Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 642: The ultimate layer

Just as Lin Lang tried to break through the practice, an elegant man walked out of a nearby passage. This man came to Jiuzhuan to climb to the Yunjie and started climbing directly.

This person's strength is very powerful. In just half an hour, he climbed to the 70th floor of the Jiuzhang nine-turn.

There was another uproar below.

"It's so strong, it's worthy to say that if you are alone, you can rush straight to the 70th floor on your first climb. Maybe he shouldn't do his best."

The visitor is Shanruo of Tianjige. This time he attacked Jianzuo Yamamoto, and he was fully prepared. It should not be difficult to catch up with Pei Jun.

Dan Ruo took about a moment of incense to rush into the seventy-first floor to obtain the red petals of the seven-color flower of Shenyi, and then launched another impact upward.

At this moment, Pei Jun has advanced to the seventy-fourth step. At the same time, Qin Ya and others also climbed to the seventy-first step.

These are the seven sons of the previous generation in Kunxu, so the talent is naturally extraordinary. However, it is not simple, it should not be difficult for a strange man in Tianjige to catch up with him.

Pei Jun felt the pressure and headed up. He naturally knew that it would not be an unwilling move if Shan Dan had called everyone to take down Jian Tzu Shan.

Take the Jiuxian Dengyunjie in front of you, for example, if you set foot on the 81st, 91st, or even the final final layer, there will be a treasure. Therefore, each of these Tianjiao figures sharpened their heads and ripped their heads upwards.

Although they are strong, they still have to fight!

"I have heard that the true owner of the Tianji Pavilion is more than 1,500 years old. The 1,500 years old is considered longevity even at the level of the supreme giant?"

"I am afraid that the Lord Lord Life Insurance Yuan has almost dried up. This time, if Brother Shan walked the world, he should also find a way for the old Lord Lord to continue his life?" Pei Jun stood smiling and seemed to want to use words to disrupt Shan Ruo's forward rhythm.

"The rumor of catching the wind and catching the shadow is nothing, it is impossible to do it."

"So presumably Brother Brother already knows the ultimate treasures?" Pei Jun's eyes flickered and he smiled: "Since we have helped you open the sword grave mountain, shouldn't the brother be sincere, at least also transfer the nine Yunjie's secret is also explained. "

If there is no fluctuation in his complexion, he said, "The calculation by Tianji Pavilion is only an approximation. If you have to ask, I can only say that the ultimate layer does indeed hold a treasure, which is related to the Tianxian opportunity I said before. . "

"But it is also a fierce thing. There is a life crisis when it comes to collecting. That's it."

Having said that, Dan Ruo no longer talks. Tianji Pavilion is indeed capable of deducing Tianji, but it can't do everything, it can only calculate a fuzzy outline.

All he knew was that.

"Tianxian chance." Everyone licked his lips. This vocabulary alone is enough to make everyone crazy, even if it is just a slight opportunity, it will definitely cause the madness of many supreme giants.

You know, the whole Kunxu community has never given birth to a fairy, even those ancestors who have experienced a groundbreaking experience are no exception.

It is precisely because Shan Dan mentioned this before that the strong will choose to help free of charge, and cooperate with Shan Ruo to open the sword mound.

As for the second half of Dan Ruo, it has long been ignored by everyone. Want to get Tianxian chance, how to do nothing.

Pei Jun nodded with satisfaction, then turned around, and his eyes fell on Lin Lang. He stepped under his feet, setting off a circle of energy ripples radiating in the direction of Lin Lang.

"The ants do not deserve to compete with Haoyue." Pei Jun snorted with a look on his face. He naturally saw that Lin Lang was hitting the Wuwen Renxian, so he decisively shot and wanted to interrupt the opponent's breakthrough.

Lin Lang suddenly opened his eyes, and the pure physical power completely blocked the ripples of full energy. He stood up and stared at Pei Jun coldly, and continued to go up.

Pei Jun also knows that he lost this opportunity and did not continue to shoot.

On the contrary, Lin Lang, when he was promoted to the level of the Five-Pen Immortal Realm, his physical strength was no less inferior to the peak Immortal, plus the heavenly body.

In the realm of human immortality, except for those who specialize in physical body, few people have been able to surpass Lin Lang in physical attainments.

This is his capital!

Lin Lang went all the way up, breaking through the sixty-two steps ... like the seventieth and seventy-first floors!

In less than half a column of incense, I don't know how many Zongmen leaders were successively surpassed by him.

By the time Lin Lang advanced to the 74th floor, he was already able to stand on the same step with Pei Jun.

Without any nonsense, Lin Lang directly punched.

Revenge is never his character.

"you dare!"

Pei Jun frowned and sighed.

At the same time, he stretched out his hand and quickly met Lin Lang. The power of starting was so great that Pei Jun's face changed a little in an instant.

The feeling was like colliding with a wild giant elephant. A powerful force passed directly through Pei Jun's wrist to the shoulder.


Pei Jun couldn't resist this force, and was directly bombarded with nine transfers to Yunjie.

"Damn it, look down on him completely." Pei Jun's face was extremely ugly. Although he was not injured, being shot by a mid-level human fairy still made him lose face.

He really underestimated Lin Lang. If he went all out, he would not be defeated so badly.

"Wait for your death when I get back on the steps again." Pei Junyi said in a ruthless sentence, flew out, and rushed up to turn nine again to reach Yunjie.

That speed was several times faster than his first climb to the nine-turn to the Yunjie.

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