Protoss usually use the title of meritorious service within the tribe, which has nothing to do with the state of cultivation, and most of the titles that can be titled as the emperor are ninety-nine and nine immortals and a few immortal emperors.

Lin Lang originally thought that the Emperor of God of Desire was the spirit of the immortal kingdom like him, but he did not want this person to be a strong man of the immortal series.

Immortal emperor repaired in response to the robbery period. These realms can basically achieve immortality in a broad sense, endless life, and generally do not fall. However, they need to go through the test of Yuanhui calamity. They can survive to the next Yuanhui calamity after the first Yuanhui calamity.

Every time they cross the Yuan, they will be in trouble, and their cultivation will be greatly improved. Yuan Huijie is aimed at the spirits, so each powerful **** of the immortal series is extremely powerful.

Obviously, the Emperor of the Desire of Destiny is also to survive the Yuanhui calamity. Even if it falls unexpectedly in ancient wars, there is only a residual soul, and its strength is not inferior to the top fairy king.

Lin Lang's two worlds in the sea and the sky shattered in the sky, all kinds of magic flying across the world, like the World War I. Divine soul battle cannot use spiritual power, they can only fight with each other with the original soul power.

It's rare to see the soul technique outside. No one can be found in the entire Kunxu industry, but both are extraordinary people, each of whom holds countless soul techniques.

It's a battle between soul technique and Taoism.

No less than having two extremely powerful men with real bodies at war.

This kind of battle of souls and souls is also the most dangerous. It consumes the original strength. If you accidentally lose your soul, you will be too late to reincarnate.

"Unexpectedly, the human race has you and other powerful people, and even controls a kind of ancient avenue. Shouldn't you be an unknown member?" The Emperor of Nianyu waved a condensed sky, and the water rushed down.

"Remember the name of this seat, You Ye Xian Wang."

Lin Lang made a faint voice, two black hole vortexes condensed in the palm of his hands, dark rules shrouded, and the lightning inside thundered, like a monstrous mouth of a dark beast, devouring everything.

The soul technique collapses, the Taoism is booming!

One of them is the peak power of the fairy kings, who has the strength to crush all the fairy kings in the same realm, even if they encounter some fairy emperors, they can also compete.

The other was Zeng Anwen, who had survived a one-year tragedy, and who had lived for tens of thousands of years.

There is no simple role.


The dark vortex of Lin Lang's hands erupted, connecting the ghost and ghost world, and there was constant power to cross the **** of the ghost world, and he continued to bless him.

The underworld is the birthplace of dark rules.

"The dark path that he has mastered has reached a perfect state." There is a hint of fear in the eyes of Emperor Nianyu. Although he is an immortal state, his spirit is extremely powerful, but his accomplishments on the avenue do not need Lin Lang.

After all, there is no comparability between the Supreme Avenue and the Ancient Avenue. Even the Emperor Nianyu was extremely powerful at the beginning, and he practiced Qiqing Tao to a complete state, and transformed Tao into laws.

But after all, this is Lin Lang ’s space for understanding the sea, occupying the home field and being isolated from the world. He ca n’t use the rule of seven emotions. Fighting with Lin Lang here is a natural disadvantage.

However, the Emperor of Desires cannot be taken lightly. In the fierce battle between the two, he has performed mystery and severely damaged Lin Lang's spirit. To the naked eye, Lin Lang's spirit is dim.

The Emperor of Desires is also not good. The whole soul body has been devoured by the darkness for more than half. The lower body has become a nutrient of the dark avenue, and the incomplete upper body floats in the sky.

"Lin Youye, I remember you here!" Nian Yuhuang stared at Lin Lang with a resentful glance, knowing that he would certainly not be able to win the house today.

Continuing the struggle is simply a loss of both. Lin Lang possesses a body to house the spirit, and can recover even if he consumes a lot of original power.

But the Emperor of God is different. He has just escaped from the suppression of Jianzhanshan. Without the physical body, he is like the rootless duckweed, which only consumes and cannot be recovered, and will eventually be erased by time.

He has no capital to bet!

"Do not destroy the Scriptures!"

Emperor Nianyu's face is majestic, and the secret meditation is in his mouth. At this time, the body shape of the whole man has skyrocketed tens of times.

It's like a master in the sky.

The Immortal Domination is the source of all the exercises of the Protoss, and the power of the God is inestimable.

Lin Lang was still very calm, with his hands forward, his palms against each other, his fingertips facing outwards, and a sword with more than a thousand souls condensed in front of him. The sword was engraved with complex runes and had lethal power against the soul.

Kill the soul!

The mystery of the spirits in the Nine Xiaoxian Code, from the sun to the right, restrains the evil spirits, and can cut all the souls of the world.

Although the figure of the soul-cutting sword looks like a small dagger compared to the magnificent body of gold gathered by Emperor Nianyushen, the power is quite scary.

Even if it is the imperial demon emperor who urges the unruly dominator, it will be cut in half.

"Give me death!" Lin Lang folded his palms together, and the sword of the soul-slaying sword slammed down.


The Emperor of the Nianyu God realized the mighty power of the soul-cutting sword, and his face could not help changing. At this moment, he sighed and hurriedly spread his hands.

