Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 643: Emperor of Desire

"Prodigal! Prodigal! Even if you don't leave it to us!" I don't know how many people urged because of this action by Lin Lang. A heritage of the Supreme Avenue, just patted away like this.

What's not prodigal?

On the eighteenth floor, Lin Lang sat cross-legged and took out a Qidan Wudao Dan to refine it.

Seven Feelings Enlightenment Dan contains the Seven Feelings Avenue, which can not only be used to comprehend the Seven Feelings, but also to exercise its mental strength through the Seven Feelings.

Because Lin Lang saw the essence of Qiqing Wudao Dan, not the elixir made from various spiritual materials, but the cohesion of spiritual power.

It can't be better for tempering mental energy.

Until half an hour later, Lin Lang stood up again, bursting into a dazzling glory in his eyes. Although there was no breakthrough, the actual combat power more than doubled.


At this moment, everything in front of Lin Lang seemed to be dissected, and the vision in front of him was extremely clear, and even a tiny dust to the extreme was clearly visible.

After a pause, Lin Lang opened his eyes, the purple lines in his pupils flowed, and the entire Jiuxian Deng Yunjie fell in his eyes, and traced the origin, all changes could not hide his eyes.

"So it is."

Lin Lang's mouth raised a clear smile.

Later, Lin Lang raised his foot and took a step forward. The eighty-second step of the Jiuxian ascending cloud step had almost no resistance to him.

Jump up!

The same is true of the other steps, including Lin Lang, as if there were no pressure or confinement, as well as the most difficult ten layers.

He basically walked step by step, ignoring any resistance and walking up. The face of a group of high-ranking immortals below is very strange, especially Shan Ruo and others who are climbing.

The steps on the 70th floor have made it difficult for them to walk. They know the difficulty of crossing the steps on the 70th floor.

How about Lin Lang?

It's all a walk in the court, just like when he got home, Jiuxian Deng Yunjie has no ability to suppress him at all.

"Damn, is there a problem with Jiuxian Dengyunjie, or is there no pressure at all after the 80th floor of Jiuxian Dengyunjie?" Pei Jun stared at Lin Lang with an ugly face.

Seeing Lin Lang step by step up, but he is still stuck on the 72nd floor, so much awkward in his heart.

"He's waiting for the ultimate layer!"

An exclamation came from the crowd, and everyone's eyes were on Lin Lang's location.

The last layer of the Ninth Turn to the Yunjie, and the ultimate layer, is completely shrouded in a mist of fog. Even if the eye is repaired, it will not look through the mist.

"The ultimate layer should be so good. It's better to be eager to think of Emperor God. Just put the inheritance directly in front of us, and what **** is nine immortals to climb to the Yunjie." Pei Jun sneered.

And when his words just fell.

Lin Lang directly lifted his feet and stepped into the final step, without any bounce or obstruction, and easily stepped on the final step.

The mist surged and Lin Lang completely disappeared into the sight of everyone.


Inside the ultimate layer of mist.

At this moment is standing a young man in a python robe, with clear eyebrows, elegant temperament, and a mysterious charm flowing all over his body. He had his hands on his back and looked at the world like a royal child.

Seeing him may have an illusion, but seeing anyone in his heart in him, any kind of emotion is born. No matter how missed or happy, he can make people easily have affinity.

"Living for the Emperor."

Lin Lang stood still and looked at the python robe youth calmly.

"It's this seat."

The young man in the python robe smiled and said, "I didn't think you could pass the trial so easily, but you are also a very talented person. I am afraid that those Tianjiaojun from my protoss are rarely comparable to you."

The young man in the python robe closed his eyes and whispered softly, "I still feel the breath of heaven in you, and you have the heavenly golden gold."

"And such a strong atmosphere of heaven, I'm afraid it's not just the simple heavenly golden gold, but also the perfect foundation of heaven. Alas, it's really extraordinary."

What kind of character is Emperor Nianyu, who can see all the details of Lin Lang in one glance. He looked at Lin Lang with satisfaction, as if looking at a satisfactory handicraft.

"If you have a relationship with this seat, I will pass on what I have learned throughout my life. I hope that you will inherit my mantle and carry it forward. The dominance of the Scripture is enough to allow you to stretch the stars from the sky. No problem. "

"Don't let go of the spirit resistance, let this seat inspire you." Although Emperor Nianyu's smile and hee look a little dark.

"it is good."

Lin Lang let go of the resistance of the soul according to the words, and the Emperor of God suddenly turned into a touch of golden light, flickering in the blink of an eye, and shot into Lin Lang's brows.

Emperor Nianyu directly broke into Linlang's forbidden area of ​​the sea and easily passed through obstacles. "Very well, your physical body belongs to me!" The Emperor Nianyu stood inside Lin Lang's consciousness of the sea, and a smug smile arose at the corner of his mouth.

He looked around, but did not find the shadow of Lin Lang's spirit.

"Little guy, I'm still playing hide-and-seek with this seat. When I find you, you must let your physical body inherit the aspirations of this place.

Emperor Lianyu licked his lips. Some can't wait to find Lin Lang's soul crushed and take this one, which is almost perfect in his eyes.


