
Ye Xuanzong can become the last barrier of Huaxia.



The young man in white stood in front of the gate of Ye Xuanzong Mountain and was filled with emotion. After the reconstruction, Ye Xuanzong was far more majestic than ever before. The mountains reached the top of the clouds, and the shadow of the main peak overwhelmed more than 300 miles. The Qiu Daofeng, originally established by him, has disappeared.

Things change and times change.

I just do n’t know if the deceased is still okay.

Several disciples of Ye Xuanzong stood in front of the mountain gate, all of them were shaking their spirits, and they were well-repaired. Sometimes in the depths of the clouds, they could see a row of royal swords.

Along the jade steps, the three went up all the way, and half way was stopped by a disciple of Ye Xuanzong.

"Ye Xuanzong's mountain gate is heavy and must not be trespassed! Who are you, but there is a disciple's nameplate?" A disciple guarding the gate yelled.

The youth in white glanced at each other. The latter was about 27 or 8 years old, but Xiu Wei had reached the innate state. It is just a Shoushan disciple, Xiuwei can reach such a degree, we can see how strong Ye Xuanzong is now.

"Who taught you, the junior junior, did not even know your suzerain, and then turned to the Law Hall to receive the punishment." The young man in white said lightly.

"Where's the lunatic." The disciple was furious at that time: "Ye Xuanzong has only Han Sovereign, and you dare to pretend to be Han Sovereign, you should kill!"

The world knows that Han Wang is the lord of Ye Xuanzong, leading Ye Xuanzong to a glorious era. He has long forgotten who established Ye Xuanzong.

Including these disciples of Ye Xuanzong.

The young man in white frowned slightly. He felt that everything he had left in Ye Xuanzong was wiped out by an inexplicable force, and even these disciples knew a little about Ye Xuanzong's history.

I'm afraid Ye Xuanzong has encountered no small changes.

But he was too lazy to talk nonsense with a junior junior. After all, he had already come to Ye Xuanzong's feet, and he had speculation in his heart to verify it.

Footsteps kept walking towards the gate. The disciple chased a few steps and said coldly, "You are looking for death."

This disciple can feel that the young man in white is far better than him, but after all, this is Ye Xuanzong's gate, how can an outsider break through?

Talking, the halo in the hands of the innate realm disciple blew out a powerful beam of magical power. The young man in white was unaware of it, and when he wore a sleeve robe, he easily destroyed the magical power invisible.

He was taken off with the disciple.

"So strong!"

That Shoushan disciple was so dignified that he could ignore the existence of his attack, but he was afraid that he should be at least above the realm of human fairy. I'm afraid it's hard to stop the other person.


There was a burst of energy at his fingertips, and the flash of light flashed against a bell at the gate of the mountain, making a deafening bell chirp.

This big bell will only ring when the mountain gate is attacked. Although there is no lethality, every disciple of Ye Xuanzong can hear it.


In an instant, seventy or eighty people came from the sword on the top of the mountain. Everyone's cultivation was extremely powerful, at least reaching the innate realm.

There are even Jin Dan strong.

At the beginning of the establishment of this bell, Ye Xuanzong had such a rule. When the bell rang, no matter what he was doing, nearby disciples must come to see what happened.

Seeing the disciples guarding the Shanmen gate being knocked to the ground, these disciples of Ye Xuanzong didn't say much, and immediately hit a gorgeous magical power, shining in the sky.

"A group of ants."

The youth in white didn't even glance at it. It was still a simple waving gesture. Suddenly, the sky was gone and replaced by those disciples flying backwards.

No one died, but the bell was getting louder and louder, and even alarmed a lot of elders who were doing repairs and came out of the customs one after another.

Ye Xuanzong's strong men appeared, among them even the elders of Jin Dan's later period, but without exception, all fell at the feet of Lin Lang.

He stepped up step by step, like a heavenly **** from the sky, no one can stop his pace, even Dixian.


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