Lin Lang's knowledge of the sea was suddenly torn.

The Emperor Nianyu had no intention of head-on with Lin Lang. He used the secret method to tear open the sea of ​​Lin Lang's knowledge and broke the ban. He didn't want Lin Lang, but tearing Lin Lang into the sea was easy.



The celestial beings looked up, and the final layer was shrouded in cloud and mist, and it was not clear what was going on inside.

However, from this silence, everyone is already very convinced that Lin Youye has reached the ultimate level and is accepting the heritage of the Emperor of the Nianyu God.

"This is a huge opportunity!" Everyone sighed. No one had ever imagined that so many peak immortals were present, and the final inheritance fell into the hands of a five-printed immortal.

"It's a pity, it's a pity."

Shan Ruo sighed again and again. Tianji Pavilion has already calculated everything, and it is calculated that there is a heaven fairy chance inside Jianzhan Mountain, who can think of a forest night that was finally killed.

A ride on the dust, won the opportunity.

He still doesn't understand why the next twenty floors of Deng Yunjie have no restraint on Lin Youye. In theory, shouldn't it be harder to get up?

Even more uncomfortable is Pei Jun, who struggled with nine cattle and two tigers, exhausted his hole cards and finally landed on the eighty-first floor of the Jiuzhang Yunjie.

However, no reward has fallen!

This undoubtedly made him even more hostile to Lin Lang.

"It must be him. It is he who has inherited the Emperor's Passion for the Desire of God, and collected all the rewards of the last twenty layers." Pei Jun squeezed the rewards of the first eighty layers and hated the sky.

Originally, these opportunities should belong to him!

He vowed that once Lin Youye stepped out of the ultimate floor, he would have to intercept Lin Youye here even if he had exhausted his hole cards.

Other celestial beings also blinked their eyes. Obviously, not only Pei Jun had this idea.


Nine turns to Yunjie suddenly shake.

"What's going on?" Pei Jun frowned. At the same time as the nine-turn to the cloud-level metamorphosis, the Jedi Dan in his hands, and the treasures obtained from the first few dozen layers, all disappeared at this moment, and disappeared into a light spot.

Pei Jun raised his hand and tried to get the light spot back into his hand, which was doomed to no avail. Immediately, he was furious, and Sen Leng's eyes suddenly looked at the position of the ultimate level.

"Lin Youye, I don't wear it with you!"

The situation of other immortals is similar.

"It's Lin Youye's ghost!"

"Damn, all the rewards of the Patriarch's painstaking efforts to overcome the barriers were all taken away by Lin Youye!" A roar rang out one after another.

Obviously, all rewards cannot disappear in a vacuum. The only one who has this ability, who can do anything under their noses, can only get Lin Youye, who has passed on to the Emperor.

Just when everyone was irritable and their voices just dropped, the entire nine-turn to the Yunjie collapsed directly, and the crowds who were passing through the barriers fell to the ground with weightlessness.

At the same time, the ultimate streamers flew out one by one.

"How can I tolerate you!" Lin Lang screamed out after him, chasing the remnant soul of Emperor Lust. He has severely damaged the soul of the Emperor, and he must take this opportunity to solve this problem.

Otherwise, once Emperor Nianyu is escaped, I am afraid that it will be a devastating blow to him even in the Kunxu world.

An immortal emperor reincarnated, saying that it is many supreme giants in the Kunxu world, even Lin Lang may not be able to do so.

"It's Lin Youye!"

Someone exclaimed and was about to intercept it.

But someone was faster than him. Pei Jun and several other top renren stepped forward to block Lin Lang's way.

"Lin Youye, hand over the inheritance of the Emperor of the God of Dreams, otherwise, die!" Zhen Wuzong, the pinnacle of the Emperor, said coldly.

"Give up the inheritance of the God Emperor, give up the treasure you got at the ultimate level." The pinnacle of the Sword Sect is also a step forward.

"Give up the treasure, and return my feelings to Dao Dan."

"Haha, his practice has been restored to its original form.

"Lin Youye ..."

At this moment, basically everyone in Jianzhan Mountain is attacking Lin Lang in vain, and there is a big gesture of killing him on the spot without handing over the treasure.

"It's ridiculous that the calamity is not yet known. Where is the inheritance of the emperor? It is just a scam." Lin Lang sneered.

Everything about Jiu Zhuan Deng Yunjie is false, including Jiu Zhuan Deng Yunjie itself, which is just the spiritual power of the Emperor of God, not to mention Danjing Dan itself.

Everything is false.

The same is true of Lin Lang's breakthrough state before, but he is disturbed by the spiritual power of the Emperor, which makes him have the illusion of breaking through the state. Now Jiuzhuan Deng Yunjie disperses, and he is naturally restored to his original shape.

Only when the mental strength is minimal is true!

Where would everyone believe in Lin Lang, they all stepped forward and surrounded Lin Lang in the center. Lin Lang was anxious to eradicate the Emperor of Desire of God, but where would he explain to these people, he suddenly shot and flew out a pinnacle of immortals.

He slumped his feet and rushed towards the direction of the Emperor Nianyu.

"Where to go!"

The strong men raged and caught up.

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