Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 633: Cut the Eight-Striped Immortals

The voice fell, and two figures landed in front of everyone.

At this moment, everyone's attention was turned away. I wanted to see who was so arrogant at the end, even Gan Tao didn't look at it.

"It's you?"

Gan Tao frowned, glanced, and instantly recognized the identities of the two, and then he said lightly: "Lin Youye, you have such a daring courage that you dare to speak like this. You think you are in Zhongzhou Is it right for me to kill a few ants in the city? "

Subsequently, Qian Tao's eyes stared at Jian Hongfei's face for a while. He can be ignored regardless of Lin Youye, but Jian Hongfei has a special identity, but is the future leader of Zhen Wuzong.

Of this status, he naturally did not want to easily offend.

"I didn't expect you to mingle with Lin Youye. Why, did Zhenwuzong reconcile with Lin Youye?" Gan Tao said lightly.

"There is no need to reconcile, one day I will go to Zhenwu Zong in person one day." Lin Lang took a step forward and said, "It's you, if you don't roll, don't blame me for killing you now."

Somehow, a strange look appeared on the faces of the people around. Someone laughed and laughed, "I'm not mistaken. He even said that he would kill Gan Tao. Is it because of his practice of four-printed fairy?"

Although Lin Youye once had the feat of continuously cutting more than 20 immortals, in the eyes of most powerful men, although he is a difficult character, his own strength is far from reaching the level of the eight-faced immortals.

Only by means of a conspiracy to escape from Zhongzhou City.

"Kill me? A four-striped immortal who hasn't even reached the perfect realm threatened to kill me? Who gave you the courage?" Gan Tao seemed to hear the most funny joke in the world and laughed out loud.

After a moment, Gan Tao's face became cold.

"Also, my master will accompany you today for fun."

The words fell, Gan Tao's whole person stepped out, and with each foot falling, there was a faint shadow of a wild goose emerging under his feet, which is very strange.

"Going back to the wild goose." Everyone looked dignified. Qian Tao's show is the mastery of the Sundial Gate, the fourth-order superb supernatural power. It is said that after the Dacheng, he can compete with the Hongyan who has the blood of the beast.

Lin Lang's face remained unchanged. At this moment, his body flickered, and the whole person disappeared, leaving only a ghost image. Gan Tao blasted directly, but what was broken was the shadow left by Lin Lang.

"It's a bit of a trick." Qian Tao was slightly surprised, and the second level of Yanbu's return to the first step, the whole person doubled the speed and intercepted directly in front of Lin Lang.

"Do you still want to run? The cat and mouse game is over." Gan Tao teased.

"I just started." Lin Lang faintly uttered his voice. He stepped on the night body, punched golden elephant punches in his hands, smashed the mighty punches, crushed the air, and vigorously split the mountain.

There was also a touch of dignity on Gan Tao's face, and at this moment Lin Lang's strength was enough to make him face up, not much weaker than his strength.

"Blue sky." Gan Tao gave a low sigh and waved his palms, leaving a turquoise ripple, which stirred the surrounding aura upside down, and the spiritual frenzy fell like a pouring rain.

Both palms waved strongly, dancing.

There is a world power.


Lin Lang took a few steps backwards, and once again played the Golden Elephant Boxing. When the Golden Elephant Boxing was played in the second style, he collided with Qian Tao's palms, evenly divided, and no one could help each other.

When the third form of the Golden Elephant Boxing fell, Gan Tao was directly hit and flew out, and he stabilized his body only a few hundred meters later.

"Look at you." Qian Tao snorted again, and cast the blue sky again. There was a clear green sky in front of him, and there were no clouds. He was standing under the blue sky, and his height became a little taller, just like the God of War general.

Behind him, a withering river hangs down from the sky. The bones in the river float, exuding a sense of ghosts, just like the nine quiet yellow springs.

The smell changed.

"Blue sky Huangquan!"

Gan Tao shouted, Huang Quan turned upside down, surging and surging, like a winding dragon, sweeping Lin Lang in.

Lin Lang didn't care. He was still holding up a golden elephant fist. A wild idol stepped behind him. Four optimistic giant feet fell, and the earth shook.

But the golden idol only showed half of it, the front body was out, the hind limbs were missing, and there was no manifestation at all.

This is only half-style.

With Lin Lang's current practice as the fourth and only semi-style of Jinxiangquan, this situation will appear. It is estimated that it is only possible to perform the fourth type of golden elephant fist only when the golden pattern of the four lines is completed.

But even so, the power is not trivial.

The golden idols rushed along with Lin Lang's fist, tearing a huge gap directly in Huangquan. The spring water splashed and the turquoise clear sky began to distort.


Huang Quan collapsed suddenly.

Into countless auras dissipated between heaven and earth.

Lin Lang was Yu Wei wrapped in golden elephant fist, and a punch was deeply imprinted on Gan Tao's chest, breaking 24 ribs in his body, and his organs were shattered by the power of this punch.

Gan Tao flew out and smashed a mountain peak.


Gan Tao deserves the name of a high-end human fairy. Even if the ribs are broken, the internal organs tremble into debris, but as long as the heart and head are still there, they will not die in a short time.

When he realized that Lin Lang was chasing and killing him, he waved a simple oil lamp with jade as a wick, a translucent string as a wick, and the lamp oil showed blood brown, exuding dim light.

This oil lamp has some origins, but it was made by a murderer in Tian Mo Ling, asking for the magic jade as the lamp, and the human fairy bones as the wick.

Burning kerosene is the blood of immortals.

Such a fierce lamp, even if the light is very soft, but the gleaming **** lamp oil, the cold temperature emanating from it, is creepy.

"Sacrifice the lamp with my blood."

Gan Tao slammed his chest, spit out a large mouthful of blood, and the oil mist was contaminated with the oil lamp, making the oil lamp shine instantly, and a hundred feet of blood was emitted between the beards.

And this time.

A dark seven-inch bone nail instantly penetrated the blood and directly inserted into the oil lamp, breaking the wick. The oil lamp became dim and no longer threatened.

A gorgeous sword flashed.

Gan Tao's head fell to the ground, and he died by fate.

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