Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 646: Sword Lord Revival


Within the entire abyss of the Meteorological Sword, the mountain shook for a while. In the dark sky, that round of sun bloomed with radiance, dazzling and bright, and dispelled all the dark rules.

At the same time, the entire abyss of the Meteor Sword has become extremely suppressed, as if a horrible will is recovering, which is frightening.

The will came, shattered Jiuxiao, like a peerless emperor travelling, covering the world with mighty coercion, making people's spirits stunned at this moment.


Even shudder!

Almost everyone in Jianzhanshan feels this amazing breath. No matter what Xiuwei is, the spiritual power in the body is violent at this moment. Everyone was involuntarily short, some people were even more uncomfortable, and they knelt straight down.

At the moment, the whole Jianzong Mountain suddenly stood up, the sky was distorted, and the dazzling sunlight was directly in front of it.

By the light, everyone can clearly see the solitary figure in the distance, like a big day, shrouded by the magnificent rays of light, exuding the solemn and solemn imperial atmosphere, people see the involuntary thoughts of worship.

With a golden holy sword on his back, he walked in the void in grace, with each step, the sword blew, and the sword that was in the hands of all people, regardless of rank, even the holy sword slammed, as if to see To the peerless monarch in the sword.

King of swords!

Ruler of the entire Meteor Sword Abyss!

It is said that the body of the king of swords is a peerless divine sword, which orders the sword of the world. It is even more legendary that even though the sword king is only an artifact, the gods born from it are already comparable to the giant ...

Various legends have once again cast a mysterious veil on the abyss of the Meteorological Sword. If it were not for Tianjige's early calculation of the sleeping date of the Sovereign of the Swords, they would never have had the opportunity to open the Sword Mt.

Now that the King of Swords is awake, as the master here, will they ask them to liquidate and break the event of breaking the sword? The thought of everyone here followed the liver tremor.

Even supreme giants have suffered losses under the sword king. If it is really settled with them, who can withstand these consequences?

Even Tianzong must avoid three points!

"You have the courage to dare to fight the idea of ​​Jianzhanshan. Is it possible that the giants in the Kunxu world are ready to tear up this seat?" The majestic eyes of the King of the sword swept across the crowd indifferently.

Even if there was no action, they still trembled and said quickly: "It was the Heavenly Pavilion that used the Jiuhuang Bell of the imprisonment device, which opened the passage of Jianzongshan, and it has nothing to do with me."

Shan Ruo's face in the crowd suddenly became ugly. The previous moment, the immortal was still looking forward to him, and the next moment he was pushed out as a scapegoat.

How can the king's anger endure?

If you just cling to your scalp and take a step forward, do n’t be humble: “This is indeed the case of Tianji Pavilion. Lao Pavilion is subjective to Xing Buyue, and it is inferred that there is a big murderer in Jianzhushan, and it will be tamed or accomplished. If not, there is a danger that it will be ruined in Kunxu and the future will be endless. "

"This time we also made two-handed preparations in the Tianji Pavilion. If we can tame the wicked, if not, we will smash the nine emperor clock fragments, which can seal the wicked for thousands of years."

In other words, Shan Ruo's palms are spread out, and in his palms are wrapped the fragments of the Nine Emperor's Bell, dedicated to the Lord of Swords. He knew that in the eyes of this terrible being, he had no secret at all.

The Lord of Swords glanced at the fragments of the Nine Emperor Bells, revealing a strange color in his eyes: "It turned out to be an imitation of the Nine Emperor Bells. I didn't expect that the ancient artifact was also preserved."

After a pause, the Lord of the Swords looked at Shan Ruo again, and said, "The Heavenly Pavilion can still be passed down to this day. It is really incredible. Is your Court Lord or Emperor Yi?"

Shan Ruo was stunned, and then he bowed and said, "The junior is dull and ignorant of the Emperor Yi Dizun, but the current owner of the Tianji Pavilion is the master teacher Mo Xuan. He traveled around the world many years ago and has not returned yet."