Lin Lang's Shihai Forbidden Ground made a loud noise. The whole Shihai shook the mountain following the ground, and the sea formed by the gods began to boil violently.

A magnificent golden palace stood up like a golden palace, where the emperor lived. The reflected shadow occupied the half of the sky.

"Zhu Zhan residual soul, this seat has been waiting for you for a long time!"

The Emperor Nianyu turned his head, but saw an emperor wearing a purple gold robe holding a golden scepter and stepping out of the hall.

As the emperor marched, the magnificent colorful clouds shrouded, all the brahma sounded, the beasts in the sky mingled, Shenxia opened the road, and paved a spacious golden road.

Emperor Zijin is the soul of Lin Lang.

"The immortal king, you are not the master of this body!" The pupil of Nianyushen shrank, and a faint feeling of being out of control was born in his heart.

"No wonder it unites the foundations of heaven."

"Are you surprised? Did you use your mental strength to gather Jiuxian ascending the cloud step, wasn't it just to take me away at this moment? Is it so scared?"

Lin Lang smiled slightly and didn't explain much. His status today is very special. Since the reincarnation, everything has been removed, and only the immortal spirit has been completely preserved.

Perhaps it is precisely because of this that he can completely preserve the memories of previous lives, otherwise, with the strength of a mortal soul, how can he carry his huge memory reserves.

Therefore, he possesses the immortal king spirit and is not afraid of any looting.

Naturally, the Emperor of the Desire can not understand this relationship, and preconceived that a fallen immortal king had taken away Lin Lang's body, otherwise, how could a small human immortal contain the immortal soul?

"Surprising is indeed some, but there is no way to talk about it." Emperor Nianyu said faintly, not seeing any confusion, but just said, "Presumably you are also the powerful who fell in that battle of the world. It is rare that the soul of the fairy king has survived so long. "

"The battle for the extinction of the world?" Lin Lang's heart moved. Before that, he felt that the earth was not simple and there were many doubts. He inferred that there might have been a war near the earth, and the fighting spirit had dried up and entered the age of the last law.

Now listening to the Emperor Yushen said this, it also verified some guesses.

"The Protoss in that war also suffered heavy losses. Do you think you have any benefits?" Lin Lang said lightly.

"Perhaps it was a heavy loss." The Emperor of Nianyu said something in silence, then immediately smiled: "But at least we won, otherwise how could your traditions be wiped out, and at most, only a group of people could be born. "

Lin Lang also wanted to set a few more words, and said, "What to do with you, even if you practice, you will not be suppressed by Jianzuoshan in my end."

"I haven't underestimated your top combat power. If it wasn't for the old immortal guy from Wanbao Sword, it was n’t blocked by my strong men, and he ran out to bully the small, otherwise you thought that the emperor Lin Xing's recent ancient strong men could stop them. This seat? "The Emperor of Nianyu hummed coldly.

"I'm not with you to tell the old one. The battle is over and the ownership of this body is decided." The Emperor of Nianyu fainted, and was not ready to continue.

A body with the foundation of heaven, although not a protoss, is not inferior to the protoss of Nianyu.

If you can grab the hand, it won't take a thousand years, and it will soon return to its peak.

"Then you have to look at your skills." Lin Lang narrowed his eyes and frantic.

The Emperor of Desires took a step, and a powerful and powerful courage broke out in the spirit. He gently raised his hand and immediately set off a terrible hurricane in the sea.

Lin Lang was not afraid, waved the staff of the penalty, lowered thousands of thunders, and thunders exploded, blasting the hurricane.

The hurricane condensed again. In the roar, it turned into a chain of order in an instant, entangled in Lin Lang.

"Where I am, I dominate."

The Emperor Nianyu spoke faintly, and the turbulent space of the sea was filled with a shocking coercion, as if the control of the entire sea had to be changed.

"Darkness comes."

Lin Lang faintly murmured, like a black hole behind him, and in the blink of an eye, his understanding of the sea was shrouded in darkness. In the darkness, everything is assimilated into a member of darkness.

Including the innumerable and powerful order chains, at this moment they have been assimilated by the darkness, becoming the order chains forged on the Avenue of Darkness, counterattacking the Emperor of God.

At the same time, darkness was everywhere in an instant, including the Emperor of Desire.

The Dark Road, one of the nine ancient roads, is devoured by the Lord, and can assimilate everything into its own power, including the road, which is far from being comparable to the Qiqing Road.

For a moment.

The Emperor's left arm was devoured by darkness, and disappeared instantly between heaven and earth. There was no blood flowing out of the wound, as if it never existed.

In the dark space, the Emperor of Nianyu God also noticed that he was not good, and he drank aloud, and the acupoints everywhere on his body lit up with golden light, and each acupoint seemed to have a supreme god.

Distracted, traveling around Taixu!

Xiandi's logo!

Emperor Nianyu thought that Lin Lang was just an ordinary fairy king who had fallen, but he did not realize that the other party had suffered a big loss, and his soul was devoured by an arm.

So use your hole cards directly.

Can be the same.

Lin Lang also underestimated the Emperor.

Before this life, he was an immortal Emperor!

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