Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 641: Five-printed fairy?

The first ten steps of the nine-turn to the cloud step were not too difficult for Lin Lang, and they easily crossed the first ten steps.

The same is true for the 20th to 30th steps.

With almost no effort, Lin Lang directly climbed the 30-story steps across the ground. Correspondingly, Lin Lang also received a superb Poison Dan as a reward.

However, after the 31st step, the difficulty has increased, and the pressure from the 9th turn to the Yunjie has reached more than four times.

This is the rule that Jiuzhuan Dengyunjie comes down according to the different passers. The repair of Lin Lang is currently in Jindan of Four Patterns, so the pressure released by Jiuzhuan Dengyunjie is about four times the capacity of Shizhuang Renxian. Times or so.

It is probably equivalent to the ability of a five-striped immortal to bear the limit. Even if Lin Lang wants to pass smoothly, it will not be easy.

Lin Lang lifted his feet, a huge pressure, like a tsunami from Foshan, forced him to pause in mid-air, the whole person seemed to be frozen, stagnation.

With a little movement, it may be directly overturned.

"This state of Lin Youye means that the forward strength and pressure are balanced, and when he can't hold it, he will be blasted out of office." A person below spoke out.

But at this point, he frowned: "But Lin Youye, after all, has gathered the heavenly golden gold, at least he can walk through the first forty steps, how could he stop here?"

"I don't think he can do it anymore. Tiandao Jindan has always been a legendary thing. Who knows if he has condensed it or not? Tiandao Jindan, even if it is, it is probably condensed by the Universiade. The true talent is not so good. . "

"Just wait for him to be stepped down."

One sneered beside.

However, most of the people who said this were out of jealousy and did not want to admit that Lin Lang was better than them.

The moment everyone was talking about.

Lin Lang took a sudden step forward, the distance of this large step directly across two steps, the leisure court walked forward in general, after five steps, directly to the fortieth step.

There doesn't seem to be any pressure on the body.

"this is……"

The eyes widened. However, I never imagined that Lin Lang could easily cross the thirty-first floor to reach the cloud level, even in this way of two steps.

However, at this moment, Lin Lang did not slow down even after crossing the forty-first layer on the cloud level.

Forty-third floor.

Forty-fifth floor.

Forty-seventh floor!

The crowd just felt dizzy, and looked at the figure who was walking on the cloud steps of Jiuzhuan in astonishment, shouting unconsciously.

"Doesn't he have to be under pressure? Or is he deliberately trying to attract our attention and show off to us?"

When the immortals were talking eloquently.

Nine revolutions reached the top of the cloud stage, and Lin Lang's speed finally slowed down. It was no longer two steps and one step, but one step at a time.

Naturally, he didn't show off deliberately, waiting to finally hit these people's faces. Instead, I stood on the spot and realized the pressure change of Nine Turns to the Yunjie.

Jiuzhuan Deng Yunjie's feeling to him is very strange. The intangible pressure is unpredictable. It seems that it is not directly acting on the flesh, but is aimed at the general mental strength.

The so-called mental power is that this pressure is not substantive and is used to suppress the physical body, but directly acts on the spirit, giving people the illusion of suppressing the physical body.

Although there is no evidence to prove this. In any case, as long as you step on the last level of the Jiuzhang Deng Yunjie, everything will be final.

Lin Lang continued to move forward until he felt he couldn't bear the pressure, and then he opened the first hole card. The heavenly body and the physical body are comparable to the strength of the Jiuwen Renxian, and it is easy to resist the pressure several times its own.

Until he climbed to the sixtieth step.

The reward obtained by him already has a four-grade spirit sword, a best-of-breed Dandan, and the other seven sentimental Daodan also collected three.

"The bearing limit of the heavenly body is probably around the 60th floor. It may not be so easy to pass the 61st floor."

Lin Lang took a deep breath.

Facing the pressure of horror, Lin Lang lifted his feet and took a difficult step forward.


When half of his feet fell on the sixty-first step, a loud noise suddenly came from his brain, as if he could crack the spirit.

Even if his physical body is constantly undergoing the tempering of heavenly atmosphere, it is unbearable at this moment, and a sound of ‘Ka Ba Ka’ is made at the joints.

Oncoming a huge repulsive force, even Lin Lang could not bear it, and his body was shocked directly. Fortunately, he used gravity to shift in time to move the body forward.

The two forces interacted and cancelled, and finally stood firm on the sixty-first floor. Although I wasn't directly bombarded with nine transfers to the Yunjie, it was a bit difficult to move forward.

Even the heavenly body has reached its limit, what else can he do to impact the sixty-second step?

Lin Lang frowned.

At this time, four round seven-colored pansams fell into the sky and were suspended on the side of Lin Lang. The four seven emotions enlighten Dao Dan are his reward for passing the sixty-first step.

"There is another way." Lin Lang's eyes brightened. With his current physical strength, it was indeed harder to make a half-step forward, and it was extremely difficult to strike the sixty-second step.

But what if he took it one step further?

Reaching the fifth-order immortal, the physical body will certainly grow in a straight line, impacting the sixty-second step, and even the seventy-first step.

Isn't there a Needy Destiny Dan on him now?

Lin Lang took out the best Dandan from the Spirit Ring, but he hesitated when the elixir was about to be delivered to the entrance.

The reward for going to Yunjie through Nine Turns is Destroyer Dan. Now it happens to be able to be used to shock the next step. Is it too coincident?

But even that thought.

Lin Lang eventually swallowed Dan.

The powerful medicine of Need for Destroyer Dan was instantly inspired, and melted into the limbs. This time the breakthrough was unexpectedly smooth. When the medicine of Po Jing Dan was completely refined, the surface of Jin Dan in Lin Lang's body once again had a silver streak.

Fifth-order human fairy!

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