Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 645: Physical invincibility

In this group of people's minds, it is believed that the inheritance of the Emperor of Desires was taken away by Lin Lang. Therefore, one by one, he smashed into Lin Lang frantically.

"If you want to go, leave it!"

The crowd roared one after another, and each banged their fists at Lin Lang.


How could Lin Lang waste time on these people, waving his fist and flying out a nine-printed man Xian Zhen. Pei Jun immediately killed, Lin Lang did not escape, and punched with Pei Jun regretfully.


Lin Lang's wrist gave a crisp sound, and Pei Jun couldn't get any benefit from it.

What kind of character is Pei Jun? At that time, the head of the Seven Sons in Kunxu was not inferior to some of the strongest in the realm. Even now limited by the rules of Jianzukayama, physical power is quite scary among monks in the same realm.

However, it was such a Tianjiao who was blown out by Lin Lang with a punch.

What an amazing power!

"His mental strength is already insignificant, and he is still walking a long way in the realm of entering the microcosm, almost reaching the peak of the microcosm. Unexpectedly, the heritage of the Emperor of God has improved his strength so much." Qin Ya sighed.

The mental strength is so small that Lin Lang's overall strength has skyrocketed a lot, and the control of each meridian is more subtle. The use of the physical body is still better than the peak of immortality.

In this place inside Jianzuoshan, Lin Youye is almost invincible, even if the immortal is immortal.

Everyone also understood this important relationship. Several leaders from Tianzong came forward, and several other suzerain figures also attacked Lin Lang.

The battle started instantly.

"Who dares to be me!"

Lin Lang burst into a drink, his fists blasted out at the same time, and the way of gravity was inspired by him. The chaos of the way of gravity flowed out, forcibly reducing the speed of the powerful.

Gravity shift!

So far, Lin Lang's understanding of the way of gravity can only support him to achieve the shallowest application of the way of gravity, gravity shift.

But even so, in addition to the physical body comparable to the peak human immortal, in the world of Jianzongshan, his strength is comparable to that of the Taoist immortal.


Lin Lang regretted the seven peak immortals at the same time. Pei Jun was killed and whipped by Lin Lang with a whip and rammed into the rock.

The seven pinnacles together couldn't stop him.

"Don't want to go." Qin Ya's graceful posture flickered and stopped in front of Lin Lang. The leader of the Sword Sect is also moving forward, showing his sword strokes, and drawing a world of Kendo in front of him.

In an instant, hundreds of swords had been pierced.

Lin Lang took out the Qing sword, and the sword light flew up and down. Within ten moves, the leader of the Sword Sect was dismantled, and the gravity shifted to pick the flying sword.

A sword pierced the back of the leader of the Sword Sect.

The Shangqing sword quickly stirred, and instantly smashed the internal organs of the Sword Sect leader into a pool of blood. The leader of the Sword Sect died with hate, and his eyes remained stunned.

"I hate it!"

The venerable Jian Jian leader still stared at Lin Lang. He regretted that, but he is a pinnacle of immortal, invincible figure placed outside.

Hate today fell into the hands of a four-printed fairy. If he can use his spiritual power outside, he can slay Lin Lang a hundred times.

The corpse of the Sword Squad leader crashed to the ground. Qin Ya also ate a lot of losses in Lin Lang's hands, her shoulders were pierced by the Qing sword, and her blood flowed.

"It's the shadow of Dao Fa. Did he touch the edge of Dao Fa, or has he already condensed Dao?" Qin Ya quickly backed off, and the left shoulder strap of her suspender dress was cut off. To prevent light exposure.

On the other hand, maybe Qin Ya would never believe that a four-striped immortal could condense a Taoist species, but on Lin Lang, Qin Ya was somewhat skeptical.

After all, this guy who can gather heaven and earth can not use common sense. Lin Lang gathers species in the realm of fairyland, but it is also a bit possible.

If not, why is Lin Youye an enemy of seven when everyone has the same physical strength?

For a while, the audience was silent. All the immortals gathered at the aisle. They did not take the initiative to attack and did not give way. After all, Lin Lang has the ability to kill the top immortals, and they dare not act lightly.

"Step aside."

Lin Lang frowned, killing in his eyes.

"We let it go, but you have to hand over the heritage of Emperor Nianyu and the reward you got from us." Pei Jun said lightly.

His voice won the recognition of all the people present, after all, the rewards they obtained for their hard work to get through the barriers fell into the hands of Lin Youye in vain.

Even Chumen's leader, who has never shot, maintained a tacit attitude. He can see that in the face of Master Zhu Li, he does not target Lin Lang, but only if Lin Lang and him have no obvious conflict of interest.

After the delay of these people, the spirit of the Emperor of Desire has fled.

"The heritage you want just flew away there, of course, if you think you have the ability to defeat a **** emperor." Lin Lang said angrily.

If it weren't for these people's impediment, it is estimated that the soul of the Emperor of the God of Desires had been hunted down and killed at this time.

