The so-called legend, in the face of these junior juniors, did not have any impression at all, and naturally there is no awesomeness. And even if they knew what was going on, they would just laugh.

Can the kingdom of Kunxu be destroyed?

Tianxian fighting power?

What is it on today's Dilin Star?

At best, it is only high-end combat power. It is still difficult to protect yourself, and it is far from being an era of domination. The so-called legend, even today, everyone is stunned.

Even if they are teaching today, Chi Qiu, the earth in the last days of the Dharma era was not the most talented person who has been called the Taoist gate for thousands of years. What can happen now?

Although he is still a teacher in the name of Daomen, after the birth of those awakened, he has been reduced to a complete puppet. If he wants to continue to cultivate, he must show weakness, condense his ambition, and even be dominated by others.

As for Lin Youye?

Never heard of it!

How can you be strong again at this time? In this era of geniuses as vast as smoke and powerful people, everything has become a legend that has never been asked.

The world does not know Lin Youye.


Lin Lang himself didn't have that much emotion, and after learning Ye Xuanzong's address, he went straight there. Because from the mouth of the monk Jindan, he learned that the former Ye Xuanzong experienced a war, and finally moved to the new Zongmen address.

However, if you think about it, when he left the ordinary world, it was just Jin Danxiuwei. Although he deployed various methods in Ye Xuanzong, he could never stop the giants.

Although the masters who stayed in Ye Xuanzong have made breakthroughs, their training time is too short compared to the masters who have accumulated hundreds of thousands of years.

The only way to protect yourself.

It's the migration gate!

However, Lin Lang is also very fortunate that Ye Xuanzong's dharma can be kept intact to this day, and he has not been removed from the awakening forces. In other words, the old people of Ye Xuanzong should be doing well now.

of course.

It is not that Ye Xuanzong, who is now the patron saint of Huaxia, has no problem. Like ... inside them!

As described by any Jindan youth, although Ye Xuanzong is only the last force on the Emperor's Land, it is not something anyone can provoke. Even in the face of the top awakening forces, as long as there is no large-scale attack by true immortals Any force will also have a headache against Xie Zongzhang.

such as……

Ye Xuanzong's Top Ten Strong.

Lone City of Taishang Elder, Nan Jianshan, Deputy Sovereign, Han Wang, Deputy Sovereign, Elder Xue E, Taishan Demon Ape, Elder Wang Xixiang, Chief Protector Ding Yi, Chief Guest King Jianjiang, etc ...

Each of the top ten strong men is Tianxian Xiuwei, mostly from the forces in the Kunxu industry. With these ten celestial beings sitting, even the top awakening forces would have to break a few teeth if they wanted the powerful stars to annex them.

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