The owner of the Tianji Pavilion, Mo Xuan, is one of the supreme giants in the Kunxu market. Most people know his name. As for Yi Di, these people have not heard of such a character.

"Is that old Emperor Yi not there anymore?" The prince of the sword sighed, then shook his head and looked at somewhere in the void.

Suddenly the void exploded, and a figure appeared in the crowd, appearing in the sight of everyone. This man is also wearing an imperial crown, and despite his wolverine shape, he has no loss of momentum.

This person is the emperor of desire.

His clothes fluttered, walking through the void, calmly came to the Sword Lord, and confronted the Sword Lord.

"At the beginning, Wanbao Jianzun was tired of the war. After beheading you, and having time to erase your immortal imprint, I did not expect you to survive for a long time, and still recover a little spirit."

"Since the master is not there, let me take care of you later on behalf of his old man." The Lord of the Swords said lightly. Originally it had fallen into deep dormancy, even though the celestial beings attacked Jianzhanshan, he didn't notice it at all.

Until the revival of the Emperor of God.

Make it have to wake up and remove this enemy.

Emperor Nianyu laughed aloud, and said, "Your master Wanbao Sword Master may still be jealous of three points when he comes to this seat, and now even Wanbao Sword Master has fallen, but you have no master Shenyang sword but want to do nothing about this seat."


"If you don't try it, you will know." The Sword Lord's face remained unchanged, holding up a piece of star space, and the sacred sword behind him was a masterpiece of light.

Gravity, darkness, ice, blood, countless avenues bloom, each of the holy swords in the abyss of the meteoric sword is dazzling at this moment, and the avenues that belong to them are coming one after another.

The avenue is here, countless chains of order, like a sharp arrow of God, shot at Emperor Nianyu.

The emperor desires a calm look, raises his hands and raises countless chains of order and god, the way of seven emotions floods the world, and the chain is broken by recycling.

Unlike in the world of Lin Lang's knowledge of the sea, the Emperor Nianyu is the immortal emperor himself, and the avenue is deeply imprinted into the spirit. Even if the spirit comes to the outside world, it is not without the power of World War I that he can use Tiandi Avenue.

This is the real horror of these powerful men.

The battle between the two men continued to tremble with the meteoric sword abyss, and even at this time, there was a vision in the Kunxu boundary. The northern large floor block was disordered, the ground continued to spread cracks, the plates collided, and the mounds were stacked.

A series of horrific earthquakes erupted.

Those who are still in the distance, Xian dare to stay here, watching the outbreak of a world-like war between the two, and quickly fled outside the meteoric sword abyss.

The outbreak of the two was the battle of the road. Even if the immortals and the giants came from the Kunxu market, I was afraid that they could only watch the war and could not get involved.

Their knowledge of Daoism is still very shallow.

Lin Lang did not leave, standing quietly on the ground of the Meteor Sword Abyss, his body constantly rising and falling with the ground. He stared calmly at the fierce battle between the two Xeons.


The prince of the sword gave a sigh, and the glory of the sword of Shenyang was so glorious that it filled the world, as if it were a round of rising sun, powerful and mighty.

The Emperor of Desires is not afraid, killing with the power of the mighty, and fighting endlessly with the Sword Lord. Even though the Sword Lord's terrifying terror power erupted, he still did not have much fear.

"No wonder people say that the old guy of Wanbao Sword respects the old swordsman, and in order to make a peerless holy sword, he spends half his life collecting the heaven and earth spirits."

"Unexpectedly, he actually refined a sun star and condensed it into your Shenyang sword." Nianyu God Emperor licked his lips, and his heart was greedy.

A sun star is an energy source of life in a star field, which is inexhaustible and inexhaustible. Once an outbreak of vast power can destroy a star field.

Wanbao Sword Master even uses a sun as the body and refines it into a Shenyang sword. In addition to many feats, he has a sun star as the core of energy. It is no wonder that the sword is not terrifying.

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