A sun star is an energy source of life in a star field, which is inexhaustible and inexhaustible. Once an outbreak of vast power can destroy a star field.

Wanbao Sword Master even uses a sun as the body and refines it into a Shenyang sword. In addition to many feats, he has a sun star as the core of energy. It is no wonder that the sword is not terrifying.

Even though Wanbao Sword Master is missing now, the power that Shenyang Sword can bloom under its own consciousness is greatly reduced, but it is still quite scary.

The fierce sun instantly distorts the space, the earth's water instantly evaporates and cracks, and the sky collapses, and the entire sky is filled with a layer of terror, as if the world was destroyed.

The battle between the two Xeons soon entered the stage of fierce heat. The Emperor of Desires urged the unstoppable **** of the Sutra, and even if there was only one remnant left, the power could not be underestimated.

Even the Shenyang Sword is difficult to win in a short time.

"Are you a sword and want to stop me?" Emperor Nianyu sneered: "If this seat had not suffered a great loss in the Terran King's knowledge of the sea, how can you stop me till now?"

"Human Fairy King? That kid is actually a reincarnated Human Fairy King?" The Sword Lord frowned. Earlier, he noticed something strange from Lin Lang, but at that time, he was anxious to eradicate the Emperor of Desire, so he didn't do much research.

Now when the Emperor of Mind is brought up, the King of Swords suddenly realizes.

He looked back at the original location of Lin Lang, but at this moment Lin Lang was no longer there, and he didn't know where he was going.

However, the king of the sword faintly felt that this person did not go far, and should still be inside the meteoric sword abyss.


"Shenyang Sword has given birth to self-consciousness, and can absorb the heaven and earth and practice on its own to achieve the possibility of self-advancement."

"The body of Shenyang Sword is a sun star with complete sun rules. As long as the sword spirit itself understands the Taoism thoroughly, it is possible to surpass the holy spirit."

At this moment, Lin Lang was standing on a mountaintop, watching the fierce battle between the two men in the distance.

He can naturally see that Shenyang Sword can use the rules to fight, which is beyond the level that most holy swords can do. As long as the number of robbers is smoothly passed in the future, it is not impossible to surpass the holy order.

This is probably the reason why Shenyang Sword Spirit is sleeping, it is accumulating enough power to cope with the calamity that is about to break away from the holy sword.

"The power of Shenyang Sword is comparable to some eternal devices. It has the ability to order Wanjian. When Wanjian becomes one, the Emperor of Desire will lose."

"I should arrange it as soon as possible."

Lin Lang whispered to himself, then flashed in shape.

Soon after, he appeared near another mountain, and moved Yin Yinjue, only to see a flash of silver in the void, and then disappeared.

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