"Lin Youye still want to quibble, tell you the truth, if you don't take out anything today, don't want to walk out of here alive." Zhenwuzong leader snorted.

The leader of the Sacred Religion followed with a sneer: "You are just a lucky little person. If it wasn't forbidden by Jianzhanshan, do you think you are worthy of our opponent?"

"Since you say so, I should be worthy of the title of a small person." Lin Lang's eyes flashed.

Since they don't detail the so-called inheritance of the emperor is a scam. Anyway, the Emperor of the Desire of God has fled away, it would be better to clean up these troubles here.

Lin Lang took a step forward and the war started again. He killed the center of the crowd with a sword, urged the way of gravity, and killed the Quartet.

Here he is invincible!

Even though the top seven immortals joined forces, he still lost to Lin Lang and was thrown away by his helmet.

In the blink of an eye, there were already seven or eight nine-printed immortals!

Lin Lang's figure flickered continuously in the crowd, beheading and killing a Jiuwen immortal. Pei Jun and others joined forces to attack him. Lin Lang also moved slightly and saw the move.

The seven men broke up in an instant.


Lin Lang's eyes were resolute, and the sword in his hand was like a sickle of death, reaping the life of a strong man. The leader of Zhenwu Sect attacked from behind, Lin Lang did not escape, and Bao Jian broke Pei Jun's defense.

After bearing the palm of the leader of Zhenwu Sect behind, Lin Lang smoothly broke through all the defense moves of Pei Jun, and the sharp sword tip of Shangqing sword was constantly enlarged in Pei Jun's eyes.

"It's over!"

Pei Jun's pupils tightened, and a fatal sense of crisis arose in her heart. Lin Lang's sword sealed all his retreats and came straight to the point.

Coupled with the imprisonment in the body, even though Pei Jun has hundreds of countermeasures, they are all ineffective at this moment. How can the physical body block the fifth-order spiritual sword like the Shangqing sword?

I'm afraid this time he is going to lose all his fame and fall into Lin Lang's hands!

Seeing the ever-expanding sword blade in the pupil, Pei Jun felt helpless and gave birth to an extremely sad feeling.

He was an arrogant man who had been in the Kunxu world for many years. He was shocked and amazing in his life, with few defeats. He did not fall into the growth, but died in the hands of a monk who was far lower than him.

How ridiculous?

"Destiny should be so." Pei Jun smiled bitterly, and after all the thoughts he tried to mobilize his spiritual power for a final stroke. But suddenly, Pei Jun was ecstatic.

The spiritual power in his body lost his restraint, just like a rushing river. Under the blessing of spiritual power, Pei Jun became sharp-edged.

Seeing the incomparable sword tip of Shangqing Jianfeng, he just smiled coldly.

"It's time for the farce to end!"


The sword of the Qing Dynasty fell, and Pei Jun did not escape. At this moment, the spiritual power broke out in the body. The spiritual power protected the body, raised its hands and poured out the vast spiritual power, and struck out the flying sword.

"Lin Youye, the game is over."

Pei Jun's gaze stared at Lin Lang. He had a mentality for the rest of his life and was accompanied by the thrill of revenge.

When he recovered as much as he could, Lin Lang had declared that there was no more threat to him.

"Hmm? My cultivation has also recovered."

Everyone quickly investigated their situation.

The result is something that pleases everyone. At this moment, everyone ’s cultivation is instantly restored! The long-lost feeling of spiritual power makes them excited.


A peak of immortality blooms, and the entire cave is full of coercion from the strong.

"Lin Youye, how do you want to die!" Zhen Wuzong's leader took a step forward and said coldly.

Killing eyes looked at Lin Lang.

They didn't dare to face Lin Lang before because the rules of Jianzuan Mountain suppressed Xiuwei's strength. Now this self-cultivation is back, so that all their methods have a use.

"The inheritance of the God Emperor is mine!" A peak human fairy licked his lips greedily and rushed forward.

The inheritance of the Emperor has a fatal temptation to these people!

Lin Youye is carrying the inheritance of the Emperor of God, and she is carrying a lot of resources. She is inferior and weak, and is no different from a fat sheep to be slaughtered.

Even if he had a precedent of defeating the Eight Immortals, but who was present was not the top power among the immortals. Except for those who did not participate in the battle, at least they were all nine immortals.

Everyone's greed rose.

The situation is changing rapidly. The moment before, Lin Youye was still an invincible figure, suppressing the men with his own power. At the moment, everyone repaired for recovery, but Lin Youye was directly beaten back to his original shape, becoming the weakest of all.

It can be described as impermanent.

Lin Lang apparently did not expect such a change, and the enemies looked around, and they all surrounded him with greedy eyes.

However, there was no panic on his face, but he looked up and looked into the distance.

"Don't worry, there should be other changes." Lin Lang whispered softly. Even though the heavy channels blocked his vision, his eyes were as sharp as ever, and his eyes seemed to be able to penetrate many spaces and see the outside world.

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