The sky is glorious.

The bells thundered among the mountains.

A strong man named Ye Xuanzong appeared one after another, trying to suppress these strong men who broke into the Zongmen, but the youth in white was too strong, and it seemed that they could suppress everything by raising their hands.


A group of monks dressed up neatly appeared, these disciples were slightly relieved: "The Law Enforcement Hall is here."

Law Enforcement Hall.

It is Ye Xuanzong's law enforcement organization today. There is detachment. All law enforcement is in accordance with Ye Xuanzong's decree. Even if the suzerain ’s own son made a mistake, he would dare to seize it.

Status is only under the elder seat.

Similarly, everyone in the Law Enforcement Hall is extremely powerful. Most of them are selected from the elders. Dixian Xiu is the minimum standard.

The law enforcement hall that appeared this time had a total of thirteen people, three giants, and ten land immortals. Even if it is placed on today's Emperor Linxing, it is a different neglected force.


The scene where the disciples imagined that the wicked men who broke into the Zongmen gate was killed by the Law Enforcement Hall. On the contrary, the members of these Law Enforcement Halls, like them, collapsed at the touch of a button.

at the same time.

More Ye Xuanzong strong men appeared and surrounded the three men in white.

"The disciples listen to the orders and kill the intruders!" Cheng Xi, deputy chief of the law enforcement hall, shouted. Ye Xuanzong's strong is aggressive, even if the other party is strong, but let the other party know.

Ye Xuanzong is not easy to mess with!

"It's rude!"

At this moment, a shadow of Qian came from a distance and happened to be around the young man in white. The comer was a 17-year-old girl with a delicate face and a very unusual cultivation.

Already a giant condensing two Tao species.

"It is Sister Wang."

"Sister Wang is the loved grandson of a certain elder, and she is also very talented. The genius who claims to be Ye Xuanzong once in a hundred years is also the only disciple in the history of Ye Xuanzong to be a member of the Law Enforcement Hall."

"With her, she can kill the enemy."

Surprisingly, after the advent of this sister Wang Shi, not only did she not shoot, instead, her eyes swept across the disciples, and her eyes stayed on the law enforcement hall for a long while.

Actually, she slowly reprimanded: "The Law Enforcement Hall is blind, and you don't know the identity before you start?" She didn't seem to realize that she was also a member of the Law Enforcement Hall.

Cheng Xi was dumbfounded and murmured: "Ms. Wang also pays attention to her identity. Although you are the granddaughter of the elder too, don't forget that you are a member of Ye Xuanzong and help the outsider speak."

He was a deputy chief of the Law Enforcement Hall, but he was scolded by a junior, how could he get him to come to Taiwan.

"I'm saving you." The sister Wang Shi sneered, "If you didn't admit that you were a member of Ye Xuanzong, he would have been killed a hundred times already outside."

Cheng Xi's eyes were dark, and there was no surprise. He did have some doubts. The man in front of him apparently had the ability to easily kill him, but from the beginning to the end he only went through the mountains without killing any of Ye Xuanzong's disciples.

But this is not the reason why he forgives this sister Wang, but his heart is sneering: "If not the elders worry that your dogs are jumping off the wall, it will make you live till now."

"When they die, it will be your death."

Cheng Xi sneered secretly.

Sister Wang naturally didn't care about this. She walked in front of the young man in white, and her voice was clear and pleasant: "Wang Xinru has met the suzerain."

Lin Lang glanced at the girl and said dumbly, "Do you know me?" The girl nodded and said, "I've seen the picture of the suzerain in my mother's cell phone before."

"If it weren't for this, I'm afraid I've been blinded in my life, thinking that Ye Xuanzong was founded by Han Wang. All the information of my uncle was erased by the speculative villain."

Wang Xinru whispered softly.

Cheng Xi's face was ugly, and the words that slandered the Hanwang Sovereign were undoubtedly outrageous. Although he didn't know too many details, he knew that Ye Xuanzong's elder elder also distinguished between the two factions.

"Miscellaneous accounts!" Cheng Xi sulked: "How can a junior call the name of the suzerain?"

Lin Lang glanced at him, his eyes were as cold as frost, and Wang Xinru gave Cheng Xi a severe look. It's just that they both ignored him.

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