monsters have restrictions and cannot enter and exit the Monster Mountain Range at will, otherwise they will be besieged by human strongmen!

The Seven-Star Demon Ape saw that Lin Fei was about to run out of the range of the Monster Mountain Range, and he was secretly anxious!

He quickly chased Lin Fei, but Lin Fei used his teleportation to dodge him several times, but Lin Fei's face became paler and paler!

He burned too much blood and true essence, but it seemed that Lin Fei was about to escape from the Monster Mountain Range!

The Seven-Star Demon Ape was really serious, "Die for me, kid, I don't believe that your turtle shell is so hard!"

He roared in his mouth: "Mo Tian hits, kid, die for me!"

The terrifying power gathered on the huge fist of the Seven-Star Demon Ape, and Lin Fei felt like a mountain was hitting him!

Lin Fei was directly blasted away, and even the golden light of the immortal golden body was broken. He spit out a mouthful of blood and fainted, but fortunately he fell outside the Monster Mountain Range!

The Seven-Star Demon Ape saw that the golden light of Lin Fei's body was broken, and a small martial king must be dead, so he didn't plan to check it anymore!

There are regulations between the main monster mountain range and human strongmen. Monsters above level six cannot step out of the monster mountain range at will, otherwise they will be attacked by human strongmen. The Seven-Star Demon Ape did not dare to take this risk, so he turned around and walked back!

I don’t know how long it took before Lin Fei finally woke up and said thankfully: Fortunately, he was not eaten by the beast, otherwise it would be a big loss!

Lin Fei is now so weak that he doesn’t want to move at all. His true essence is exhausted, his blood is empty, and his bones are almost broken!

If it weren’t for the immortal golden body blocking almost all the power, Lin Fei would have to die here today!

I bought a Da Huan Dan and ten Fu Yuan Dan directly from the system, and swallowed them quickly. Soon the injury recovered as before, and the true essence was almost recovered!

It’s just that the blood is a little empty. This blood can’t be replenished. It’s estimated that I have to rest for a few days!

Lin Fei was scared when he thought about it. After coming to this world, everything he experienced was too smooth, so he didn’t have that kind of cautious mind!

I always feel that I have a trump card to save my life, so I feel fearless. This time I will teach Lin Fei a lesson!

Lin Fei knows that this world is not as simple as he imagined. It is better to be careful than to be safe. Otherwise, he will die before his ideal of having three thousand concubines is fulfilled. That would be a big loss!

But thinking about it makes me speechless. Lin Fei cursed: "Damn, is it necessary for this big guy to chase me like this? Isn't it just killing more monsters!

When I become stronger, I will come back and kill you!"

Lin Fei swore secretly!

Lin Fei spat fiercely at the Monster Mountain Range, and then flew all the way back to Tianfeng City!

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